
Bad sax is better than no sax at all I guess.
She had me until sax player. Lamest fucking instrument ever. All's I can vision is douche bro Rob Lowe in st elmos fire. Run, don't walk.
@2: Think Sonny Rollins, not Rob Lowe.
I love these follow-ups. More, please.
To be honest, the first one was not a letter that I had a burning need to have a follow-up for.
Still don't think the guy GTFO was with was an asshole but I'm glad it all worked out I guess.
hooray! I love a happy ending. And I love when letter-writers take Dan's sensible advice and actually take action to address and fix their problems.
Nice of GTFO to get back to us. Even nicer that it worked out so well.
@6: He wasn't ready for what he wanted to sign on for. Not the most willful asshole, but would've worked out extremely poorly for what she needed at her stage in life.
@2: More Sil Austin, less Kenny G.
@2 @10

Clarence Clemons.
@9: This is all I was saying before:…
@11 Thank you. How a person could know that Clarence Clemons existed in the world (not anymore, sadly) and associate all sax players with Rob Lowe is a mystery to me. And there are and have been many other sax players with deep reservoirs of cool and not even a trace of douhiness.
@GTFO: So you invited British Guy home after dating for a few months. And now you're thinking "happily ever after" after dating another guy for a few months.

Sounds like you have a problem overcommitting in relationships. Might want to work on that. You have plenty of time to date around and meet someone nice.
@14: Absolutely, happy for her, but keep her wits about her!
Rob Lowe onstage wearing that yellow bat-silhoutte-appliqué tank top was the #1 homoerotic moment of 1985. You can look it up.
Thanks to Deadpool, the first thing that comes to my mind these days is "Careless Whisper".

It had been YEARS since I'd even thought of that song.
I third @14 & @15. Take it as fast as you like with romps in the sack, but take it slow with commitment!
Well, at least the first letter didn't really annoy, and she still has Mr Savage's email address. I suspect she may provide us with an even more interesting question in future. It doesn't seem as if the interval improved her much, but the evidence is a bit thin.

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