


I think this article has been recycled more than once.


Seems this would have warranted an addendum about death by silicone, in light of subsequent events.


What craigslist personals?? Ah, 2012


clutches pearls


Retread. Nothing more to add.


It had to be a repeat, since the name Dylan Hafertepen didn't appear even once..


"While this is a more extreme form of kink play, if done under sterile conditions with hospital-grade materials, it can be accomplished with a minimal risk," says Master Dart.

This aged well.


If this gets repeated again it really should include an addendum explaining that saline inflation can be kinda dangerous but don't ever do silicone inflation because that can be deadly.


Yes, given the well-publicized death due to silicone injections that people have mentioned here and that I just googled, it seems unwise to run this again without mentioning how dangerous the silicone version of this is. Dan mentions silicone offhand as a joke about things it would be ridiculous to inject, but it feels like a more serious disclaimer is warranted, no?


Look at the bright side: we got the link to the original post, not the original rerun.


((I thought I remembered this one when I saw the title that I wouldn't want to read even if it wasn't a repeat, so PageDown PageDown YES!)) thank goodness I was spared from reading a single word of it this time, yay!


PLEASE stop with the re-re-re-reruns.


Seriously, this was rerrun already again last a month ago. Even my shit short term memory remembers this one


When it's not new, maybe the more re-runs the better (so we remember them) and the more disturbing the better (perhaps that gets the attention of new readers).


I’m not really interested in the whole monster balls thing, but I would very much like to grow a disproportionately massive butt.


@16 Wandering Stars
Some here already /are/ disproportionately massive butts.


p.s. As for the cultural obsession with disproportionately massive LITERAL butts, I don't relate to that at all.

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