

That last bit reminded me to re-share something that I didn't know until my doctor told me 6 months ago:
The HPV vaccine is now approved for men and women up to ages 45 and protects against 9 common strains of the virus. Just got my final round and my totally nothing special health insurance paid for 100% of it.
It hasn't really been in the news since it was only approved for teen girls, so thought I'd FYI all over ya'll.


"and who touches the sink in an airplane toilet, anyway?"
Apparently this person, who touches the sink with the bare underside of their junk.


Rereading my comment above I totally sound like a bot. If I were, I'd be a reeeeeeeally inefficient bot.


Go NocuteName!


The sink pee-er reminded me of the bad joke,

"My wife is such a bad housekeeper, when I go to pee. . . the sink is full of dishes."


Congratulations nocute.


Passenger_Shaming seems to be more into piss than feet.


Doug @3 yeah, you should at least have mentioned that your doctor from @1 is the great spellcaster doctor Malawi.


Shout out to NoCuteName! Dan, if you want to give her a guest column next time you go on vacation instead of rerunning columns, I would be happy with that.

"No one thinks before it happens that they will have to make the decision to have, or not have, an abortion." Uh, but everyone having PIV sex should. Do people actually NOT think about what they would do if they accidentally got pregnant? I find it hard to believe it's anything more than a stupid minority who know PIV can get you pregnant and don't think about what they'd do. (Not to shit on the LW, who thought she couldn't get pregnant for medical reasons.)
"Very few women actually regret abortion" -- uh, doesn't it stand to reason that the minority of women who regret their abortions are the ones who didn't want to have them? What an odd post.

IUDs: Surely it stands to reason that men with longer penises may feel the IUD but men with smaller ones won't? (I've never had an IUD.)

"who touches the sink in an airplane toilet, anyway?" Well, certainly not me anymore! Creative solution but I'm now adding hand sanitiser to my travel list for all flights. Probably trains too. Damn.

Thanks for the info, Dougsf @1!


I always travel with my little bottle of hand sanitizer, Fan. Something soothing about killing all those germs.
Second your suggestion re nocute being guest adviser.


Kudos to everyone who commented
(er, minus the holy army of anti-choice drop-ins)
for trying to help ETGAETL.

Particularly our own Columnist NoCuteName. When I got to "He cannot live with having a child he cannot raise." I couldn't stand it anymore, but NoCute had the compassion to hang in there and name the LW's "selfish manipulator".

"He cannot live with having a child he cannot raise."
I'm torturing myself now. Every time I read those words it makes me crazy.
"He cannot live with having a child he cannot raise."
Oh for /fucks/ sake!


Exactly, Curious @11. "He cannot live with having a child he cannot raise." Then come clean to the wife and help raise the child. Or get a vasectomy so you'll never be in this position. Wanker.


Actually, Bi, a wanker is what he should be in order to avoid being in this position.


Congratulations, NoCuteName! So well said and summarized. I agree with BiDanFan @9 and LavaGirl @10. It would be lovely to have you as a SL guest columnist for Dan when he's on vacation or out of town.


Yeah, he didn't care about his existing kids enough to keep his dick in his pants - he's just a liar and manipulator who doesn't want to face consequences.


@13 Ricardo
I wonder if that's why (if I'm to believe the briefest google ever[1]) the word changed meaning to a more generic insult?

A 'may he /only/ wank'. (Similarly in 'fuck you' could be the sense of 'may you /never/ fuck'.)

[1] Is there a word yet for 'just reading the Google results without even clicking on one'?


Curious @ 16 - Isn't broadening their field of application what all insults are wont to do, though? But when I'm being pedantic (and when am I not? you may ask), I like to use this one literally.

As for "just reading the Google results without even clicking on one", i personally call it "googling", since that's what I do a few hundred times a day in my work - who has time to actually read more than the three lines of text below each result, if that?


@17 Ricardo
"...i personally call it "googling"..."

LOL. Most of the time I need to delve deeper than the results page. And I guess I could start calling clicking on a result "research".


Curious @ 18 - Yes, that's serious research right there as far as I'm concerned. I'm having to do a bit of that these days, and it's such a chore!!!


Curious @16, yes, "wanker" when used as an insult is not meant to literally imply the person masturbates, which, indeed, would have kept him out of this predicament, but is a general British term meaning loser.


@20 BiDanFan
Ah I like "wanker" as loser, that definition seems fitting as deriving from one who /only/ wanks, never fucks.


@21 p.s.
I mean that only as a comment upon the word as language, not to denigrate anyone prefers not to fuck or prefers wanking to fucking etc.


I'm with keeping the baby and tossing the f'd up father.
You're likely never going to get pregnant again, and you want to have a baby. So do.
BF can't live not raising a child? Move away from him and the drama.
It's not that complex.


Curious @21-@22, it does seem to be a problematic term now it's being picked apart. No, no one who prefers masturbating or "can't" get laid should be considered inferior. And yes, technically almost all of us are wankers. Should have just called him an asshole, I suppose, but wanker seemed to express his pathetic-ness better. If I hadn't failed to take into account it not being broadly known on the other side of the pond!


Jeez Louise- why the hell did Confused feel the need to confess every tiny thought and feeling that crossed her brain (and lips) to the spouse?
Girl needs a filter.

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