Mark Rabe
EVENT: He's in Incorruptible at Seattle Public Theater, playing a pragmatic monk selling bones as religious relics.

Do you have any personal relics that you believe have magical powers? "I would have to say the closest thing I have is my dream-catcher."

What, exactly, is a dream-catcher? "It's a Native American sort of thing--a small hoop, a few inches across, with a web woven in the center made out of, I believe, animal sinew."

What does it do? "It screens bad dreams."

As in, screens them out. "Yes. As opposed to showing them."

Your father is a minister--what kind? Fire and brimstone, or touchy-feely New Age? "Neither. Rather tightly wound, very conservative--he's standard fundamentalist evangelical."

And yourself? "I'd say I'm an escaped and recovering fundamentalist."

Any lingering effects? "Lots of them. Roving guilt."

About what? "Not being--what--a responsible person. It's almost as good as Catholic guilt, as far as I can tell."

Where does it fall short? "It's more insidious and you don't get to confess it to another person who then tells you you're absolved--you're supposed to deal with it yourself. It's between you and God."

What have you felt guilty about lately? "Hmmmmmmm. Sloughing off at my office job--I hope my boss doesn't read this. Being late having my lines memorized for the show. Not keeping my portion of the house tidy enough."

How does the dream-catcher mesh with your upbringing? "It's a mild no-no. Good Christians don't mess with other religious traditions. Even though I don't consider myself a Christian anymore, my upbringing doesn't recognize that."

Do you dream about your father, or does the dream-catcher screen those out? "It's doing a good job of screening him out. Dad doesn't invade my dreams. He's perfectly capable of invading my life in person, when he chooses."

What would you sell that thing for? I'll give you a dollar. "It's priceless."

Ten dollars. "No."

A hundred. "No."

You don't believe I'm actually going to give you the money. "Actually, that would be true."