Quite Irritated

To clarify: I do NOT support ax murder. I do, however, support ax murderers. They're just doing their job.

Conversely, I tend to lean toward the support of grandmothering, if it's done for ingenuous causes, but I can't stand the notion of grandmothers per se. Smell funny, tend to drop dead. But being the secular humanist that I might be, I do hope that all grandmothers are brought home quickly and safely, having done (and having had done back to them) as little of the actual grandmothering that they're paid to be doing. And that's all I am going to say about that. I'm sure Adrien Brody agrees.

But now that you mention it, no, I never have heard of a niece "disowning" an uncle. But they say Waffa bin Laden disowned hers. They also say that Ms. bin Laden was "quite irritated" when she was forced to flee Manhattan and temporarily table her plans to become a pop princess after her uncle (the "disowned" one, they say) had some of his cronies get all kamikaze on the World Trade Center. Remember? They also say that Waffa was (and possibly still is) launching her singing career with the help of Madonna.

And yes, we're talking the same Madonna who was chased down by some nosy mother recently and accused of kidnapping her own daughter, Lourdes. Madonna had just dyed her hair brown and was picking Lourdes up from school. The accuser didn't recognize Madonna with brown hair and confronted her, leading me to suspect that the woman has been in and out of a sporadic coma since 1986. Poor darling.

And I just about crapped hot pink glee when I heard that Eminem has insisted that a UK hotel set aside 15 rooms to accommodate his beauty routine: two rooms for manly, manly gym equipment, but several more to serve as a "beauty center" (bwa ha ha!) including massage table, "yoga corner," steam room, spa for daily hair and skin treatments, and an entire room where he can have his tan sprayed on. "He likes all the skin treatments and wears moisturizer all the time," says a spy. "Women love his looks and he intends to keep them."

Yes. Women.

But I guess this confirms it: Elton John is contagious.

Which reminds me: You can take rumors that Justin Timberlake and What's-her-face Spears are secretly dating again and blow them out your fruity, fruity flugelhorn. The sky is blue, grass is green, war is an absolute evil, and Justin Timberlake is gayer than showtunes, dammit, and I don't care if he pumps every pop princess from here to Kalama-fagging-zoo--up to and including that quite-irritated Waffa person. Of course, that's just my opinion....
