I have the urge to hug you and throw money at you simultaneously. What kind of delicious pheromones are you secreting?

I was born and raised in Niger, which was French colonized, and I grew up cooking with my grandmother and mother. They really liked to experiment with food. Many people have that reaction, though; when I started this business I had a lot of help financially from generous strangers. It was wonderful to have that kind of support, especially because my family is still in Niger.

The crepe sauce is like a hug that fits in my mouth.

Yes, it is homemade. My favorite is to pair it with the salmon crepe. My husband prefers the habanero chicken sandwich.

Are the recipes your own?

Yes, but they are greatly influenced by my mother. She is so adventurous with all kinds of food—she'll go to a Vietnamese restaurant, for example, try new things, and then speak to the cooks about how they make their dishes. Then she tries to re-create them at home. This is how I was raised and how I love food—people bring the best flavors of their homes and share them with others.