Date: Sat May 21
Place: Noc Noc, 1516 Second Ave
Time: 7:30 pm

The space formerly known as the Art Bar has done a remarkable job of staying off the homogenous hipster radar. Every time I've been here the crowd is pretty damn eclectic and always seems to contain a mix of rambunctious hiphop kids, swarthy rockabilly punks, nerdy beatnik types, and a random smattering of goth-rockers (undoubtedly drawn to the blood-red walls, black velvet curtains, and large metal rendering of Satan over the bar). When I stop by during happy hour, things are relatively low-key; the bartender is pouring drinks for a handful of regulars, including one intriguing older gentleman with a walker who is savoring his cocktail with obvious enjoyment. Aside from the quirky scenery, Noc Noc has two huge selling points: extremely private, high-backed booths that are excellent settings for clandestine conversation, and inexplicably cheap and potent drinks. PBR and Millers are $1, not just during happy hour, but all the time-except for Mondays, when the price drops to a mere 50 cents. Although the DJ nights are typically some sort of drum and bass or industrial-goth noise, the jukebox is a reliably straightforward rock soundtrack that is currently playing a steady stream of staples like the Rolling Stones, Alice Cooper, and AC/DC. Walking past the row of booths en route to the ladies' room, I catch a collection of hippie-esque fellows arguing about sustainable farming, one solitary, skulking goth boy, and a couple of blue-collar guys taking advantage of those rock-bottom beer prices, as evidenced by the half-dozen Miller bottles on their table. The large back room is a tomb at this early hour-the dance floor is dark, save for sporadic glimmers coming from a disco ball. When I head back to the main bar, I see the older gentleman knock back the last of his drink and head for the door, sweetly thanking the bartender for his services. It sure would be nice if more downtown bars were this hospitable and affordable. HANNAH LEVIN