SPRING FECAL FEST-As the majestic season of spring approaches, much of Seattle's tilth-oriented community will be looking for fertilizer for their anticipated monster gardens. Fortunately for them, the folks down at the Woodland Park Zoo have been assiduously collecting all their zebra, elephant, and orangutan poop and turning it into "Zoo Doo." You can reserve your poop now by writing to Zoo Doo, Woodland Park Zoo, 5500 Phinney Ave N, Seattle, WA 98103. Hurry, as the deadline for poop requests is March 10.


GREAT JEANS GIVEAWAY-Seattle-based group Eating Disorders and Prevention is sponsoring this event, which caps the National Eating Disorders Awareness Week. Participants are encouraged to trade in those old Jordaches for something roomier and more Sir Mix-a-Lot, along with those outdated notions of skinny equaling beautiful. The first 25 people with jeans will win a prize. Westlake Park, Fourth & Pine, 10-2 pm, 382-3587, free.


NEUROTICS ANONYMOUS-This new Spanish-speaking group will use a 12-step approach to focus on emotional issues. More will be disclosed at this public information meeting. South Park Neighborhood Center, 8201 10th Ave S, 6:30 pm, free.

DR. GORDON HIRABAYASHI-Dr. Hirabayashi is a Seattle native who will discuss his experience of being a Japanese American during WWII. He refused to abide by the curfew imposed on Japanese Americans in Seattle, and resisted evacuation. In this lecture, Hirabayashi will also attempt to connect his personal experience with contemporary issues. Northwest Asian American Theatre, 409 Seventh Ave S, 543-6301, 1-3 pm, free.


DR. HEATHER ANN HARDER-This is your chance to get an up close and personal view of the only female presidential candidate running for either major party. Her platform apparently consists of the elimination of corrupt politics, conversion of the national income tax to a national sales tax, and full disclosure of classified UFO documents. Sponsored by the Art Bell chat club. Seattle Metaphysical Library, 1000 E Madison #B, 329-1794, 6-9 pm.