The first store in Seattle where you can legally buy marijuana opened on Tuesday. The future is now!

Smoking marijuana in public is still illegal in Seattle, though.

But do you know how much the fine is?

It's $27. And "whenever practical," the Seattle Police Department is expected to provide a warning for first-time violators instead of a fine.

Do you know how much the fine is for openly consuming alcohol in public?

It's $27. And since the Seattle Police Department has a lot—a LOT—more important stuff to work on right now, let's assume they'll provide a warning for drinking in public, too—or, better yet, politely look the other way from adults behaving just fine in public, drinking who-knows-what out of an opaque cup.

Seattle's never been better. Legal pot! Socialism! A living minimum wage on the way! Sunshine! As soon as we get the fines for public consumption of pot and alcohol off the books—the mayor's Twitter is @Mayor_Ed_Murray, tell him what you want—we'll be living in an Amsterdam-style paradise.

Meanwhile, happy summer!

—Bethany Jean Clement

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