American Pie was just boring: If you want to have sex, you’d better get a life first. High School Musical was worse: If you want to have a life, you’d better have sex. Compared to these, Easy A was a relief. I see it as the worthy heir of Mean Girls. You may not like this, but I have to, because French people wouldn’t have known Lindsay Lohan without it.

Just like in Mean Girls, Easy A’s heroine evolves from nice sweetie angel to evil lusty devil. Olive is a young girl whom nobody looks at. Question: Why should anybody look at you when you’re not famous, or incredibly gorgeous and handsome, or incredibly ugly and repulsive? Why do all average high school students want to be recognized and greeted in the corridors? Glee’s students are just the same. They joined the glee club because they wanted to be somebody. Isn’t there a shrimp to explain to you that the solution to your self-esteem issues is not in the way people look at you, but inside of you? Never mind. Sing, dance, have sex, I don’t care.

Because of a rumor she unwillingly starts, Olive becomes famous as the not-virgin-anymore girl of the high school. Then, a gay friend of hers asks her if she could pretend having sex with him so he can look straight to the other students. (Why would anyone want to look straight? They’re gross!) There starts Olive’s long descente aux enfers. Her reputation grows, and soon she is considered the slutty slut of the neighbourhood you just have to pay to have sex with. Condemned by the Jesus freaks, she boldly decides to play the role of the slutty slut.

That’s the good part of the movie.

Too bad that when she is eventually offered money for sex, she starts weeping and stops playing her lovely role. As if being a prostitute is definitely too low and dirty for her. That’s quite insulting for prostitutes. In a way, the Jesus freaks who Olive was fighting with her provocative attitude won the war. Pardon me for this spoiler, but just like in High School Musical, she doesn’t have sex once in the whole movie. And prostitutes are still those gloomy persons with no dignity. I expected better.

I’m so sad the Jesus freaks defeated her. It seems that even in your most insolent movies, your American puritanism must win to make a happy end. I am a believer, too, but I don’t think beliefs should be a bunch of rules you try to impose on everyone. Do you think the Messiah would have ever stood in front of an abortion clinic or a Gay Pride with a sign saying: “Dad hates fags” or “Dad is your enemy”? No freakin’ way, you Jesus freak. You’d better read the gospel instead of making stupid demonstrations.

I shall end this review with a salutation to all the hookers who are disregarded and despised. Courage, mes soeurs! Et vive les putes! recommended