It seemed dishonest for KFC to call its new product "Famous Bowls," considering they are brand new. But after consuming one in its entirety, I realize that "famous" refers to KFC's legendary flavors. KFC's mashed potatoes are whipped white heaven and that can only be traced to obscene amounts of butter and cream. The bits of corn are sweet; the bite-size chunks of fried chicken are crispy and ooze the proper amount of grease. But it is the KFC gravy that steals the show here—so peppery! So brown and comforting! Word to the wise: Skip the "three cheese blend" on top (it binds the contents together like glue, producing a bowl that looks like stomach contents), and order a side of tangy coleslaw to break up the heaviness. Famous Bowls are available at KFCs around Seattle and the nation ($3.99).

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