A few years ago, I managed to luck into a job with an high-tech company, and the money rolled in-- especially for a college drop-out with a spotty work history. This job ended, of course, but here is my confession: Four quarters ago, the aforementioned company gave me a giant annual bonus, driving up my earnings for the first quarter to a ridiculous sum. Since the Unemployment Department calculates benefits using your highest earning in recent quarters, I now get the maximum unemployment check allowed. I actually RECEIVE more money doing nothing than I did working. So here I am, sitting on my ass, while the rest of you grunt on at increasingly insecure jobs. Have fun while driving to work tomorrow! I'll be sleeping in 'til noon, then maybe doing a crossword puzzle. I'll drink some tea, do a little writing and reading, maybe take an afternoon nap. Next month, I'm going on a backpacking trip through Europe. How many of you can take a four-month vacation at 30? The best part is that with my work history--after all, I am a Project Director with 4+ years experience--I can look for a good job when the money runs out. Nothing but free time and fun until then! --Anonymous