I can't conceive of how your soul came to be so tainted. You went into our home and kidnapped members of my family. This dog was special to me, asshole. I was there the night he was born. I had to tear him from the placenta and tube feed him because his mother wouldn't do it. This dog was like my son and if you have mistreated him in any way, shape, or form, I am going skin you alive and drape the blankets of your revolting skin on my bedposts as a memento of how I made the world a better place by taking you out of it. I'll burn the rest of your body and cast your ashes off the top of the Space Needle. Take a deep look at yourself in the mirror, shitbag. You are stealing members of someone's family. You took two young puppies from their home—for a financial gain of $1,400. You sick bastard. It's people like you that make this society so fucked up. When I think of how sad he probably is to be away from us, it makes me want to puke. There is more to life, fuckface. Fear the day I find you because when I do I am going to send your filthy soul back to whatever armpit of hell it came from.
