Working at spas for the past 13 years sure has been fun, but I'll tell you what isn't fun—dealing with you pathetic excuses for mothers who come in for spa treatments that you "need." Yes, I know that you are sooooo busy getting manicures and facials, shopping, and lunching with your friends. That's why you are always 20 minutes late to your appointment, spend half the time talking on your cell phone, and then rush out like you actually have somewhere important to be. Hey, I know somewhere important for you to be—AT HOME WITH YOUR FREAKING CHILDREN! Remember them? The little ones who spend the entire day with the au pair whom you treat like crap while you spend the day ignoring your kids and fulfilling your selfish desires. Sure, have an au pair because you work all day, but letting someone else raise your children because you'd rather spend the day at the spa is deplorable.
