10. "Plus, I haven't read every book, seen every movie, or listened to every album released in 2014, so if I have no claim to comprehensiveness, why would my list even matter?"

9. "Lists are just lazy comment bait."

8. "Lists are equally insulting to writers and readers. You can't be bothered to read an article? I can't be bothered to write one! Here, have a list instead."

7. "What are you, fucking 6 years old? You think anyone cares about your numerical rankings of art? How self-important are you?"

6. "You know what would be mildly interesting? If you compiled a list of the best 10 albums of five years ago. The hindsight and historical context would make that valuable. A list of this year's best is just rushed garbage that would be laughable to reread in 10 years, if anyone ever even bothered to reread year-end lists at all. Which they don't."

5. "I guess if you asked a musician to list the top 10 songs on their own album, that might be kind of all right. For a second or two. Maybe. Probably not."

4. "The central, looming problem with the list conceit is that you have to pretend that writers actually know how to count."

3. "Being ironic about it doesn't make your list any more relevant. Lists consume irony and shit it out again. Lists destroy everything they touch."

2. "Who cares what some dipshit on the internet thinks is the difference between an arbitrary number four and an arbitrary number three?"

1. "Year-end lists are the last refuge of lazy journalists about to go on vacation." recommended