Boys in Our Hoods

The Sound of a Coconut/West Seattle/ Wed Nov 26/11:50 pm: Just after 1 am on September 13, two 18-year-olds at a party became involved in a heated argument over a bottle of Captain Morgan rum. One teen (described in this report--authored by Officer Patrick Chang--as being white, of medium build, and having brown hair and brown eyes) challenged the other teen (who did not merit a description in this report). Both walked outside, followed by a group of people from the party. The brown-haired teen put on some gloves, turned to the group, and warned them to go back into the house for their own safety. Some took his advice and returned to the party; about six stayed and watched from a distance. The brown-haired teen then pulled out a silver revolver from the front folds of his baggy clothes and pointed it at the unidentified teen. Suddenly there was a loud noise that witnesses later described as sounding like "a coconut hitting the ground." The unidentified teen had been struck on the head by the butt of the gun, and fallen backwards like a great pine tree, hitting the ground with no grace or effort to break his fall. He just hit the earth hard.

At this point, the report becomes fuzzy, due in part to Officer Chang's want as a writer and the numerous passages redacted by the police censors. But this, I think, is what happened: While the unidentified teen was on the ground moaning in pain and watching the stars whirling in his head and the sky, the brown-haired teen then pulled out a Taser from another recess in his clothes, bent over his fallen enemy, and "tazed" him. The fallen teen "felt the effects of the electricity and went numb." Another teen, also 18 years old, became concerned and attempted to intervene. But the brown-haired teen pointed his loaded silver pistol at his face and challenged him "to do something." The teen put his hands up and backed away. Feeling the raw thrill of power, the white teen with the brown hair began to yell, "Westside, we hold down the Westside!"

A neighbor called 911, and by the time the police and medics arrived, the brown-haired teen had fled the scene. Office Chang reports: "[The teen I fail to identify in this report] was bleeding profusely, when personnel arrived. The Seattle Fire Department determined that he had a serious head injury, and transported him to Harborview Medical Center. Meanwhile, people at the party were reluctant to say what had happened; they did not want to get involved.... Once the victim had arrived at HMC, it was determined that he had a fractured skull. The head injury required surgery, without which the victim would have sustained permanent damage on the left side of his brain, impairing his speech forever. At the time of this report [November 26], victim has not recovered. As a result of the injury, he had to take a quarter off his first year of college at Western Washington University, where he had received a scholarship."

On October 2, the brown-haired teen was arrested for another crime, and is presently doing time at the King County Youth Service Center.