Rob Lowe—not the Rob Lowe—is a night-shift public-safety officer at Harborview Medical Center. Sometimes he transports injured bodies or witnesses autopsies: "They can be obscene. You just have to have a sense of humor about them." Sometimes he must forcibly restrain drugged-out perpetrators: to insert catheters, for instance, or to affix spit sock hoods, designed to impede the transfer of saliva when patients begin biting the staff. He has also been a set designer, a cruise-ship receptionist, and a firefighter: "I've been in explosions." Working in hotel security, he's served as a bodyguard to the stars, including Britney Spears, Aretha Franklin, and Ellen DeGeneres, who was especially "not too friendly."

Outside work, Rob builds intricate Lego sets (they're like "dollhouses for little boys") and then carefully displays them in the corner window of his ground-floor apartment unit on Capitol Hill, using empty cottage-cheese and salad-dressing containers to create makeshift levels. There's a jail, a haunted castle, an ambulance station, a lighthouse, a pet store, a duplex, and an ice cream stand, among other things, and the pedestrian details make the scenes endearing. Watch for: Lego lawn mowers, garbage trucks, chain saws, coffeemakers, swivel chairs, conveyor belts, streetlights, and fridges stocked with tiny plastic hot dogs. There are even a couple Lego trees on Lego fire. Stop by. It's free. (600 E Denny Way, blinds open daily 2 pm–3 am) recommended