

If you qualify for the Shingles Vax series, fucking get it. Don't be like Feinstein.


Appeals court was 5th district, aka Texas. The rest of America will continue to ignore them, and you will see the 7th and other districts weigh in saying "yes, we can mail it" soon.


medical autonomy anyone?


I think we need to limit all offices to people under 75. Yes, all offices, all candidates, all parties.


@7 I think all elected offices should be filled by random selection, like jury duty, and should be limited to 1 term. All problems solved.


@2 you are so correct. I got the old shingles vax, and then my pharmacist said there was a new one, so I got that. Made me as sick as a dog; worse vax side effects I've ever had, hot and cold shivers, feeling like crap, and my arm really hurt. But you know what? Having shingles is worse. 24 hours of merely feeling crap, compared to how long the misery of shingles lasts (and Feinstein was hospitalized, she had it really bad): yes, I'll take it, thanks.


It's a good thing there's not a crisis with the judiciary being polluted by MAGA fascists. No real sense of urgency for Feinstein to show up so Dems can approve judges. Nope. Keep being old and useless on the taxpayers dime Dianne.


@12 - I got the new one, too, but I only experienced a very sore arm for a few days. You're right that just about any side effect is better than getting shingles. My Dad had it, and it was some of the worst misery he had experienced, and he had severe rheumatoid arthritis! My Grandmother died from complications that arose from her having shingles.

Get vaxxed for it!


They seriously proposed getting permission from a supervisor with a straight face?

After the deception, the Office of Police "Accountability" determined that the people who actually spread the lies bore no responsibility, because their supervisors "failed to sufficiently supervise the misinformation effort and that this resulted in a lack of clarity ". In other words, they had permission from their supervisor when this event occurred. What's worse is that both of the supervisors were retired at the time of the report, meaning that there were effectively no consequences. I'm not a fan of punitive justice, but this is coming from the organization that is responsible for dragging people away in handcuffs if they don't follow the rules. When it comes to the public, nothing but brutal enforcement. When it comes to their own officers, excuses and cover-ups.

The reporting - both the OPA report and the media reports (at least the ones I saw) - also failed to discuss the most egregious part of the lies. They didn't just say that there were open-carry proud boys approaching the protestors, they also said "One Alpha to radio. Just be advised the group is very boisterous tonight so if you get some calls about some kind of menacing verbiage. That is all it is". In other words, if somebody calls you saying that the Proud Boys are threatening you, don't take it seriously, don't respond. If violence breaks out, the protestors are on their own. That was the message they intentionally spread.

OPA report:


@2 Max Solomon, @12 originalcinner, and @15 Morty: I got the Shingles vaccine and booster last year, and had some really bad pain in my arm. I'm fine now. I agree with the three of you: if you're eligible, get the shot! Shingles are complete misery with those diagnosed. That's sad about Dianne Feinstein.

@9 TacomaRoma: Are you feeling all right?

Thank heavens for SOME good news about keeping mifepristone on the market. We need a federal ban on RepubliKKKans.

Hooray for our Southern resident orcas, and thank you, NOAA, for ensuring that boaters distance themselves. We need to also ensure the recovery of chinook salmon, too, if we want future generations to witness the incredible beauty or these noble marine animals.


"The City told her that the [vacant] lot's maintenance was up to her, and boy did she do that maintenance. The homeowner put a ton of money and time into the lot, and now it's what Crosscut called a 'refuge for people and wildlife.'"

I once spent days clearing a salmonberry grove
with the Help of Buddy the Golden Retriever
there was little meandering stream and I'd
unearth a root and he'd pull it out and it
was Park-like in no time. we were play-
ing Frisbee and lost one into the grove
and Denny the Wonder dog* brought
it back half-filled with water and a
trout minnow. totally Worth it.

*black lab retriever
par excellence


@18 Sir Toby II That's a fair point, although I would note that not everybody who participated in the protests was a true abolitionist, many just wanted accountability. Regardless, the point is not whether or not the officers would have responded to such a call had one been placed. The Proud Boys they were referring to in that comment didn't even exist. The point is by spreading that message - and they had every reason to believe that the protestors listening in would take them seriously - they were telling the protestors that there was no longer a choice about working with the police or not. They were on their own. Considering that the charge was that the disinformation inflamed tensions and raised the likelihood of violence, the message is damning regardless of what the protestors wanted.

Also, the officers swore an oath to protect and serve. Standing by while someone is attacked is a betrayal of that oath, regardless of the political opinion of the victim. Regardless of whether or not the officer would have followed through on that threat, spreading that message undermines trust in the department at the time when they needed to build it the most.


Whataboutism is not a valid argument.

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