Natalie, I don't think you ever go to the Waterfront, and I'm not sure if you remember the Viaduct, either.
It's not a highway, it's a 4-lane arterial.
To say it works the "same way" as the viaduct is factually incorrect. The roadways are AT GRADE.
We never "did without the highway". a 4-lane arterial has been maintained through construction.
it IS going to be a park. a linear park.
FFS, look at the website:
just like Housing
ain't a Human right
women have the Right
to do whatevertheFuck the
menfolk Say. smile: it's just a
little Friendly Fascism. like on FOX
it Can't happen here
it CAN"T happen Here
Well that sucks about the light rail delays--especially for those benefitting the most from the commuter service. That must be some clock at Westlake Center.
I got a real charge out of FYI Guy, Gene Balk's survey poll recently taken in the Seattle Times. A big number of people leaning RepubliKKKan said they hate it here and will likely move. Good. The more RepubliKKKans, their MAGAt peons, and panhandling transient meth & fetanyl addicted troublemakers leaving Washington State, the better. I hope the door to the next departing Greyhound bus doesn't hit them in the asses on the way out.
Enjoy that weekend sunshine, folks. Yaaay that spring is finally here! But you might want to wait on outdoor swimming just yet. Puget Sound is still cold, no matter how nice it is outside and blue the sky.
We can't make this shit up. What started as an annual festival in 1983 to help bolster a slow rural economy is now the War of the Tulips! Where are Michael Douglas, Kathleen Turner, and Danny DeVito (from the black satirical 1989 comedy, The War of the Roses) when you need them?
Legalities galore in Tulip Town vs. Tulip Valley Farms---all for the last U.S. dollar and / or Canadian loonie.
All so a septic tidal wave of ~6.5 + million people can roll into Skagit County, turning every street, road, and highway into a parking lot because someone up ahead is going 12 mph in a 45 mph zone, with blinkers on (NOT operating a John Deere tractor but trying to maneuver a double wide Winnebago down a narrow gravel road). All so every restaurant and eatery from Conway to Bow can boast of 1 1/2 hour wait times for a table. All so hotel / motel / inn / B&B proprietors can brag about being full for the past six months in advance, and good luck finding any parking. All to remind local residents to pray not to have doctor's appointments or medical emergencies of any kind during the months of March, April, and now May due to excessively heavy traffic congestion. All so that the dearth of public restrooms once again makes national headlines when tulip tourons* are caught pooping in fields and in the yards of locals. All so that reported traffic backups make historical numbers. All so that the cold winter has dragged this annual madness into extra weeks, well into May.
All of this is among a number of reasons why I'm so grateful to live in Whatcom County.
* Thank you, Ron Judd, Editor of Cascadia Daily News for the apt new term.
Will Mike Pence tell all? If so, may this truly be the end of the Orange Turd and the GOP.
That Vivace location was such a big part of my life when I lived in Seattle. My favorite coffee in Seattle by far. I loved Brian (RIP), he was so friendly and kind. The spicy hot apple cider was such a treat every fall/winter. Sad news.
@21 xina: It truly is sad news to lose Vivace and the specialness of what that coffee house provided.
So many treasured landmarks of Seattle are being lost. I find this heartbreaking. As a Seattle native I feel as though I don't know my own city anymore. Rest in peace, Brian.
@2 -- Yeah, it isn't nearly as bad as people claim, and it will be much nicer than it was before. But it is still overbuilt. Hardly anyone is using the tunnel, so why are building an alternative to a tolled road that has two lanes each direction? One road each way (with at most a center turn lane) is fine.
We cannot get a new sewer line put in place by the city in the central district running east and west on Washington South. Even though the line is over 100 years old and possibly made of clay. At least two homes have been flooded and a lawsuit was won from the city in one of the cases because it was proven that it was the city’s fault. The neighbors are starting to organize to fight for a new line and have a tree removed nearby that appears to damaging a homeowners line. Are we being redlined? If so its by race and class.
When a government body allow 200 people to die on the street last year because there is no suitable shelter/housing for them we wonder what their intent may be. And how many hundreds before this? Call me a pinko for complaining honey but facts are facts and its hard to hide behind that. Sure will continue to rock the boat because we want justice.
With less than a year left in office, how will CM Sawant have time to call each and every last one of them a “corporate whore” and “sellout”?
@2: Like their hero, CM Sawant, the Stranger never, ever lets go of a grudge. The tunnel defeated the Stranger’s accidental mayor, the loser McGinn, and thus, they will hate the tunnel forever and ever and evermore, too. You and your silly little ‘facts’ are no match for their blistering, hate-filled rage. They’d rather die than enjoy a viaduct-free sunset from near the waterfront.
@25...said the 40 year old MAGAt epic fail going on 16, with an alcohol and junk food induced pot belly, receding hairline to match his ugly goatee, and child support payments to make. Take one last look in your bathroom mirror, and don't let the door to the next Greyhound bus hit you in the ass on your way back to Muskogee.
Craig Coyner’s descent onto the streets of Bend, Ore., came after decades spent fighting as a lawyer and politician for those on the edge of society.
top Readers' pick
comment from
the Article:
In the wealthiest society the world has ever known, this is a not uncommon story. For want of a safe place to live and consistent medical care, a good man's life fell apart into misery.
What are all of our riches good for if we cannot address the needs of people like this, who cannot manage life by themselves? A prescription and a warm, dry bed could have saved Coyner's life and allowed him to perhaps be a productive citizen again.
Is it too much to ask that we sacrifice a tiny bit of society's wealth to make sure stories like this are a rare occurrence?
--Pinus contorta; Oregon. April 28
Maybe we should establish a fund for Republicans who want to leave the state. They'd be happier, we'd be happier, and we'd have a lot less dead weight in our population. As we all know, Republicans are not only horrible people, they are extremely gullible.
@36 -- Shame
about @34 all that
Time so Leetle reward
I know
just how
you Feel:
"In the wealthiest society the world has ever known, this is a not uncommon story. For want of a safe place to live and consistent medical care, a good man's life fell apart into misery.
What are all of our riches good for if we cannot address the needs of people like this, who cannot manage life by themselves? A prescription and a warm, dry bed could have saved Coyner's life and allowed him to perhaps be a productive citizen again.
Is it too much to ask that we sacrifice a tiny bit of society's wealth to make sure stories like this are a rare occurrence?"
--Pinus contorta; Oregon. April 28
@28 re @27: Obviously I nailed your pathetic description to a tee or you wouldn't so desperately be crawling back for more. Are you lonely or just plain bored? Either way you're pissed because I and others managed to hit you and your equally whiny big brother, lil 'shroom, in your saggy prunes. Again. Take a good look in your rear view mirror on your way out, LoserKinga, and try not to get blinded by the glaring reflection of your cavernous MAGAt buttcrack. Enjoy your full moon, compliments of WAL*MART cheap beer & Twinkies, and hasta la vista, transient druggie.
@32 Catalina Vel-DuRay for the WIN!! Excellent suggestion--our thrice elected Governor Jay Inslee might go for ousting as many disgruntled RepubliKKKans as possible. I wonder if Inslee would be up for building a wall at the Idaho border, too, to make sure they stay out once they leave Washington State, limiting entry from Idaho for abortion seeking women only? The least we can do as a blue state is protect as many women and girls from neofascist RepubliKKKan RWNJs and domestic terrorists as we can.
I'm for castrating all RepubliKKKan males--particularly any entering or even threatening to enter Washington State.
@34 & @36, re @28: Much as you like to pat yourself on the back for taking in strays, raindrop dear, I think it's getting way past your little boy's bedtime.
@41 kristofarian: Methinks the sooner we can snip RepubliKKKans, RWNJs, and MAGAts in the 'shrooms, the better. No more MAGAts inbreeding like sewer rats. Death to the oligarchy!
@42 & @44: Uh-oh. It's hard to picture Griz as Mommy Dearest. Did I hit you in the Bazinga, raindrop dear?
@46: I was only teasing you, raindrop dear! Thank you for sharing. I have heard of Johnny Guitar, a 1954 Western starring Sterling Hayden in the title role and Joan Crawford, but have never seen it in full. I looked for it on Google and gave some key scenes a viewing. I might be able to find a copy of the film on DVD at a local store. Joan, as feisty Vienna, plays a mean piano, and Mercedes McCambridge, as Emma Small, was an insanely jealous little witch who delighted at the idea of Vienna's hanging.
Plebeian, raindrop dear? Don't confuse college educated Griz with Phallus Impudicus and his lapdog, Bazinga. They're the currently reigning plebeian champs on SLOG.
@44: Ugh on Griz playing Emma Small! Jealousy is not my thing. I'd love to portray Vienna. I can play the piano pretty well and can get feisty when I need to. Think Shirley MacClaine's Ouiser Boudreaux in Steel Magnolias (1989). ;)
How big was that clock? Good heavens.
Natalie, I don't think you ever go to the Waterfront, and I'm not sure if you remember the Viaduct, either.
It's not a highway, it's a 4-lane arterial.
To say it works the "same way" as the viaduct is factually incorrect. The roadways are AT GRADE.
We never "did without the highway". a 4-lane arterial has been maintained through construction.
it IS going to be a park. a linear park.
FFS, look at the website:
take the A train, eh?
(to da bus?)
"We can only speculate about what hot goss bubbled out of [former VP Pence], what sort of tea he spilt, or the degrees of shade he cast."
to have
been The Fly
so well-perched a-
top our former-VP's head
we might Know what Pensive said
how it was
he Escaped
the Hanging
el trumpfster'd
planned to make
the vice prez Dead.
running Out
on late-stage Capitalism.
@6 ROFL, the sun is out. Take off the tin foil hat, come out of the basement and give the bs a rest for the weekend.
Brakes, Nathalie. That kid pumped the brakes on that runaway bus.
Them's the breaks.
Don't forget Boba Fest in the U Dist this Saturday Noon to 6 pm!
Mmmm Boba!
"Sound Transit will single-track trains through the tunnel every 30 minutes."
One day we'll live in a real city. Well, all of us will be dead then. One day we'll be buried under a real city.
For people who
a) are not yet Bi-, or
b) are seeking to become Bi- (curiously), or
c) are already Bi who are seeking to become Tri-lingual,
you might want to check out for free language learning lessons
Espresso Vivace served damn good lattes. That’s sad news.
and so it goes
the de-evolution
of derr Schloggings
For Republicans on their way out, there’s always Idaho.
This works better if you’re not a woman of childbearing age. Or LGBT. Or a person of color. Or an educator. Or….
just like Housing
ain't a Human right
women have the Right
to do whatevertheFuck the
menfolk Say. smile: it's just a
little Friendly Fascism. like on FOX
it Can't happen here
it CAN"T happen Here
and then
click your
heels three
times & Smile!
they won't
Kill you if
Well that sucks about the light rail delays--especially for those benefitting the most from the commuter service. That must be some clock at Westlake Center.
I got a real charge out of FYI Guy, Gene Balk's survey poll recently taken in the Seattle Times. A big number of people leaning RepubliKKKan said they hate it here and will likely move. Good. The more RepubliKKKans, their MAGAt peons, and panhandling transient meth & fetanyl addicted troublemakers leaving Washington State, the better. I hope the door to the next departing Greyhound bus doesn't hit them in the asses on the way out.
Enjoy that weekend sunshine, folks. Yaaay that spring is finally here! But you might want to wait on outdoor swimming just yet. Puget Sound is still cold, no matter how nice it is outside and blue the sky.
We can't make this shit up. What started as an annual festival in 1983 to help bolster a slow rural economy is now the War of the Tulips! Where are Michael Douglas, Kathleen Turner, and Danny DeVito (from the black satirical 1989 comedy, The War of the Roses) when you need them?
Legalities galore in Tulip Town vs. Tulip Valley Farms---all for the last U.S. dollar and / or Canadian loonie.
All so a septic tidal wave of ~6.5 + million people can roll into Skagit County, turning every street, road, and highway into a parking lot because someone up ahead is going 12 mph in a 45 mph zone, with blinkers on (NOT operating a John Deere tractor but trying to maneuver a double wide Winnebago down a narrow gravel road). All so every restaurant and eatery from Conway to Bow can boast of 1 1/2 hour wait times for a table. All so hotel / motel / inn / B&B proprietors can brag about being full for the past six months in advance, and good luck finding any parking. All to remind local residents to pray not to have doctor's appointments or medical emergencies of any kind during the months of March, April, and now May due to excessively heavy traffic congestion. All so that the dearth of public restrooms once again makes national headlines when tulip tourons* are caught pooping in fields and in the yards of locals. All so that reported traffic backups make historical numbers. All so that the cold winter has dragged this annual madness into extra weeks, well into May.
All of this is among a number of reasons why I'm so grateful to live in Whatcom County.
* Thank you, Ron Judd, Editor of Cascadia Daily News for the apt new term.
Will Mike Pence tell all? If so, may this truly be the end of the Orange Turd and the GOP.
That Vivace location was such a big part of my life when I lived in Seattle. My favorite coffee in Seattle by far. I loved Brian (RIP), he was so friendly and kind. The spicy hot apple cider was such a treat every fall/winter. Sad news.
@21 xina: It truly is sad news to lose Vivace and the specialness of what that coffee house provided.
So many treasured landmarks of Seattle are being lost. I find this heartbreaking. As a Seattle native I feel as though I don't know my own city anymore. Rest in peace, Brian.
@2 -- Yeah, it isn't nearly as bad as people claim, and it will be much nicer than it was before. But it is still overbuilt. Hardly anyone is using the tunnel, so why are building an alternative to a tolled road that has two lanes each direction? One road each way (with at most a center turn lane) is fine.
We cannot get a new sewer line put in place by the city in the central district running east and west on Washington South. Even though the line is over 100 years old and possibly made of clay. At least two homes have been flooded and a lawsuit was won from the city in one of the cases because it was proven that it was the city’s fault. The neighbors are starting to organize to fight for a new line and have a tree removed nearby that appears to damaging a homeowners line. Are we being redlined? If so its by race and class.
When a government body allow 200 people to die on the street last year because there is no suitable shelter/housing for them we wonder what their intent may be. And how many hundreds before this? Call me a pinko for complaining honey but facts are facts and its hard to hide behind that. Sure will continue to rock the boat because we want justice.
“Democrats are pretty content here.”
With less than a year left in office, how will CM Sawant have time to call each and every last one of them a “corporate whore” and “sellout”?
@2: Like their hero, CM Sawant, the Stranger never, ever lets go of a grudge. The tunnel defeated the Stranger’s accidental mayor, the loser McGinn, and thus, they will hate the tunnel forever and ever and evermore, too. You and your silly little ‘facts’ are no match for their blistering, hate-filled rage. They’d rather die than enjoy a viaduct-free sunset from near the waterfront.
@25...said the 40 year old MAGAt epic fail going on 16, with an alcohol and junk food induced pot belly, receding hairline to match his ugly goatee, and child support payments to make. Take one last look in your bathroom mirror, and don't let the door to the next Greyhound bus hit you in the ass on your way back to Muskogee.
Homeless in the City
Where He Was
Once Mayor
Craig Coyner’s descent onto the streets of Bend, Ore., came after decades spent fighting as a lawyer and politician for those on the edge of society.
top Readers' pick
comment from
the Article:
In the wealthiest society the world has ever known, this is a not uncommon story. For want of a safe place to live and consistent medical care, a good man's life fell apart into misery.
What are all of our riches good for if we cannot address the needs of people like this, who cannot manage life by themselves? A prescription and a warm, dry bed could have saved Coyner's life and allowed him to perhaps be a productive citizen again.
Is it too much to ask that we sacrifice a tiny bit of society's wealth to make sure stories like this are a rare occurrence?
--Pinus contorta; Oregon. April 28
"Is it too much to ask that we sacrifice a tiny bit of society's wealth to make sure stories like this are a rare occurrence?"
if you were to
ask our Neo-
Libs & Cons
& the Like.
Great Post Ivy!
they will NEVER
solve The Problem
by attacking its preor-
dained results \ symptoms.*
you cannot
Bend Reality.
*even if they're
human fuck-
ing beings.
oh and for all this HATE AND RAGE
apologies. but
late-stage capitalism needs
to be Rescued from its
Rapacious fucking self.
FDR did it.
once. & the
Fascists're taking
it All back. C' est la Vie?
is it Okay?
A. nope
Maybe we should establish a fund for Republicans who want to leave the state. They'd be happier, we'd be happier, and we'd have a lot less dead weight in our population. As we all know, Republicans are not only horrible people, they are extremely gullible.
all expenses-paid one-way
Trips to Tax-FREE Ideeho?
they'll be falling ALL
Over themselves to get
Trip Permits & Pregnancy
Vouchers & Free VIAGRA!
think of
the $aving$
& Whinings lost
but NOT Forgotten.
Chat up
King Jay.
(how's 'Bout
I pull a dewey
& address Just
the Teensiest part
of your Comment?)
[sound like Fun?]
yes the Fentanyl
IS Horrific.
ain't it?)
now have
At 'er
haven't the Time
for you today.
it's "us"
is it?
if You looked away
you'd Miss the carnage
are you
Strong Enough?
I like a little Shape
in my Scroll-bys
@36 -- Shame
about @34 all that
Time so Leetle reward
I know
just how
you Feel:
"In the wealthiest society the world has ever known, this is a not uncommon story. For want of a safe place to live and consistent medical care, a good man's life fell apart into misery.
What are all of our riches good for if we cannot address the needs of people like this, who cannot manage life by themselves? A prescription and a warm, dry bed could have saved Coyner's life and allowed him to perhaps be a productive citizen again.
Is it too much to ask that we sacrifice a tiny bit of society's wealth to make sure stories like this are a rare occurrence?"
--Pinus contorta; Oregon. April 28
Comment on Oregon's
Pinus contorta's comment?
something pithy
preferably you
Do do pithy
do you
surely you've a Pith
Helmet\thinking cap but
if not I can tell you How to
Make one: when you're Ready
@28 re @27: Obviously I nailed your pathetic description to a tee or you wouldn't so desperately be crawling back for more. Are you lonely or just plain bored? Either way you're pissed because I and others managed to hit you and your equally whiny big brother, lil 'shroom, in your saggy prunes. Again. Take a good look in your rear view mirror on your way out, LoserKinga, and try not to get blinded by the glaring reflection of your cavernous MAGAt buttcrack. Enjoy your full moon, compliments of WAL*MART cheap beer & Twinkies, and hasta la vista, transient druggie.
@32 Catalina Vel-DuRay for the WIN!! Excellent suggestion--our thrice elected Governor Jay Inslee might go for ousting as many disgruntled RepubliKKKans as possible. I wonder if Inslee would be up for building a wall at the Idaho border, too, to make sure they stay out once they leave Washington State, limiting entry from Idaho for abortion seeking women only? The least we can do as a blue state is protect as many women and girls from neofascist RepubliKKKan RWNJs and domestic terrorists as we can.
I'm for castrating all RepubliKKKan males--particularly any entering or even threatening to enter Washington State.
@34 & @36, re @28: Much as you like to pat yourself on the back for taking in strays, raindrop dear, I think it's getting way past your little boy's bedtime.
I dunno auntie Gee
calls for Castration
leave a tingle in my
Willie not the Good
kind although I can
appreciate the sent-
iment. you GO Grrrl!
@42 re @38
(would you mind
composing the gratitutious
insult for me? I haven't the Energy.
@41 kristofarian: Methinks the sooner we can snip RepubliKKKans, RWNJs, and MAGAts in the 'shrooms, the better. No more MAGAts inbreeding like sewer rats. Death to the oligarchy!
@42 & @44: Uh-oh. It's hard to picture Griz as Mommy Dearest. Did I hit you in the Bazinga, raindrop dear?
@46: I was only teasing you, raindrop dear! Thank you for sharing. I have heard of Johnny Guitar, a 1954 Western starring Sterling Hayden in the title role and Joan Crawford, but have never seen it in full. I looked for it on Google and gave some key scenes a viewing. I might be able to find a copy of the film on DVD at a local store. Joan, as feisty Vienna, plays a mean piano, and Mercedes McCambridge, as Emma Small, was an insanely jealous little witch who delighted at the idea of Vienna's hanging.
Plebeian, raindrop dear? Don't confuse college educated Griz with Phallus Impudicus and his lapdog, Bazinga. They're the currently reigning plebeian champs on SLOG.
@44: Ugh on Griz playing Emma Small! Jealousy is not my thing. I'd love to portray Vienna. I can play the piano pretty well and can get feisty when I need to. Think Shirley MacClaine's Ouiser Boudreaux in Steel Magnolias (1989). ;)
@49: I'm no Annie Oakley, though, raindrop dear. :o