Okay, the prosecutor charged him, but how will the City prevent future shootings? STREETPHOTOJOURNALISM



Naturally the gorge shooting narrative will now focus on mushrooms and not the fact it's just one more unhinged asshole who shouldn't have a gun


"Okay, the prosecutor charged him, but how will Grant County prevent future shootings?"

By aggressively searching every vehicle that enters the Gorge campground for firearms and psychotropic drugs and checking every concert attendee for out of state warrants. 1st steps.


@3 you don't think the fact he ingested a psychedelic is material? It seems like if you are taking something that changes your perception of reality that is a factor into what happened. If you are doing that you should not have access to weapons so I think he should be charged but the push to legalize these types of things means you'll see stuff like this happen and we shouldn't over look it.


fuck in the wrong hands

(like da Booze).

does that mean
NO ONE should
have them? right

call it my Religion
if you must. bet
Jesus dabbled*

*now That


It's always the gun.



@5 lots of things change your perception of reality. Like rx drugs. Stress. Lack of sleep. Should anyone experiencing those things be denied a gun? No complaints here, but you should know the road you're going down.


@9/10 fair enough. I've never had shrooms so I stand corrected.


@17 Shrooms can absolutely make you paranoid.


The rate at which people shoot somebody on shrooms is utterly statistically insignificant. And that rate will hardly alter if shrooms are legal.

But let's take this "Oh, no, we have to keep this drug illegal" moral panic logic a step further.

Violence (including gun violence) is disproportionately statistically higher under the influence of alcohol than it is on any other drug. Legal or illegal.

Well. I guess it's time for some sort of prohibition.


gun laws don’t kill people…


Jesus Stranger writers REALLY doesn't understand what the word conservative means anymore. Sarah Nelson is 0% conservative; you just don't like her because she doesn't suck from the same socialist teat as your dream girl Sawant. Didn't the Stranger at one point throw their support behind getting rid of the advisory votes because they were a waste of time and didn't actually do anything? Yet Nelson says that these resolutions are a waste of time because they're non-binding and suddenly y'all have an issue with them. Make up your mind.


@16 Just spit balling here.

So. How about we make it so it's a little harder for random dipshits who are going to do shrooms AND carry a gun from acquiring that gun in the god damned first place. How about that. Make policy at the source. The most simple and inexpensive way.

You know. Background checks. Make carry a felony without few hundred hours of strict defensive carry competence, some psychological and drug testing, and then robust permitting. Mandate liability insurance for hand gun possession. Allow law suits against gun sellers.

Like. I dunno. Join the rest of civilization that have low gun violence rates. Nobody needs to pay for any X-Ray machines.

Or is that to god damned efficient? Yeah. It probably is, Neil. It probably is.

I leave you to go on another unhinged gun nut tirade now.


consider adding homegrown heavenly blue
morning glory seeds
to one’s a la carte psychedelic menu


No. If if it were nearly impossible to acquire a gun, instead of routine and normalized, this wouldn't be happening. But Americans just value a flawed interpretation of their holy document more than the life of their citizens. Life has become disgustingly cheap in savage America. Glad I don't live there; what a shithole.


@2 - Unless cops have a reasonable suspicion (or more) that you're committing a crime when they request your I.D., you don't have to provide it to them. That kind of rules out random subject checks.

@5 - Alcohol has contributed to a gazillion times more shootings than shrooms or just about any other drug have. Bring back good ol' prohibition?


@21: Virtue-signaling resolutions by the Seattle City Council are, at best, a complete waste of time. Telling this to writers at the Stranger is, at best, a complete waste of time.

You’re completely correct, the Stranger whines about CM Nelson’s criticism not because it’s wrong, but because it’s correct and they hate her. They hate her not merely because she’s right and they’re wrong, not merely because she’s a bog-standard Seattle liberal they’ve intentionally mislabeled as conservative, but because she defeated the Stranger’s darling Nikkita Oliver. (Imagine if Socialist Alternative had commanded CM Sawant to run for re-election. After her defeat, the bitterly caustic bile would forever flow hard from the Stranger at whomever next represented District 3.)


@3 and 22 LMAO, he's literally a 13F with the Army Rangers. Probably has at LEAST a secret clearance which is 100x more than a NCIS check. His job literally is to direct the biggest guns out there. Literally every fucking day.

A little research and critical thinking go a long way


@32: “…Goodsby s mental health issues but nothing about his outstanding warrants…”

Once more, to correct you AGAIN, Goodsby had ONE outstanding warrant, for domestic battery, in Indiana. NOT multiple warrants. (He was also not walking around waving a sign identifying him as a violent ex-con with mental health issues and a weapon.) Please learn to read.

And also, if you had even the slightest knowledge of downtown Seattle, you’d know he wasn’t the only violent crazy guy wandering around there. At any given moment, there are dozens or even hundreds living there, some of whom are committing crimes. If you had any useful knowledge of Seattle at all, you would know that SPD has approximately half the strength of THIRTY YEARS AGO. You blame the police for not keeping track of every crazy homeless guy downtown, when you yourself repeatedly fail to make an accurate statement about just one of them.

Who demanded — and demands! — we defund SPD? Who rails against the clearance of each homeless encampment? Who calls violent crazy persons “victims of capitalism,” who just “need shelter”? The Stranger, the Stranger, and the Stranger. And smugly ignorant commenters like you support the Stranger in all these failed policies. Then you rage against anyone who dares say you’ve done everything you could to get Eina Kwon killed. Well, you did. This is the world we get because persons like you won’t stop inflicting your arrogant ignorance on the rest of us. Own it.

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