A white supremacist killed three Black people at this Dollar General in Jacksonville, Florida on Saturday. Sean Rayford/Getty



long covid is no joke
mask up in crowded indoor settings and stay healthy y’all


A ten percent drop in college attendence is generous: who wants to plough headlong into debt and read a bunch of books by dead white people when the world is on fire? Employers should be asking themselves, why is a degree necessary for this work and how can we adapt to the realities of the new workforce. College has been used as a gate keeping tool for a very long time.


If you've noticed more medical professionals masking up in public, with N95s or KN94s, it's because you should be too.

COVID doesn't care what your excuse is. It has no religion. It just is.


@2 College isn't necessarily vocational school.


The slog mentions that cases are increasing but makes no mention of fatalities. It even says most people will simply develop flu like symptoms.
If you or anyone else feels the need to mask up, fine. Make the decision that is best for you. I’ve read too where an updated vaccine will be coming out soon.
Seems like good information to be aware of, but no need to start admonishing and cajoling others.


It hasn’t always been, but it’s certainly moved in that direction over the last 40 years.
Who can afford to go to college simply to acquire knowledge? Given that I’m constantly reading about people who can’t pay their college loans, it doesn’t make a lot of sense to go through that if there isn’t a practical way to justify the amount of money required. Especially if taxpayers are going to end up footing the bill.


He doesn’t care if they boo. It’s when they vote, despite whatever obstacles are put up against them, that gets to him.


What obstacles?
You mean the completely outlandish expectation that people have an ID? Or not be a convicted felon?


@7 Taxpayers should foot the bill, like they did for me in the 80s, when public universities in California were cheap, and big loans less necessary.


@4 because I actually know many such medical professionals. Given my 20 years in the Dept of Medicine before switching to Biostatistics


"... the strains
are relatively mild
compared to the nightmare... "

but what we
Don't yet know
about Long COVID
may apply to more a
more 'mild' Dose. it's the
Long stuff that's Scary. Insurance
Corps're gonna Pre-existing the Citizenry
right into unaffordable 'nursing' homes or Early graves.

it's what makes Insurance
a Winning Game

Not for


profiteering off the Citizenry
making Education Unaffordable
is a country headed for Doomsville

in the Future.


does that mean No one
gets new cancer drugs?

bugger off.


if it's Always
gonna be smokey
will Solar still work?


@6, college degrees can be more than a career pipeline, but if the average cost is upwards of $100k for a bachelors, you can bet students are thinking long and hard about what they’re doing. People are free to study all they want for personal gratification but it becomes a public/ societal issue when the workforce is impacted, that’s why I brought it up.


And now you know how deeply instilled Spanish machismo is – all with Mama’s approval. This is a culture that can’t let bullfighting go. Tradition, you know. Paying admission to see an animal stabbed repeatedly and bled to death. Cheering the matador, dressed in a uniquely bizarre get-up, for torturing a bull who is so mean and brave. Ole! What a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon – skewering beef for the barbeque before the animal is even dead. Ole again!

So we can’t be totally surprised at Rubiales and his indignation at being told, “Hey, she’s a professional athlete, but more importantly, you can’t kiss someone without their permission. She may not want your lips touching hers, you privileged asswipe. That’s her choice.” To which he says, “What are you talking about?” Clueless. And lost in the 16th Century. He needs to be sacked without explanation or appeal. And Mama? Nail yourself to a cross.

Apologies to modern Spain.

Also not surprised by falling college enrollment. Many see college as a con now. People head-over-heels in debt with a meaningless diploma. I’m not just talking about a Theater BFA or a major in History or Anthropology. Now, bachelor’s degrees in formerly hot fields really can get you nowhere in many cases. Even when it’s from a name school. And graduate school, where the MBAs and the JDs are super-plentiful, won’t guarantee success. You’ll still have to know somebody to get work.

But if you can afford it, and you don’t mind paying a fortune for books and tuition and housing, and spending four years doing a lot of helpful and unhelpful hard work, then it’s probably better to have a degree than not. Otherwise, learn a trade. You’ll almost certainly do equally as well.

Simone, always a marvel to behold, has gotten more elegant and graceful with age. Seems to be a sweet lass. Hope she’s happy at last.


Taxpayers provide free K-12 public education.
If people feel the need to continue, great. I hope they get what they are looking for, just have a plan to pay for it that doesn’t require others to pay for it.
But they don’t seem to be thinking long and hard about it. That’s why so many are crying for taxpayer relief.


@11: certain convicted felons were allowed to vote in Florduh per a 2018 citizen's initiative.

except the legislature quickly passed a law that all fines have to be paid off, too. can't have those black men voting all willy-nilly.


@20 Why, you ask? Because this country, despite it's many, many social and political flaws is highly educated. As such, we've produced and are continuing to produce scientific, medical, and industrial revelations that few can match. Why do so many want to steal from us... Because we've done so well. How? Because of our educated population. It used to be much easier to produce an educated work force. Now with the rising prices of education, we may end up producing indentured servants, and fall from the peak we've become accustomed to. The old cliche, the rising tide lights all boats is very true. Taxpayers benefit from this as well.


Why are you assuming that convicted felons would necessarily be black men?


I have long covid, and I can tell you that if everyone in these comments got to live with this for, say, 3 months, they would never leave the house without a mask on.

Mine is in the form of relapses...frequent relapses. Imagine having the very worst flu you've ever had in your life, and then imagine having it roughly every 2 fucking weeks for 2-3 days at a stretch. If I go 20 days, it's a rare relief. It's the most weakness and fatigue I've ever felt...every 2 fucking weeks. It's 2-3 days of being completely bedridden sleeping 18ish hours a day and having nothing to eat, because that takes too much effort. It's been going on for nearly 3 years with no end in sight and no idea how much longer it will go on. Forever?

I would say that I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy...but I'm a vindictive fuck, so there are a few people I can think of for whom it would be perfect! But I wouldn't wish it on 99% of anyone. As I said, if anyone got to live this experience for a few months as a warning, they would never leave the house without a mask on.

But you do you, everybody!


I’m very sorry to hear this, Morty. Sending wishes that it will clear from your system.


@23: I am assigning motivations to (white) republican legislators.

not all florduh felons are black men,. but a disproportionate number of them are, and you know it.


thanks for
the Update Morty.*

so many're
Gambling it's
just a little flu

so Many on their
Deathbeds deny-
ing it even then

we're all gonna get
a little Closer
this Fall.

speaking of Groundings
when'll they put a Beacon
out there for the poor dolphins?

or is it just
speaking of
blinde Fealty

*do you do $neeze$?
they'll likely be ok

they're Non-
believers so
it's a victim-
less 'crime.'



Cape Code? Is it HTML or Java?


I haven’t ever looked at the stats and demographics of the convicts in Florida, so any claim I made would be pure supposition. I prefer not to do that.
You are making a lot of assumptions based on your own biases and a need demonize the other side. I see no difference between that and people on the right who make the same kind of asinine generalizations about democrats.


@24 - Morty, I am sorry to hear this.
Your posts are always very appreciated, and I wish you every good health.


Just chiming in to say… Morty, I feel for you. It is beyond my comprehension what it must be like to keep going through that sort of suffering seemingly with no end in sight.

I'm sure you've tried getting the vaccine after the fact as a form of treatment. I've heard some long COVID patients have had success with that. But it seems like long COVID takes so many forms, and it remains such a mystery.

I'm one of the few people who have never abandoned their pandemic behavior. I can't imagine walking out the door without my N95 and another mask on top. I don't care if I'm the only person in a room who's masked up, I keep my masks on. And preferably I'm not so close to the other people in the room. Perhaps the only concession I've made to a more normal existence is occasionally eating out in a restaurant or getting a drink at a bar, and only if I don't feel uncomfortably close to other people.

The one thing above all others that makes me unquestioningly stick to these rituals is the threat of long COVID.


Wow, thanks for the well wishes, everyone. It is what it is, and everyone has their own cross of some kind to bear. I was just wanting to point out what may be awaiting someone who is a little too cavalier about wearing a mask. I've had every vaccine and booster as soon as they come out.

Also have a form of RA, ankylosing spondylitis, so my rheumatologist is pretty insistent about staying updated on them. Funny thing is I got the initial covid between shots of the first vaccine. The only thing I did was go skiing during that time, so I must have got it at the resort after I had my first shot. I knew that sport would get me!


some day our Gov't'll
Fund a Cure for LC
which BIG farma'll
profiteer offa

too bad it
wasn't something
Simple like chicken soup.

I recommend a little
weed for you RA
even if that
makes you
a Criminal
in Potato

good Luck
with that


@30 Ever heard of this concept called "false equivalency" ?


@1 fluxum and @3 & @14 Will in Seattle: +3 for the WIN! WORD.

@24 & @34: Morty, I am so sorry to hear about your ongoing struggle with long COVID!
What you have described sounds really horrible. Please keep us updated.
I hope you're feeling better soon, and that the nastiness from the virus strain subsides.
All the best to you, your wife, and family.
Although I'm not a healthcare professional I also continue to wear a mask publicly. I, too, have gotten my initial Pfizers and boosters. My local pharmacy will have the newest Pfizer vaccine out by October, and I plan to get one.
Sadly, our closest drugstore downtown is closing due to an insurmountable homeless problem. Many once thriving businesses have had it with panhandling drug addicted transients camping, pissing, shitting, and vomiting in alleys, and loitering in front of stores and restaurants. A lot of businesses are now relocating.
I will have to go to the one location at the south end of town, but it's a bigger store and has more parking.

@32 cressona: +1 WORD. I wear my N95 everywhere, no matter how many snickers and eyerolls I get in public.
COVID isn't done with us yet. I really feel for Morty and others dealing with long COVID, despite diligent efforts at getting promptly vaccinated, boostered, and retaining good health.

HOORAY for the rain!!!! Griz had to run outside and do a victory rain dance, despite the thunder claps. May this be the end of wildfire smoke and haze for 2023, although the Sourdough and Blue Lake fires are still stubbornly burning. Hopefully they can finally be extinguished, and soon.
YIKES about the loss of photosynthesis???!!! As if our rainforests and dying planet aren't threatened severely enough, already.

Hopefully all the boobirds in Florida know NOT to vote for Ron DeSantis or as equally stupidly for the Orange Turd a third time. That DJT, with its white collar criminal record spanning 50 years (!!!!) is allowed to run for President even while in prison is proof that we as a nation have no democracy anymore.


What crimes did they commit?


BTW, I’m not so much a ‘Both Sides Guy’ as I am a Neither Side Guy.
There are planks in both parties platforms I can support, but I find most of what they stand for objectionable.
When you step back and look at both objectively you’ll find the only differences are which freedoms they want to restrict and who they pander to.
Not to mention both are run by old people who should have retired years ago.


"There are planks
in both parties platforms
I can support, but I find most
of what they stand for objectionable."

'DNC to Court: We
Are a Private Corporation
With No Obligation to Follow Our Rules'



the "d"nc's about as "democratic"
as any other Corporation
so yeah I've Issues too

& tho repubs're
LONG gone
they keep
the 'Cen-
ter' ever



the trumpfster
stole Bernie's
Ideas ran on
them & won

& then Never
them a-

oops! no
for YOU! a
little Corpor-
atism'll do you
[and US!] some Good.
some of Us more than others.

that's just
How it works out.

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