Ah yes, I'm sure the legislature will get right on your call to snub one of the five biggest employers in the state. And Tuesday felt great! I don't know what you're talking about. Yeah, the voters that turned out in this election leaned more moderate liberal than edgelord leftist, but what do you expect for an off-year election when the electorate hates the current city council? Yeah, this new council is going to totally fail to address any of the major crises this city faces. But what did you expect?
Around the country, we saw resounding wins for Democrats, the rule of law, and reproductive freedom. That's a great night in my book.
Those protesters needed to move up to the museum of flight and across the street cuz that's where the developmental center is, and that's where the military side of Boeing is located. Yelling at people who are delivering commercial jets isn't very useful.
This taxpayer is cool w spending money to learn about safer streets, but it seems off brand for an urbanist to be down with all that consumption/carbon waste and whatnot. If WFH is the future and good enough for the career service crowd, why not leaders?
I'm probably one of those silent liberal-ish, progressive-ish majority people who would gladly vote for the more center right candidates. Why?! Becuase when liberal porogrssive ideals cause the city to look like garbage, cause our parks and sidewalks to be taken over by people who aren't just harmless homeless people down on their luck but violent potential killers, us otherwise liberals have had enough. Fund the damn police. Of course we'll get accused of being stealth conservatives. Ok overly simplistic types believe what you want. I still say fuck Trump, I'll never vote republican in a statewide race. But I'm tired of quality of life going to shit. Thank goodness Bruce Harrell beat the progressive. He's done a great job cleaning up the streets and I'd vote for him again even if that means doing 'corporartisit'. Because we narrowly avoided becoming Portland which is a zombie wasteland downtown. Nobody feels safe or wants to go there now. I used to love Portland. If voting for corporate types is what it takes to clean up the streets to ALL of the public can enjoy it, so fkinh be it. You wonder why the progressives lost in a rout? Look outside. We'll vote for more help for homeless (if it actually is effective) but we've had enough of our city turning into homeless dystopia. It's not even compassionate to the homeless to allow drug dealing, fire bombing, shootout infested encampments.
Not sure what Finland has to offer in the way of improved pedestrian safety that we haven't known for decades.
Rule #1: don't go stumbling across 99 mid-block, at night, wearing black, high on Fentanyl or Methamphetamine.
Accidents like the metro-bus-onto-the-sidewalk-crushing-28-year-old are random; Vision Zero won't prevent them.
Goodness. I know we are talking about only a small minority of a small minority, but it is nevertheless a sad little tale from the vast hog shit lagoon that is Republican politics. I’d heard that Scott was losing support from some quarters because he was single. I try to imagine the type of person who’d care about that, and I can’t help but believe it’s the same type of person who tosses and turns at night thankin’ ‘bout all them dead bay-bees in the abortion clinic’s trash pay-uhl. Call in the beard at once! But again, the Republicans have misjudged and mis-stepped. I doubt seriously that the people who have their undies in a bunch over Scott’s marital status are going to be assuaged by a white girlfriend. Aw, you guys. You’re just trying to show us how hip you are, aren’t you?
Were he someone else, I might feel kinda sorry for Sen. Scott. I do feel sorry for the woman, who probably had to cash the check right away.
And no, I didn’t watch the “debate.” Are you kidding?
I remember – oh, about 300 years ago – when Boeing Corporation was the Pride of Seattle. Jet City, man. Does everything turn into a cheeseball when it gets big and successful?
It can happen and has happened almost everywhere. Constituents used to rag US Congress people about their trips here and there. Our recent, now ex-mayor and current US Ambassador to India, Eric Garcetti, was accused repeatedly of being frequently out of town schmoozing with party brass or on “fact-finding missions” which very often took him to places with beautiful, sun-tanned people, yachts, and strong drink served inside hollowed-out fruit. Then, he’d come home to campaign, telling Los Angeles how much he was doing for us. He wasn’t a terrible mayor, but it was hard to get word to him.
The relationship between the former president and Ivanka quietly creeps me out still. Who goes on TV to say he wishes he could date his daughter? Or mentions what nice tits and ass she has? So, either Donald is the King of Incest or he was so removed from her upbringing that he doesn't feel fatherly. Ivanka could have been kept in the dark financially. She was with him in the White House, so she probably knows at least a few things. I can see her asking Daddy, "How rich are we?" But she may not have asked about where the money comes from. She can't be blamed for her father, but her association with him has caused her to be dropped from many NY party lists.
Seattle didn't suddenly become conservative -- far from it. Seattle voters have slowly grown more skeptical of the empty promises and condescending moralistic posturing that have come to characterize the "progressive" brand.
Klarence KKThomas's
calling for the Repeal of the
13th Amendment "I know, let's
not even Tell Clarence!" --cj Roberts,
attempting to polish a Rather Nasty turd-Ct.
*I wanna see
the Check
Palestanians Humanity
requires they Also LOVE the
Terrorists holding the Citizenry
Captive? no fucking ELECTIONS IN
for 'The Will o' the People!? these Terror-
ists work it Both fucking Ways. U No Wakey.
it was FUNNY
as Fuck when they
Glued Tony's Soprano's
son AJ's face to the floor
shaved his eyebows & Magic
Markered in a Fresh set of Eyebrows.
fucking Classic.*
your brilliant Idea
of sacrificing Protesters
on runways equates YOU
with Hamas. it's a slippery, Bloody
-as-Fuck Slope you'e careening down.*
you Certain you wanna Go THERE, little Buddy?
*it Ain't
Your Fault!
i's EZ to get
all Caught Up
in the Bloodlust
Wanted to say something about SAG-AFTRA. We are all thrilled that the town can come alive again. Fran worked tirelessly as did her crew. Of course, the benefits gained will only apply to the 3% or so of working members. Tough field in which to endeavor. Lots of subjective rejection for countless reasons. It's all right time, right place and even then...spin that wheel, baby. I did some non-professional acting as a young man and loved it, but I couldn't deal with the thought of a life of constant financial insecurity and pounding the pavement. Most of the people I knew who plunged into the field were the types who thought there was always somebody else to pick up the tab. No one ever picked up my tab, so I could never come around to that way of thinking.
And joining the union costs around $4K now. Once upon a time, if you weren't SAG and someone wanted to hire you, they'd pay your fees. No more. That's gone with the wind. Most unemployed actors get loans to join. Risky, but since you're tossing the dice anyway.
Congratulations to all on your new contract. Here's wishin'.
speaking of
Creating Terrorists!
Ceasing Fire!?! & Neo
Libs and Cons ALWAYS
Being Wrong (Ouchies!):
Forces Have
Limited Time in
Gaza, U.S. Officials Say
Israel’s response to the Hamas attacks has fueled sympathy around the world for the Palestinian cause even as Israel continues to bury its dead.
The Israeli military has limited time to carry out its operations in Gaza before anger among Arabs in the region and frustration in the United States and other countries over the spiraling civilian death toll constrain Israel’s goal of eradicating Hamas, U.S. officials said this week.
As senior Biden administration officials push Israel to do more to minimize civilian casualties, Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr., the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said on Wednesday that he was worried each civilian killed in Gaza could generate future members of Hamas.
General Brown did not call for a cease-fire. But when asked by reporters traveling with him to Tokyo if he was worried that high civilian casualty numbers would generate future Hamas militants, he replied, “Yes, very much so.”
“But when asked by reporters traveling with him to Tokyo if he was worried that high civilian casualty numbers would generate future Hamas militants, he replied, ‘Yes, very much so.’”
@30: Yes, I agree: by definition, you will always enjoy far more success arguing with statements I did not make, than in arguing with the ones I actually did.
@29: Because if there’s anything 3,500+ years of Middle Eastern history have taught us, religious fanaticism there always requires outside stimulus to form. It never, ever arises all by itself.
And FYI , since Senator Manchin is about to retire, we can now look forward to more videos of Senator McConnell freezing as Majority leader! May God help us all!
I agree:
by definition,
you will always enjoy
far more success arguing
with statements I did not make,
than in arguing with the ones I actually did."
you've been
twisting my words
for so Long I figured
I'd give it a Shot too &
just Look at the Dividends
A tremendous lot was screwed up a hundred years ago, too, but I miss the 20th Century. Times were simpler, nobody was bombarded with mass media, Artificial Lack of Intelligence, and nobody had to worry about identity theft, microchips, catalytic converters, or the world destroying evil of Donald Trump, billionaires gone awry, or World War III for a good many years yet.
Kristofarian, Bauhaus I, dvs99, patL, xina, et al., what say you? Griz is feeling overwhelmed, despite having done her civic duty of voting since 1982.
auntie Gee
it's hard to Say
how it's all gonna
turn out but if we can
at Least counter the reich-
wing Narrative there is quite
Likely Hope altho you see here
how Strong the fascism is even @tS
@22 Bauhaus I: I, too, am glad to see SAG-AFTRA back on track. You're not kidding, though! It is a hard industry to get into. I am still hoping to score for film someday, but I don't see myself living in Los Angeles (or New York City), though I'm aware that's largely where the lights, camera, and action are.
Bauhaus I, it sounds like you're really familiar with SAG-AFTRA and the Hollywood scene. I would really appreciate your feedback, thoughts, and ideas.
Seattle is a paradox for me. It is the city where I was born, but has become far out of my reach in its cost of living. And rents in L.A. and NYC are at least twice those in Seattle. Currently, I live in Bellingham, and have for almost 20 years, where I have earned a Bachelor of Arts in Music at Western Washington University, and successfully completed an online course in scoring and arranging for film and television through the Berklee School of Music in Boston, Massachusetts. On December 20, 2019 I premiered my second symphony at Squalicum High School in Bellingham.
Meanwhile, gone is another myth shattered. I'm neither pursuing a career in acting nor singing, but composing, scoring, and arranging music for film and television. Even before the COVID pandemic I thought I could just work remotely, going to L.A. for temporary contractural work, as needed in sound recording studios.
I have tried everywhere. I have made inquiries in Los Angeles, New York, Seattle, Portland, San Fransisco, and Atlanta. Even Vancouver, B.C., Canada, yet another hotbed for the film industry. I can't seem to get anywhere other than being told to buy someone's book, take someone's class, or attend some seminar that's always at least 135 miles away from where I live. I have tried making contacts with the Seattle Film Society, only to get nothing in return.
Ironically, nearly everyone I talk to who I have shared my orchestrations and arrangements with seems to like it.
With the current global human population of 8.5 billion people, do I even have a shot anymore? There must be somebody somewhere, seeking a composer to collaborate with.
What do you think?
@39 kristofarian: Thank you, kris, and bless you. I'm a bit like Max Solomon: sick at the elephant's-butt-ugly sight of the Orange Turd, and nonstop updates on just how cold-heartedly fascist RepubliKKKans are. It's too bad we can't fire the entire GOP off one way into outer space, considering how badly so many of 'em want to establish a deranged zombie ant colony on Mars. At least Jeff Bezos fled to Miami. Good riddance.
Music, VWs, cats, and beach walks (at least in good weather), movies, dark chocolate, and red wine are my solace.
@33 patL: I like your thinking!
@34 patL: Here's an idea: What if Mitch McKKKonnell drops dead before Big Coal Roller Joe Manchin retires?
WIN-WIN! Ol' Moscow Mooch the Terrible Turtle Boy isn't looking too good, lately.
Since Hannah and her homies hate Boeing so much maybe it would be best for the Big B to pack up and move remaining operations and assembly out of state.
Who needs to big soulless corporations who provide jobs anyway?
SAG-AFTRA's national Initiation Fee is $3,000; less if you join in one of the smaller Locals such as Seattle or Portland. Granted, the regional IF's limit ones ability to work in larger markets, but a member can always pay a "bump up fee" (the difference between the national and Local IF), or have it waived if they've been a member in-good-standing for three years.
As for producers paying the IF, that may have occurred occasionally in the past - and IME generally only in smaller markets - but it has always been a rarity, at least in the 18 some-odd years I've been involved in the unions. And while the union does offer low-interest loans via the SAG-AFTRA Credit Union, they also offer payment plans that take a bit of the sting out of the financial hit. So, for someone truly dedicated to carving out a living in what is, admittedly, a very precarious business, there are ways to make it happen.
I don't really have much insight into the scoring side of the business, but there are young, emerging film makers all over the place who might welcome the opportunity to collaborate with someone such as yourself. Not going to be much money at the start, but you never know which one of them is going to become the next Scorsese or Lynn Shelton. And any opportunity to hone your skills and build a CV/resume is going to be helpful.
Also, there may be a few local resources you could plug into: The Bellingham Film Society holds bi-monthly networking events at the Pickford Center (http://www.thebfo.com/film-mixers.html), which might be a good place to start. Also, you might consider registering your services on the Washington Filmworks production directory (https://wa.reel-scout.com/crew_registration.aspx?type=C); It's totally free. Finally, if you haven't done so already, you might want to reach out to local recording studios (https://www.google.com/search?q=recording+studio+bellingham&rlz=1C1GCCA_en&oq=recording+studio+bellingham&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyCQgAEEUYORiABDIICAEQABgWGB6oAgCwAgA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8). They might either be looking for an in-house composer, or at least might be able to give you some information about how they contract out the work.
@49 COMTE: Thank you for your very helpful advice! I will look into this further, and have already made an online inquiry to the Bellingham Film Society online. It would be lovely to find some local and regional employment--even if the starting pay is minimal--to do what I love with a passion. Orchestration and Arranging was the toughest course at WWU that I fell madly in love with. Music for me is where math makes sense.
I am a U.S. Navy Gulf War veteran of 30 years, also applying for the United States Veterans Artists Alliance (USVAA) program, and further music writing employment rehabilitation assistance through the Disabled Veterans Rehabilitation (DVR) program.
You had once very graciously offered to one day meet me for coffee at WWU, as your stepson is a full time student. Would you still be interested?
Many thanks,
Ah yes, I'm sure the legislature will get right on your call to snub one of the five biggest employers in the state. And Tuesday felt great! I don't know what you're talking about. Yeah, the voters that turned out in this election leaned more moderate liberal than edgelord leftist, but what do you expect for an off-year election when the electorate hates the current city council? Yeah, this new council is going to totally fail to address any of the major crises this city faces. But what did you expect?
Around the country, we saw resounding wins for Democrats, the rule of law, and reproductive freedom. That's a great night in my book.
Those protesters needed to move up to the museum of flight and across the street cuz that's where the developmental center is, and that's where the military side of Boeing is located. Yelling at people who are delivering commercial jets isn't very useful.
This taxpayer is cool w spending money to learn about safer streets, but it seems off brand for an urbanist to be down with all that consumption/carbon waste and whatnot. If WFH is the future and good enough for the career service crowd, why not leaders?
I'm probably one of those silent liberal-ish, progressive-ish majority people who would gladly vote for the more center right candidates. Why?! Becuase when liberal porogrssive ideals cause the city to look like garbage, cause our parks and sidewalks to be taken over by people who aren't just harmless homeless people down on their luck but violent potential killers, us otherwise liberals have had enough. Fund the damn police. Of course we'll get accused of being stealth conservatives. Ok overly simplistic types believe what you want. I still say fuck Trump, I'll never vote republican in a statewide race. But I'm tired of quality of life going to shit. Thank goodness Bruce Harrell beat the progressive. He's done a great job cleaning up the streets and I'd vote for him again even if that means doing 'corporartisit'. Because we narrowly avoided becoming Portland which is a zombie wasteland downtown. Nobody feels safe or wants to go there now. I used to love Portland. If voting for corporate types is what it takes to clean up the streets to ALL of the public can enjoy it, so fkinh be it. You wonder why the progressives lost in a rout? Look outside. We'll vote for more help for homeless (if it actually is effective) but we've had enough of our city turning into homeless dystopia. It's not even compassionate to the homeless to allow drug dealing, fire bombing, shootout infested encampments.
@1 Loving Israel means loving Baruch Goldstein?
Its complicated and yer an idiot.
LOL, watch all of The Stranger’s news writers move to Tacoma, or better yet, Portland!
Not sure what Finland has to offer in the way of improved pedestrian safety that we haven't known for decades.
Rule #1: don't go stumbling across 99 mid-block, at night, wearing black, high on Fentanyl or Methamphetamine.
Accidents like the metro-bus-onto-the-sidewalk-crushing-28-year-old are random; Vision Zero won't prevent them.
@7: DID you vote for the center-left candidates? there were no center-Right candidates. there is no center-Right left.
Every other city on the west coast looks like shit. Did the Seattle City Council cause that? Or was it Martin v. Boise?
Goodness. I know we are talking about only a small minority of a small minority, but it is nevertheless a sad little tale from the vast hog shit lagoon that is Republican politics. I’d heard that Scott was losing support from some quarters because he was single. I try to imagine the type of person who’d care about that, and I can’t help but believe it’s the same type of person who tosses and turns at night thankin’ ‘bout all them dead bay-bees in the abortion clinic’s trash pay-uhl. Call in the beard at once! But again, the Republicans have misjudged and mis-stepped. I doubt seriously that the people who have their undies in a bunch over Scott’s marital status are going to be assuaged by a white girlfriend. Aw, you guys. You’re just trying to show us how hip you are, aren’t you?
Were he someone else, I might feel kinda sorry for Sen. Scott. I do feel sorry for the woman, who probably had to cash the check right away.
And no, I didn’t watch the “debate.” Are you kidding?
I remember – oh, about 300 years ago – when Boeing Corporation was the Pride of Seattle. Jet City, man. Does everything turn into a cheeseball when it gets big and successful?
It can happen and has happened almost everywhere. Constituents used to rag US Congress people about their trips here and there. Our recent, now ex-mayor and current US Ambassador to India, Eric Garcetti, was accused repeatedly of being frequently out of town schmoozing with party brass or on “fact-finding missions” which very often took him to places with beautiful, sun-tanned people, yachts, and strong drink served inside hollowed-out fruit. Then, he’d come home to campaign, telling Los Angeles how much he was doing for us. He wasn’t a terrible mayor, but it was hard to get word to him.
The relationship between the former president and Ivanka quietly creeps me out still. Who goes on TV to say he wishes he could date his daughter? Or mentions what nice tits and ass she has? So, either Donald is the King of Incest or he was so removed from her upbringing that he doesn't feel fatherly. Ivanka could have been kept in the dark financially. She was with him in the White House, so she probably knows at least a few things. I can see her asking Daddy, "How rich are we?" But she may not have asked about where the money comes from. She can't be blamed for her father, but her association with him has caused her to be dropped from many NY party lists.
The reason why you're not protesting at the actual place where the military weapons are developed is you will be arrested and jailed.
And you know it.
None of this will stop Palestinian kids danger, most of which is due to health issues. None of it will stop the IDF going after Hamas.
Which you know.
@ 6 - Whoa, 'Drop. Extreme! Funny though. Something tells me you may be in a bad mood today.
Seattle didn't suddenly become conservative -- far from it. Seattle voters have slowly grown more skeptical of the empty promises and condescending moralistic posturing that have come to characterize the "progressive" brand.
Scottie's prolly Gay (R)
she's prolly an Act-
ress* Racist Red-
Necks're HOR-
Klarence KKThomas's
calling for the Repeal of the
13th Amendment "I know, let's
not even Tell Clarence!" --cj Roberts,
attempting to polish a Rather Nasty turd-Ct.
*I wanna see
the Check
Palestanians Humanity
requires they Also LOVE the
Terrorists holding the Citizenry
Captive? no fucking ELECTIONS IN
for 'The Will o' the People!? these Terror-
ists work it Both fucking Ways. U No Wakey.
'naked' in Manhattan?
I saw less clothing
on Bourbon St
last nite. I'll
be Suing*
for False
sing an-
y Day
*send Me
the Cheque
ico General Delivery
he's quite Famous down here.
it was FUNNY
as Fuck when they
Glued Tony's Soprano's
son AJ's face to the floor
shaved his eyebows & Magic
Markered in a Fresh set of Eyebrows.
fucking Classic.*
your brilliant Idea
of sacrificing Protesters
on runways equates YOU
with Hamas. it's a slippery, Bloody
-as-Fuck Slope you'e careening down.*
you Certain you wanna Go THERE, little Buddy?
*it Ain't
Your Fault!
i's EZ to get
all Caught Up
in the Bloodlust
and Hard AF to
Extricate one-
self from.
of Proclivities!
Wanted to say something about SAG-AFTRA. We are all thrilled that the town can come alive again. Fran worked tirelessly as did her crew. Of course, the benefits gained will only apply to the 3% or so of working members. Tough field in which to endeavor. Lots of subjective rejection for countless reasons. It's all right time, right place and even then...spin that wheel, baby. I did some non-professional acting as a young man and loved it, but I couldn't deal with the thought of a life of constant financial insecurity and pounding the pavement. Most of the people I knew who plunged into the field were the types who thought there was always somebody else to pick up the tab. No one ever picked up my tab, so I could never come around to that way of thinking.
And joining the union costs around $4K now. Once upon a time, if you weren't SAG and someone wanted to hire you, they'd pay your fees. No more. That's gone with the wind. Most unemployed actors get loans to join. Risky, but since you're tossing the dice anyway.
Congratulations to all on your new contract. Here's wishin'.
you could Always sell
your Soul\Likeness to the
artificial intelligence committee
for, let us say . . . a Penny a pop?
that sound about right?
and you too could be
''Acting, the Easy
Way!'' and you
might 'be'
Jesus or
the Cannibal
it's a Roll of the Dice!
pivot! but
my comment
speaking of
Creating Terrorists!
Ceasing Fire!?! & Neo
Libs and Cons ALWAYS
Being Wrong (Ouchies!):
Forces Have
Limited Time in
Gaza, U.S. Officials Say
Israel’s response to the Hamas attacks has fueled sympathy around the world for the Palestinian cause even as Israel continues to bury its dead.
The Israeli military has limited time to carry out its operations in Gaza before anger among Arabs in the region and frustration in the United States and other countries over the spiraling civilian death toll constrain Israel’s goal of eradicating Hamas, U.S. officials said this week.
As senior Biden administration officials push Israel to do more to minimize civilian casualties, Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr., the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said on Wednesday that he was worried each civilian killed in Gaza could generate future members of Hamas.
General Brown did not call for a cease-fire. But when asked by reporters traveling with him to Tokyo if he was worried that high civilian casualty numbers would generate future Hamas militants, he replied, “Yes, very much so.”
“But when asked by reporters traveling with him to Tokyo if he was worried that high civilian casualty numbers would generate future Hamas militants, he replied, ‘Yes, very much so.’”
in Other
News, Water
STILL Wet! Whoa
More after
These impor-
tant Messages
[it's Nice
when the nyt
pops in & catches
my Comments & then
(finally!) Updates The Narrative.
how may Dead
could've been Avoided
had they only Listened to el kristo*?]
for moron that
here's tentsey:
*& Shitpots
of Others!
it takes a
@30: Yes, I agree: by definition, you will always enjoy far more success arguing with statements I did not make, than in arguing with the ones I actually did.
@29: Because if there’s anything 3,500+ years of Middle Eastern history have taught us, religious fanaticism there always requires outside stimulus to form. It never, ever arises all by itself.
didn't Read
but the nyt's
Come Around Too!
just like You did!
(I know!
it was so
Obvious* you
didn't even Bother!)
[omg it's Catching]!
*Hamas's holding
Gazans Hostage
fucking Too.
Better yet, mr raindrop, have them glue themselves to Frontier Airlines, so they can experience the hell of low cost air travel!
And FYI , since Senator Manchin is about to retire, we can now look forward to more videos of Senator McConnell freezing as Majority leader! May God help us all!
@29: Glad to see even you recognize the U.S. military as a source of Unimpeachable Truth.
(Doubtless you’ll continue to do so, even if someday somehow they say something you didn’t already want to believe.)
I agree:
by definition,
you will always enjoy
far more success arguing
with statements I did not make,
than in arguing with the ones I actually did."
you've been
twisting my words
for so Long I figured
I'd give it a Shot too &
just Look at the Dividends
it's payed.
tit 4 tat
olde Man.
how you
Like it
to see
even you
the U.S. military
as a source of Unimpeachable Truth."
see, tentsey?
There you
Go again!
help yourself.
I m here
to help.
A tremendous lot was screwed up a hundred years ago, too, but I miss the 20th Century. Times were simpler, nobody was bombarded with mass media, Artificial Lack of Intelligence, and nobody had to worry about identity theft, microchips, catalytic converters, or the world destroying evil of Donald Trump, billionaires gone awry, or World War III for a good many years yet.
Kristofarian, Bauhaus I, dvs99, patL, xina, et al., what say you? Griz is feeling overwhelmed, despite having done her civic duty of voting since 1982.
auntie Gee
it's hard to Say
how it's all gonna
turn out but if we can
at Least counter the reich-
wing Narrative there is quite
Likely Hope altho you see here
how Strong the fascism is even @tS
hang In there
we may
Get there.
@22 Bauhaus I: I, too, am glad to see SAG-AFTRA back on track. You're not kidding, though! It is a hard industry to get into. I am still hoping to score for film someday, but I don't see myself living in Los Angeles (or New York City), though I'm aware that's largely where the lights, camera, and action are.
Bauhaus I, it sounds like you're really familiar with SAG-AFTRA and the Hollywood scene. I would really appreciate your feedback, thoughts, and ideas.
Seattle is a paradox for me. It is the city where I was born, but has become far out of my reach in its cost of living. And rents in L.A. and NYC are at least twice those in Seattle. Currently, I live in Bellingham, and have for almost 20 years, where I have earned a Bachelor of Arts in Music at Western Washington University, and successfully completed an online course in scoring and arranging for film and television through the Berklee School of Music in Boston, Massachusetts. On December 20, 2019 I premiered my second symphony at Squalicum High School in Bellingham.
Meanwhile, gone is another myth shattered. I'm neither pursuing a career in acting nor singing, but composing, scoring, and arranging music for film and television. Even before the COVID pandemic I thought I could just work remotely, going to L.A. for temporary contractural work, as needed in sound recording studios.
I have tried everywhere. I have made inquiries in Los Angeles, New York, Seattle, Portland, San Fransisco, and Atlanta. Even Vancouver, B.C., Canada, yet another hotbed for the film industry. I can't seem to get anywhere other than being told to buy someone's book, take someone's class, or attend some seminar that's always at least 135 miles away from where I live. I have tried making contacts with the Seattle Film Society, only to get nothing in return.
Ironically, nearly everyone I talk to who I have shared my orchestrations and arrangements with seems to like it.
With the current global human population of 8.5 billion people, do I even have a shot anymore? There must be somebody somewhere, seeking a composer to collaborate with.
What do you think?
@39 kristofarian: Thank you, kris, and bless you. I'm a bit like Max Solomon: sick at the elephant's-butt-ugly sight of the Orange Turd, and nonstop updates on just how cold-heartedly fascist RepubliKKKans are. It's too bad we can't fire the entire GOP off one way into outer space, considering how badly so many of 'em want to establish a deranged zombie ant colony on Mars. At least Jeff Bezos fled to Miami. Good riddance.
Music, VWs, cats, and beach walks (at least in good weather), movies, dark chocolate, and red wine are my solace.
@33 patL: I like your thinking!
@34 patL: Here's an idea: What if Mitch McKKKonnell drops dead before Big Coal Roller Joe Manchin retires?
WIN-WIN! Ol' Moscow Mooch the Terrible Turtle Boy isn't looking too good, lately.
Since Hannah and her homies hate Boeing so much maybe it would be best for the Big B to pack up and move remaining operations and assembly out of state.
Who needs to big soulless corporations who provide jobs anyway?
WMDs makers'll
ALWAYS find someplace
safe to call 'Home.' those Re-
eipients of their Products? well
they'll just Hafta find their Families
buried Somewhere
in the Rubble.
go to Heaven
or Wherever it Is you send
all those dead Human
Beings to.
it's just
yet Another
Exemplary post
saxxy. well done!
SAG-AFTRA's national Initiation Fee is $3,000; less if you join in one of the smaller Locals such as Seattle or Portland. Granted, the regional IF's limit ones ability to work in larger markets, but a member can always pay a "bump up fee" (the difference between the national and Local IF), or have it waived if they've been a member in-good-standing for three years.
As for producers paying the IF, that may have occurred occasionally in the past - and IME generally only in smaller markets - but it has always been a rarity, at least in the 18 some-odd years I've been involved in the unions. And while the union does offer low-interest loans via the SAG-AFTRA Credit Union, they also offer payment plans that take a bit of the sting out of the financial hit. So, for someone truly dedicated to carving out a living in what is, admittedly, a very precarious business, there are ways to make it happen.
I don't really have much insight into the scoring side of the business, but there are young, emerging film makers all over the place who might welcome the opportunity to collaborate with someone such as yourself. Not going to be much money at the start, but you never know which one of them is going to become the next Scorsese or Lynn Shelton. And any opportunity to hone your skills and build a CV/resume is going to be helpful.
Also, there may be a few local resources you could plug into: The Bellingham Film Society holds bi-monthly networking events at the Pickford Center (http://www.thebfo.com/film-mixers.html), which might be a good place to start. Also, you might consider registering your services on the Washington Filmworks production directory (https://wa.reel-scout.com/crew_registration.aspx?type=C); It's totally free. Finally, if you haven't done so already, you might want to reach out to local recording studios (https://www.google.com/search?q=recording+studio+bellingham&rlz=1C1GCCA_en&oq=recording+studio+bellingham&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyCQgAEEUYORiABDIICAEQABgWGB6oAgCwAgA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8). They might either be looking for an in-house composer, or at least might be able to give you some information about how they contract out the work.
@49 COMTE: Thank you for your very helpful advice! I will look into this further, and have already made an online inquiry to the Bellingham Film Society online. It would be lovely to find some local and regional employment--even if the starting pay is minimal--to do what I love with a passion. Orchestration and Arranging was the toughest course at WWU that I fell madly in love with. Music for me is where math makes sense.
I am a U.S. Navy Gulf War veteran of 30 years, also applying for the United States Veterans Artists Alliance (USVAA) program, and further music writing employment rehabilitation assistance through the Disabled Veterans Rehabilitation (DVR) program.
You had once very graciously offered to one day meet me for coffee at WWU, as your stepson is a full time student. Would you still be interested?
Many thanks,
@49, 50:
@51 kristofarian: Thank you and bless you, kris!
Happy Veterans' Day, everybody!