Mark my words, they're gonna fucking start selling Trump-branded ear gauze. Andrew Harnik / GETTY



Please stop linking to X/Twitter, propping up a very problematic platform and a problematic man.


I assume Donald is going to have plastic surgery to fill in where his ear got torn off.


Calling Trump "the dumbest man on the planet" is kind of dumb.


@2 My edge-case end to this scenario is that he gets sepsis from putting foundation on the wound before it's fully healed.

I'm kinda suprised that we're 3 comments in and nobody has posted a "Glad you posted your endorsements, now I know who to vote against! Hur, hur hur!" message yet. Get on the ball, Slog-haters!


"... and that his [Joe's]
mental acuity "has
been pretty damn
good." but if it
were Poor, ole
Joe, well then
How wouldja
even Know?

does the dunning
krugers Inflict
olde people
just for be-


likely start hawking
'His Ear' which comes
in Large to 'negate' his
teensie-weensie handsies

if you're a MAGAt
better order yours*
NOW whilst supplies
last. $19.95 at Walmart

& let eltrumpfster Know
you can HEAR him.

*they come in hellacious
orange, red, White and
blue, or cauliflower &
are Mostly edible.


"Transnational investment firm BlackRock briefly featured Crooks in a 2022 commercial."

What the what?


Vance going from Never Trump to running mate is on par with Harris calling Biden and old racist then advancing to running mate.


Wrong again, shockingly.


@7: except Harris didn't call Biden a racist.

"I go back and forth between thinking Trump is a cynical a--hole like Nixon who wouldn't be that bad (and might even prove useful) or that he's America's Hitler." Looks like he decided on cynical asshole. Certainly, useful to Vance's ambitions.


I think Trump got the ear dressing from that My Pillow guy.


I move that, going forward, we refer to Trump as "Drama Queen Vincent".


if you hold cops accountable for domestic violence, you wont have any more cops


Except she did in one of the primary debates.
But hey, whatever you need to tell yourself.


"In fact, in one instance, Harris specifically said to Biden, “I do not believe you are a racist.” That was in the June 27, 2019, debate during which.."

All of this is ridiculously easily searched and verifiable.


@13 Provide a link, please.

From the link in @8 Harris in fact said "I do not believe you are a racist." I know there's a lot of nuance in that statement, and that can be kind of hard to grasp, but do try to read for comprehension.


Excellent idea, Kristo!
Now you can get a piece of The True Ear! along with the Trump Bible for 3 easy payments of $49.99!
Major credit cards accepted


Harris said Biden was opposed to the busing program that benefited her in the 70s. Vance said Trump is Hitler. You think these are comparable critiques?


@17. He meant it as a compliment.


@17 To be fair, Vance said that either Trump was a conniving asshole like Nixon or America's Hitler. As it turns out, Trump's trying to be both!

@18 That was an interpretation that hadn't occurred to me until my wife suggested it yesterday.


I’m not a fan of the opportunist Vance by any means, but the Stranger calling almost anything else “poorly written” when it’s so often error-riddled or reads like a peyote-fueled fever dream is funny.


Picking populist Vance probably means that trying to outflank Biden from the left will be the main tactics as shown by having O'Brien at RNC. It worked against Clinton, so why not ....


@4 on the federal and state stage, outside of a couple of folks who won’t make it out of the primaries (but allow SECB to fly their anti-Israel flag), these endorsements won’t differ much from the hated Seattle Times (I don’t know if that speaks to pragmatism, a poor slate of candidates, etc.).

Municipal elections tend to get the full DSA treatment but time will tell if this will be the group to finally breakthrough in the general (SECB has really fallen off in their ability to back winners - something they use to be fairly decent at).


@112 - how many domestic violence incidents/cop will we be requiring? I know they swear they don't use quotas, but we all know better.


@21 Ah yes, a billionaire trust fund baby and a venture capitalist. Truer examples of the common man were never found.



stole Bernie's
pro-peeps Ideas
ran on them then
'forgot' to Ever bring
them Up again. fucking oops!

meanwhile Hills
couldn't be




I feel like Vance was chosen because he’s a hollow vessel like Trump who will say and do anything for power, as opposed to a more moderate choice like Scott or Hailey. Picking a middling white guy with no morals as his successor is a signal to the donor class that Trump is not fucking around.


Is the Stranger pretending staff writer Ashley Nerbovig did not tweet "Make America aim again" after the assassination attempt? She's still listed on the masthead, and I haven't seen the Stranger address this story.


27, Workplaces generally don't make big splashy announcements about staffers getting fired and that decorum doesn't cease to apply because it happened at a media outlet. If Ashley wants to address it she can do so on her own terms but it would be highly unethical for someone at The Stranger to publicly gossip about their former coworker losing her job.


@26 That and his willingness to kiss Trump's ... ring.


@13: when you made that claim in @7, I immediately searched for it. the 1st 3 results debunked it, including the link @12 shared and reiterated @14.

but your false equivalence worked as intended: it wasted my time.


@27 Who cares? We have bigger fish to fry.


Sh*tting all over Schrier in a swing district dependent on turnout in a cycle where the House is so close and potentially the only available check at all on a Trump second term is also incredibly irresponsible given the stakes this year. WA-8 is by no means a district where the Democrat will win regardless of the nominee.


@5 kristofarian and @16 pat L: +2 for the WIN!!!!


@5 kristofarian and @16 pat L: All this, along with the Emperor's New Clothes, on sale now for $99.99 at fine, heavily armed Wal*Marts everywhere! Target shoots! Bring the kids! There's plenty of Draconian fun for the whole unvaccinated MAGA family!
Act now, and for every Shiny Orange Turd Cauliflower Ear get an autographed DJT Lil 'Shroom Fig Leaf while supplies last!


@24 It is always mesmerizing to me how people can rationalize voting against their own best interests but I suspect that rationality is truly out the window because scapegoating others (migrants, urban and brown people, gays, ...) is a lot more powerful than we think it is.


@32 The logic of pushing Schrier to the left by backing the progressive during the primary is rather compelling. Enforcing party unit from the get go and restricting the debate does not foster massive turnout like having people first vote according to their heart, then go for tactical voting when necessary.



"... having people first
vote according to their heart,
then go for tactical voting when necessary."


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