Sad to see the stranger become so right-wing. Every day you guys take a shot at Biden and yet have nothing negative to say about trump. I hope you enjoy the trump monarchy that you're leading us toward.
Do you honestly believe that a lack of Trump bashing from The Stranger is going lead people to vote for him over Biden or whomever the DNC chooses in his place?
Even those who so valiantly voted uncommitted in the primary will fall into line and vote for Biden.
The covid 19 hospitalization rate for King County is currently greater than it was most of the time during the pandemic:
Don't be a fool, especially if you are old and/or have a medical condition.
Good Lord. COVID has gone the way of the flu and other diseases made far less lethal via vaccines (which BTW got kickstarted under Trump). Why is this whole newsfeed dunking on the only candidate who has a chance against what progressives are spinning as end-of-the-world Trump 2.0? Is this an emergency or not? This all reads like a repeat of news in 2020, I can’t with this recycled narrative anymore.
@3 Depends what happens after the nominee is finally chosen. Does The Stranger actually get off their butts and support Biden/Harris/Newsom/Whitmer or do they spend all fall griping that their preferred candidate wasn't picked? Add Schrier to that list too.
This reminds me so much of 2009/2010, when the progressive wing spent two years shitting on Obama and Obamacare because it wasn't perfect, then were all shocked-Pikachu-face when Democrats didn't show up to vote in the 2010 election. That handed a raft of state legislatures to Republicans in a redistricting year, for which we're still suffering.
His his condition?
It has been on display and obvious for at least the last two years. The left was so busy shouting, “But Trump!!!!” Anytime someone pointed it out that they failed to see what was right in front of them.
Blame yourselves right along with The Party.
Of course The Stranger will gripe. It’s kind of their thing. When the time comes though they’ll fall in line with their party just like republicans who don’t like Trump will do.
@8 You are putting the cart before the horse: some Democrats and allies didn't show up in 2010 because when facing a Republican propaganda/astroturf campaign Obama not only didn't deliver on the "change" he centered his campaign on but didn't provide a counter narrative that progressives could rally around. Nobody can implement change with an administration picked among those who don't want change.
I can't think of a single establishment Democrat The Stranger failed to support so I wouldn't be concerned they'd start now.
@9 " The left was so busy shouting, “But Trump!!!!”
Actually the left has always argued that Democrats should campaign on a positive program of change rather than continually argue for the lesser of 2 evils. Moreover, establishment Democrats are the wing that always insists that no should challenge the incumbent (except when the incumbent is a progressive of course).
@10 What, they got a historic expansion of health care entitlement through, and that wasn't change?
I'm not saying that the Democrats ran a flawless campaign, and I would have liked Obama to have spent less time believing that Republicans were negotiating in good faith when they obviously weren't, but Obamacare as passed extended health care coverage to millions of people. Even more benefited from the other provisions of the bill. Would I have liked a public option? Of course! But that missing piece doesn't mean that Obamacare wasn't a significant and positive change.
how many
Stunned to see Joe
try and navigate his way
thru his Debacle of a 'debate'?
small Wonder
they kept him
Hid till it was too
fucking Late. there's
Still Time to do the Right
Thing and pass off the Baton
to someone anyone who might
Fire up the Left And the center and
those too Disgusted to just say Fuck This
they ALL
Suck. which
is what the Donor
Class* actually Prefers
*oh & they Fund
or keep Employed
the 'd'nc who'll do just
Fine -- or so they Suppose
regardless of who emerges on Top
of the heap on Nov. 6thc or thereabouts
@12 Obama ambiguously campaigned on a public option so, although Obamacare was better than nothing (health care for profit that left 10's of millions without health insurance), it was perceived as a betrayal by some especially when combined with his picking artisans of financial deregulation crisis in his administration (Lawrence Summers and Timothy Geithner), refusal to even consider reinstating Glass-Steagall act to separate investments from commercial banks, passed a weak stimulus package that was even criticized by Paul Krugman, no repeal of huge Bush tax cuts for the wealthy, raising the top tax rate on capital gain by 5% to about half what it was under Nixon, etc..
One shouldn't forget the importance of context for Obama's election (the 2008 financial crisis) and the mandate he received from electors when considering the inability of Democrats to match Republican participation to the 2010 midterm elections..
A terrible lawyer joke - but that SPD officer could still be pulling over drunk drivers and helping to make a better society. We should be able to administer consequences but not cut resources.
@16 Yes, progress toward a goal that was not achievable with the Senate of the time was definitely a betrayal. And Obama was definitely the first president in history who had to scale back campaign promises due to political reality.
That's exactly what I'm talking about. Only got 75% of what we wanted? BETRAYAL! 100% or we turn the country over to the Republicans so they can dismantle everything we fought for!
@8 it never ceases to amaze me how Dems consider votes to be an entitlement rather than something to be earned, and if they lose it's the voters' fault not theirs. Like poor 2010 turnout was the result of progressives complaining rather than the President's performance having been complaint worthy.
@20. Your kid glove apologism for someone who mocked the negligent killing a pedestrian without having the excuse of driving while intoxicated is ironic and ghastly.
@19 The only way to change the senate for the better is to show it is wildly out of step with what voters want. Providing cover for them won't work. Down scaling radically one's demand before negotiating in fact starts (the equivalent of showing your hand) is a sure way to lose the essence of what your demands are supposed to be and it certainly doesn't bring the Overton window any closer to your point of view. Moreover, putting Summers and Geithner (the architect of financial deregulation and his protege) in charge has nothing to do with the senate or anybody else but Obama and his team. That is who he wanted despite having been elected against their projects.
75%? I'd say you are way overestimating what was accomplished compared to expectations and I suspect you know it too. I won't put a number on it but I say it's way lower than that. I also vehemently disagree with your framing about purity. Actually, it is straw man argument. In my opinion, Obama turned out to be slightly better than Clinton who wanted to continue business as usual and was repudiated by Democratic voters.
Biden finally admitted the truth. He was never supposed to run for re-election. He was supposed to be one and done. He was supposed to get Trump out of the White House and then make sure Trump could NEVER, EVER get back into the White House. Instead, the Biden Administration, especially the lame and useless Department of Justice, DID NOTHING OF THE SORT.
And now here we are - facing Biden (unfit to be the Commander in Chief) vs. Trump (unfit to be a human being). Whatever happens, Biden and the Democrats are to blame. 100%
Arrogance, ego, hubris, delusion, whatever, the Democrats have proven they are just as tone deaf and drunk on power as Republicans. And what are the people of this country going to go through because of it? Only time will tell, but whatever it is, it won't be pretty. It will be violent, disgusting, and thoroughly and completely destructive - possibly fatal to the country as a whole - definitely fatal to huge swaths of the population (human and all other life, too).
Man, at some point this snowball's just gonna have too much freaking momentum to stop and it seems as if we're pretty much there. I was gonna say a press conference tomorrow AM to announce he's out would have the strategic benefit of sucking much of the wind out of any potential bump Trump might receive following tonight's speech, but then I guess the covid diagnosis renders that a non-starter. The sooner, the better, regardless.
It's fairly apparent Biden will almost certainly have totally lost verbal ability if not gross motor function if he's still around by 2028, but this won't help Democrat's pathological inability to field an appealing candidate, even against someone who will supposedly End Democracy.
I'm reminded of the old Norm joke: "Americans hated Hillary so much, they elected someone they hated even more."
Mark Halperin, former ABC journalist and sexual harasser, is reporting that Biden is contemplating announcing leaving the race on Sunday, not endorsing any replacement candidate to allow for an open convention, and that Shapiro and Beshear are being vetted as possible Harris running mates.
I mildly disagree and feel like any of the commonly mentioned names would be willing to step up if the opportunity to do so should arise. That said, I think Harris would absolutely eviscerate Trump in a debate, quite possibly far worse than any of those other commonly mentioned names. Unfortunately, I also think his handlers are smart enough to recognize this, and unlikely to let him anywhere near a debate stage with Harris, or anyone else for that matter.
@18 I have to admit that I have never seen both of them in the same room at the same time. Then again, I also haven't seen you, so I can't rule it out that you are really three raccoons in a trench-coat.
People Close to Biden Say
He Appears to Accept
He May Have to
Leave the
One person
familiar with President
Biden’s thinking cautioned
that he had not yet made up
his mind, after three weeks of in-
sisting he would continue his campaign.
@30 averagebob and @35 kristofarian: +2 for the WIN!!! I agree and sure do hope so!
Thank you for your service, President Joe Biden.
Good luck, Kamala Harris- Gavin Newsom
Kamala Harris- Gretchen Whitmer
Kamala Harris- Patty Murray (would she run for VP? She kicks serious ass for Washington State, though we really need her to represent us here in the sane Washington...Senator Patty Murray--Speaker of the House!) Please please please please please end the dystopian nightmare that is Donald J. Trump and its batshit crazy crime syndicate!
Crawl into a hole, eat shit, and die, Daniel Auderer! Better yet, get fittingly run over by a hit-and-run drunk driver. You're the one who has no value. SPD should never have hired shit like you in the first place.
@7 Max Solomon: That's further proof that the SPOG is a dystopian pro-Trumpist crime syndicate in dire need of being disbanded. It's definitely a union gone bad.
@15 -- Security'd
better be Tonnes Better
for nutnyahoo's upcoming
Lecture to America/Congress
than it was for eltrumpfster's
Nuremberg Rally -- ol' bibi's
created so many Enemies
& his Genocide's not
doing Anyone any
good -- except to
keep bibi's Arse
outta Prison
he's too Good a target
and the Repercussions too
Vast for any Fuck-ups. keep
Genocider bibi Safe, America
or Biden'll get all the Blame
& we'll elect yet Another
fucking Fascist*
@37 -- Thanks auntie Gee!
*the fucking dick CHENEY
and his little Sidekick
Gee Dubya (not to
mention the Mal
a Lardo Mango).
Why are people still voting for the two evils? Are you all rich people and like their pandering to you? Or just brainwashed to totally believe that is all you can get?
Thank heaven for young people that see beyond this corrupt, genocidal US government that uses the taxes to kill babies, children and the unarmed. And works for the corporations that are ok with frying us to death.
No can do. If I vote for anyone at this point it will be Jill Stein of the Green Party she is against killing children. Cannot vote for either insane lunacy.
Doing that same thing and expecting different results does not work.
The hope for the common people could be the labor movement, the anti war movement and the climate movement. They could do it for us non rich and even decent rich people.
It sure will not be the two evils. We are just pawns to them. You could research history and note that war after war, the take down of governments has/is the employ of this system. Are you too far gone to get this? We are moving along and the youth movement is leaving you behind. If you care you could catch up.
This should not be news and the motivator for millions today is to stop the extermination of the Palestinian people and end Israel rule over this government. For starters.
@40 Voting third party is nothing put pure arrogance in a system hard-wired for two parties. This isn't a parliamentary democracy with proportional representation. It's a system with the monstrosity that the Electoral College is. Voting 3rd party in our system is effectively saying you are fine with the worst candidate winning, and you don't care about those more vulnerable than you. It is nothing but arrogance and entitlement. Given a choice between a decent person with a bad policy on Israel, and one who will tell Netanyahu to finish his slaughter quickly and get it out of the news, I'll pick the one who won't throw me in a camp for protesting.
@40 Ivy R. Nightscales: I usually agree with you because you're so consistently spot on. I have to disagree with you here, however, on a few issues.
The third party vote as well as the long outdated Electoral College got us inept oil-soaked warmonger George W.(a.k.a., "Dubya") Bush, Jr., and Dick Cheney in 2000 and white collar con man Donald John (a.k.a,: "The Orange Turd") Trump and Mike Pence in 2016.
In our federal two-party system, an independent or third party vote is just another vote for a media bloated, gloating, narcissistic fascist unfit to govern what is now the Deeply Divided States in 2024. This time it promises to bring back The Dark Ages, and with an exceedingly cruel vengeance out of sheerly vindictive spite--all because it hates to lose. The Orange Turd, in its disastrous four year term of desecrating the White House (2017-2021) has already caused long term damage on our judicial system, stacking the courts and SCOTUS to exclusively serve its every whim. After being tried and convicted for 34 felonies in New York State, DJT should now be rotting in federal prison, not running illegally after being granted full immunity! Sentencing, slated for July 11, 2024 has been pushed back indefinitely, with help from equally corrupt judges like Eileen Cannon and other Turd appointees, such as Brett Kavanaugh, Neil Gorsuch, and Amy Coney Barrett. All, in addition to Samuel Alito, Jr., Clarence Thomas, and John Roberts are unfit to serve as U.S. Supreme Court Justices for their willful dismissal of We, the People of this corrupted country and caving instead to Trump!
As well as everyone else, many in the younger generations need to realize this if they haven't already. They do indeed have much to contribute, and I hope that those eligible remember to cast their vote in this crucial election do so in a timely manner while they still can. Far too much is at stake.
I have concerns that the election of 2020 will be long remembered too little, too late as the last one in this MAGA-blinded country that was conducted in an impartial, fair, and just manner. For the sake of preserving democracy I can only hope I'm wrong.
Otherwise, if the Orange Turd succeeds in being crowned the first king, however illegally, it will be like we never learned a damned thing from the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich 89 years ago. Anyone who still doesn't get this offers further proof that history so often repeats itself.
Just a friendly reminder: votes for Jill Stein in 2016 got us DONALD JOHN TRUMP---not Hillary Rodham Clinton who would and SHOULD HAVE made history rightfully as the first woman President of the United States, and Senator Tim Kaine as VP (although I consider him a poor choice for a running mate). Hillary should have listened to her husband, 42nd President William (Bill) Jefferson Clinton, too, about campaigning in swing states. She didn't, and it's what also cost her the White House.
"We are moving along and
the youth movement is
leaving you behind."
they're Aghast
at the scene we're
leaving behind as if
NOTHING Matters more
than the Will of the Oligachs
who'll if given the Opportunity
will Shred this gorgeous little
Blue Planet to smithereens
in persuit of More More
and Still MORE -- they
will Never have
til the Biosphere's
great comment
as per Always
Ivy R.
Please wait...
and remember to be decent to everyone all of the time.
Sad to see the stranger become so right-wing. Every day you guys take a shot at Biden and yet have nothing negative to say about trump. I hope you enjoy the trump monarchy that you're leading us toward.
Is that Krist Novoselic holding an Andrea Suarez sign alongside Sara Nelson? Smells like teen jail.
Do you honestly believe that a lack of Trump bashing from The Stranger is going lead people to vote for him over Biden or whomever the DNC chooses in his place?
Even those who so valiantly voted uncommitted in the primary will fall into line and vote for Biden.
& the
don't get
no Free Pass for
helping electing eltrumpfster
they Hid his Condition
from the Electorate
till it was Too Late
& now they reap
what they've
sown -- or
are You
feelin' Lucky
America? well, Are ya?
The covid 19 hospitalization rate for King County is currently greater than it was most of the time during the pandemic:
Don't be a fool, especially if you are old and/or have a medical condition.
Good Lord. COVID has gone the way of the flu and other diseases made far less lethal via vaccines (which BTW got kickstarted under Trump). Why is this whole newsfeed dunking on the only candidate who has a chance against what progressives are spinning as end-of-the-world Trump 2.0? Is this an emergency or not? This all reads like a repeat of news in 2020, I can’t with this recycled narrative anymore.
SPOG isn't going to let Auderer get fired without a substantial severance package, then run for Governor on the Republic ticket in 2028.
Or become police chief of Republic. Either way.
@3 Depends what happens after the nominee is finally chosen. Does The Stranger actually get off their butts and support Biden/Harris/Newsom/Whitmer or do they spend all fall griping that their preferred candidate wasn't picked? Add Schrier to that list too.
This reminds me so much of 2009/2010, when the progressive wing spent two years shitting on Obama and Obamacare because it wasn't perfect, then were all shocked-Pikachu-face when Democrats didn't show up to vote in the 2010 election. That handed a raft of state legislatures to Republicans in a redistricting year, for which we're still suffering.
His his condition?
It has been on display and obvious for at least the last two years. The left was so busy shouting, “But Trump!!!!” Anytime someone pointed it out that they failed to see what was right in front of them.
Blame yourselves right along with The Party.
Of course The Stranger will gripe. It’s kind of their thing. When the time comes though they’ll fall in line with their party just like republicans who don’t like Trump will do.
@8 You are putting the cart before the horse: some Democrats and allies didn't show up in 2010 because when facing a Republican propaganda/astroturf campaign Obama not only didn't deliver on the "change" he centered his campaign on but didn't provide a counter narrative that progressives could rally around. Nobody can implement change with an administration picked among those who don't want change.
I can't think of a single establishment Democrat The Stranger failed to support so I wouldn't be concerned they'd start now.
@9 " The left was so busy shouting, “But Trump!!!!”
Actually the left has always argued that Democrats should campaign on a positive program of change rather than continually argue for the lesser of 2 evils. Moreover, establishment Democrats are the wing that always insists that no should challenge the incumbent (except when the incumbent is a progressive of course).
@10 What, they got a historic expansion of health care entitlement through, and that wasn't change?
I'm not saying that the Democrats ran a flawless campaign, and I would have liked Obama to have spent less time believing that Republicans were negotiating in good faith when they obviously weren't, but Obamacare as passed extended health care coverage to millions of people. Even more benefited from the other provisions of the bill. Would I have liked a public option? Of course! But that missing piece doesn't mean that Obamacare wasn't a significant and positive change.
how many
Stunned to see Joe
try and navigate his way
thru his Debacle of a 'debate'?
small Wonder
they kept him
Hid till it was too
fucking Late. there's
Still Time to do the Right
Thing and pass off the Baton
to someone anyone who might
Fire up the Left And the center and
those too Disgusted to just say Fuck This
they ALL
Suck. which
is what the Donor
Class* actually Prefers
*oh & they Fund
or keep Employed
the 'd'nc who'll do just
Fine -- or so they Suppose
regardless of who emerges on Top
of the heap on Nov. 6thc or thereabouts
@9: I've noticed more shouts of "Genocide Joe" than "But Trump" from "The Left".
Genocide. is That*
Helping or is it hurting
Joe's electoral chances?
all Set to
come Lecture
America on whateverthefuck
the Youth
Vote is Not
beholden to
Israel like AIPAC's
made Congress & Kids
these days're NOT Pro-genocide
even if Wormtongue
fights like hell
@12 Obama ambiguously campaigned on a public option so, although Obamacare was better than nothing (health care for profit that left 10's of millions without health insurance), it was perceived as a betrayal by some especially when combined with his picking artisans of financial deregulation crisis in his administration (Lawrence Summers and Timothy Geithner), refusal to even consider reinstating Glass-Steagall act to separate investments from commercial banks, passed a weak stimulus package that was even criticized by Paul Krugman, no repeal of huge Bush tax cuts for the wealthy, raising the top tax rate on capital gain by 5% to about half what it was under Nixon, etc..
One shouldn't forget the importance of context for Obama's election (the 2008 financial crisis) and the mandate he received from electors when considering the inability of Democrats to match Republican participation to the 2010 midterm elections..
A terrible lawyer joke - but that SPD officer could still be pulling over drunk drivers and helping to make a better society. We should be able to administer consequences but not cut resources.
@17. Raindrop, is that you?
@16 Yes, progress toward a goal that was not achievable with the Senate of the time was definitely a betrayal. And Obama was definitely the first president in history who had to scale back campaign promises due to political reality.
That's exactly what I'm talking about. Only got 75% of what we wanted? BETRAYAL! 100% or we turn the country over to the Republicans so they can dismantle everything we fought for!
18: No, I am me.
@8 it never ceases to amaze me how Dems consider votes to be an entitlement rather than something to be earned, and if they lose it's the voters' fault not theirs. Like poor 2010 turnout was the result of progressives complaining rather than the President's performance having been complaint worthy.
@20. Your kid glove apologism for someone who mocked the negligent killing a pedestrian without having the excuse of driving while intoxicated is ironic and ghastly.
@19 The only way to change the senate for the better is to show it is wildly out of step with what voters want. Providing cover for them won't work. Down scaling radically one's demand before negotiating in fact starts (the equivalent of showing your hand) is a sure way to lose the essence of what your demands are supposed to be and it certainly doesn't bring the Overton window any closer to your point of view. Moreover, putting Summers and Geithner (the architect of financial deregulation and his protege) in charge has nothing to do with the senate or anybody else but Obama and his team. That is who he wanted despite having been elected against their projects.
75%? I'd say you are way overestimating what was accomplished compared to expectations and I suspect you know it too. I won't put a number on it but I say it's way lower than that. I also vehemently disagree with your framing about purity. Actually, it is straw man argument. In my opinion, Obama turned out to be slightly better than Clinton who wanted to continue business as usual and was repudiated by Democratic voters.
22: I'm sorry you took it that way.
18, Once you come to this realization you will never unsee it.
Biden finally admitted the truth. He was never supposed to run for re-election. He was supposed to be one and done. He was supposed to get Trump out of the White House and then make sure Trump could NEVER, EVER get back into the White House. Instead, the Biden Administration, especially the lame and useless Department of Justice, DID NOTHING OF THE SORT.
And now here we are - facing Biden (unfit to be the Commander in Chief) vs. Trump (unfit to be a human being). Whatever happens, Biden and the Democrats are to blame. 100%
Arrogance, ego, hubris, delusion, whatever, the Democrats have proven they are just as tone deaf and drunk on power as Republicans. And what are the people of this country going to go through because of it? Only time will tell, but whatever it is, it won't be pretty. It will be violent, disgusting, and thoroughly and completely destructive - possibly fatal to the country as a whole - definitely fatal to huge swaths of the population (human and all other life, too).
26: Biden stepping aside is inevitable now.
Man, at some point this snowball's just gonna have too much freaking momentum to stop and it seems as if we're pretty much there. I was gonna say a press conference tomorrow AM to announce he's out would have the strategic benefit of sucking much of the wind out of any potential bump Trump might receive following tonight's speech, but then I guess the covid diagnosis renders that a non-starter. The sooner, the better, regardless.
It's fairly apparent Biden will almost certainly have totally lost verbal ability if not gross motor function if he's still around by 2028, but this won't help Democrat's pathological inability to field an appealing candidate, even against someone who will supposedly End Democracy.
I'm reminded of the old Norm joke: "Americans hated Hillary so much, they elected someone they hated even more."
@28 I am with you: the sooner, the better
and with enthusiasm to project confidence and dynamism and ability to pass the baton to a newer generation
Harris is uniquely positioned to send Trump packing. She can do it.
30: It should be Harris. Besides the current 3rd party candidates, I don't think anyone else really wants to be thrust into it.
Mark Halperin, former ABC journalist and sexual harasser, is reporting that Biden is contemplating announcing leaving the race on Sunday, not endorsing any replacement candidate to allow for an open convention, and that Shapiro and Beshear are being vetted as possible Harris running mates.
I mildly disagree and feel like any of the commonly mentioned names would be willing to step up if the opportunity to do so should arise. That said, I think Harris would absolutely eviscerate Trump in a debate, quite possibly far worse than any of those other commonly mentioned names. Unfortunately, I also think his handlers are smart enough to recognize this, and unlikely to let him anywhere near a debate stage with Harris, or anyone else for that matter.
@18 I have to admit that I have never seen both of them in the same room at the same time. Then again, I also haven't seen you, so I can't rule it out that you are really three raccoons in a trench-coat.
moving on
harris / whitmer
harris / sanders
or whitehouse
'Slick' Vance
& eltrumpfster
in Fact
they should
start right Now.
People Close to Biden Say
He Appears to Accept
He May Have to
Leave the
One person
familiar with President
Biden’s thinking cautioned
that he had not yet made up
his mind, after three weeks of in-
sisting he would continue his campaign.
let them
duke it Out
I do
It’s Time
for Some
Stauary. Sir.
or Corvette?
why not
fucking Both.
@30 averagebob and @35 kristofarian: +2 for the WIN!!! I agree and sure do hope so!
Thank you for your service, President Joe Biden.
Good luck, Kamala Harris- Gavin Newsom
Kamala Harris- Gretchen Whitmer
Kamala Harris- Patty Murray (would she run for VP? She kicks serious ass for Washington State, though we really need her to represent us here in the sane Washington...Senator Patty Murray--Speaker of the House!) Please please please please please end the dystopian nightmare that is Donald J. Trump and its batshit crazy crime syndicate!
Crawl into a hole, eat shit, and die, Daniel Auderer! Better yet, get fittingly run over by a hit-and-run drunk driver. You're the one who has no value. SPD should never have hired shit like you in the first place.
@7 Max Solomon: That's further proof that the SPOG is a dystopian pro-Trumpist crime syndicate in dire need of being disbanded. It's definitely a union gone bad.
@15 -- Security'd
better be Tonnes Better
for nutnyahoo's upcoming
Lecture to America/Congress
than it was for eltrumpfster's
Nuremberg Rally -- ol' bibi's
created so many Enemies
& his Genocide's not
doing Anyone any
good -- except to
keep bibi's Arse
outta Prison
he's too Good a target
and the Repercussions too
Vast for any Fuck-ups. keep
Genocider bibi Safe, America
or Biden'll get all the Blame
& we'll elect yet Another
fucking Fascist*
@37 -- Thanks auntie Gee!
*the fucking dick CHENEY
and his little Sidekick
Gee Dubya (not to
mention the Mal
a Lardo Mango).
Why are people still voting for the two evils? Are you all rich people and like their pandering to you? Or just brainwashed to totally believe that is all you can get?
Thank heaven for young people that see beyond this corrupt, genocidal US government that uses the taxes to kill babies, children and the unarmed. And works for the corporations that are ok with frying us to death.
No can do. If I vote for anyone at this point it will be Jill Stein of the Green Party she is against killing children. Cannot vote for either insane lunacy.
Doing that same thing and expecting different results does not work.
The hope for the common people could be the labor movement, the anti war movement and the climate movement. They could do it for us non rich and even decent rich people.
It sure will not be the two evils. We are just pawns to them. You could research history and note that war after war, the take down of governments has/is the employ of this system. Are you too far gone to get this? We are moving along and the youth movement is leaving you behind. If you care you could catch up.
This should not be news and the motivator for millions today is to stop the extermination of the Palestinian people and end Israel rule over this government. For starters.
@40 Voting third party is nothing put pure arrogance in a system hard-wired for two parties. This isn't a parliamentary democracy with proportional representation. It's a system with the monstrosity that the Electoral College is. Voting 3rd party in our system is effectively saying you are fine with the worst candidate winning, and you don't care about those more vulnerable than you. It is nothing but arrogance and entitlement. Given a choice between a decent person with a bad policy on Israel, and one who will tell Netanyahu to finish his slaughter quickly and get it out of the news, I'll pick the one who won't throw me in a camp for protesting.
@40 Ivy R. Nightscales: I usually agree with you because you're so consistently spot on. I have to disagree with you here, however, on a few issues.
The third party vote as well as the long outdated Electoral College got us inept oil-soaked warmonger George W.(a.k.a., "Dubya") Bush, Jr., and Dick Cheney in 2000 and white collar con man Donald John (a.k.a,: "The Orange Turd") Trump and Mike Pence in 2016.
In our federal two-party system, an independent or third party vote is just another vote for a media bloated, gloating, narcissistic fascist unfit to govern what is now the Deeply Divided States in 2024. This time it promises to bring back The Dark Ages, and with an exceedingly cruel vengeance out of sheerly vindictive spite--all because it hates to lose. The Orange Turd, in its disastrous four year term of desecrating the White House (2017-2021) has already caused long term damage on our judicial system, stacking the courts and SCOTUS to exclusively serve its every whim. After being tried and convicted for 34 felonies in New York State, DJT should now be rotting in federal prison, not running illegally after being granted full immunity! Sentencing, slated for July 11, 2024 has been pushed back indefinitely, with help from equally corrupt judges like Eileen Cannon and other Turd appointees, such as Brett Kavanaugh, Neil Gorsuch, and Amy Coney Barrett. All, in addition to Samuel Alito, Jr., Clarence Thomas, and John Roberts are unfit to serve as U.S. Supreme Court Justices for their willful dismissal of We, the People of this corrupted country and caving instead to Trump!
As well as everyone else, many in the younger generations need to realize this if they haven't already. They do indeed have much to contribute, and I hope that those eligible remember to cast their vote in this crucial election do so in a timely manner while they still can. Far too much is at stake.
I have concerns that the election of 2020 will be long remembered too little, too late as the last one in this MAGA-blinded country that was conducted in an impartial, fair, and just manner. For the sake of preserving democracy I can only hope I'm wrong.
Otherwise, if the Orange Turd succeeds in being crowned the first king, however illegally, it will be like we never learned a damned thing from the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich 89 years ago. Anyone who still doesn't get this offers further proof that history so often repeats itself.
Just a friendly reminder: votes for Jill Stein in 2016 got us DONALD JOHN TRUMP---not Hillary Rodham Clinton who would and SHOULD HAVE made history rightfully as the first woman President of the United States, and Senator Tim Kaine as VP (although I consider him a poor choice for a running mate). Hillary should have listened to her husband, 42nd President William (Bill) Jefferson Clinton, too, about campaigning in swing states. She didn't, and it's what also cost her the White House.
@41 Greenwood Bob: +1 Thank you. Well said.
"We are moving along and
the youth movement is
leaving you behind."
they're Aghast
at the scene we're
leaving behind as if
NOTHING Matters more
than the Will of the Oligachs
who'll if given the Opportunity
will Shred this gorgeous little
Blue Planet to smithereens
in persuit of More More
and Still MORE -- they
will Never have
til the Biosphere's
great comment
as per Always
Ivy R.