

re: the
Lecturing US:

Netanyahu went out of his way to frame Israel’s plight as civilized people against uncivilized barbarians, which only works if you harbor a supremely racist worldview.

He kept repeating the word “civilization”, contrasting this with the “barbarism” of Hamas and its supporters, calling Israel’s US-backed military violence “a clash between barbarism and civilization” and saying “Israel fights on the frontline of civilization”.

He made these appeals to the racism that westerners harbor toward middle easterners in the same speech wherein he decried the “outrageous slanders that paint Israel as racist and genocidal”.

This deluge of lies and racist invective received dozens and dozens of standing ovations. The same political class that’s spent the last eight years shrieking about the threat of misinformation, disinformation and foreign propaganda just normalized and applauded a foreign genocidal war criminal as he stood before Congress telling lie after lie after lie.

You couldn’t ask for a better example of everything Washington stands for than this. Both houses of Congress rising to feverishly applaud one of history’s worst genocidal monsters dozens of times as he lies over and over again is a much better representation of what the US government is about than anything you’ll see during the presidential race from now until November.

This is everything Israel is, and
this is everything the US empire is.
They’re showing you who they are. Believe them.

oodles more:


What a horrible thing to do to the hotel and staff.


@1: Great job, as usual.

"Netanyahu went out of his way to frame Israel’s plight as civilized people against uncivilized barbarians, which only works if you harbor a supremely racist worldview."

The (literally) women-beating regime in Iran funds Hamas, with climate-scorching petro-profits. LGBTQ+ persons in Gaza dare not reveal their identities, for fear of Hamas' brutal persecution. Hamas doesn't merely use children for human shields, it intentionally increases the civilian casualty rate in Gaza, in the belief that this hurts Israel.

Then folks like Johnstone validate Hamas' belief in the efficacy of terrorism, by saying exactly what Hamas wants them to say. If her words have any effect at all, they would motivate Hamas to get even more civilians killed in Gaza. She's such a willing apologist for bigoted jihadi terrorists, she refused to condemn even their rapes and murders of unarmed, defenseless women.

And you, of course, pass all of her garbage along as Gospel Truth. Because you honestly do not know any better.

I sincerely hope neither you nor her ever have to endure so much as one single day living under Hamas, or threat of attack from Hamas. But it would be interesting to see how well you fared under their version of "civilization."



gonna Bomb
its way to Peace

it's gonna End

Brilliant plan.

good to see
You're on


I feel bad for the service staff who have to deal with that crap. It's not going to impact Netanyahu in any significant way, but it makes a mess for an anonymous-to-us worker to clean up.


Also, Mike Johnson made a big deal about how he expected decorum in the House chamber when Netanyahu was speaking. Of course, he didn't make anything like that kind of demand when Biden was giving the SOTU.


Always enjoy the daily updates on "arguably well-intentioned protest movements that sabotage progress towards their own stated goals."


It’s offensive for the leader of a country that barely tolerates queer people using the LGBTQ community as human shields against valid criticism, let alone a corrupt, antidemocratic leader like Netanyahu, the Donald Trump of Israel.


Why don't I stretch out? 🥾🥾🛋


“Love to see it”. Ugh fuck these performative asshats (and the ones who disrupted SeaTac for Gaza a few months back)

Air travel already sucks hard so all this does is turn the public against you

Also focusing on individual choices is what corporations want. Individual choices do matter of course, but effective policies and regulations are much more important to addressing climate change


What surprised me a little about Netanyahu's speech was he didn't offer anything tangible for Fox News and the rest of his U.S. fan club to tout as a "breakthrough" or "game-changer." While I didn't expect him to announce that a cease-fire deal had been reached (as some had hoped), I did think he'd probably bring something smaller yet still substantive, such as a new plan for increasing the flow of humanitarian supplies or a new initiative to protect aid workers. But no, this was purely a political stunt aimed not at his stateside supporters but the Israeli public (conveniently enough, his speech coincided with TV prime time in Israel) so nothing of that sort was necessary. The fact that he was allowed to use the Capitol as a campaign prop is to me as much of a desecration of that building as Jan. 6 was. And both parties share the blame for this one.


Remember that in Civ it's always okay to ethnically cleanse the Barbarian camps.


@1 my interest is piqued. Please correct the record and describe the Hamas civilization for us.


@13 Netanyahu did get that one thing right: this is not a "clash of civilizations." It's one bloodthirsty barbarian tribe versus another.


so What happens
when the Occupying Force
Targets those pesky Press peeps
looking for a Story? ah, yes and Now
I remember Wormtongue’s singing the
Praises of “the fog of War’ or something like


Israeli soldiers
tell story of savage cruelty
in Gaza - one hidden from western publics
Women and children are being targeted intentionally,

say Israeli whistleblowers. From
ground troops to commanders,
the rules of war have
been shredded

--Jonathan Cook; July 19, 2024

not to mention




'an Hamas civilization'?
Palestine hasn't had a Fucking
Election since 2007 the Terrorists
got voted in and surprise terrorize
their very Own. Remember how bibi
Encoutraged them? of Course you don't.


for @13


@fucking 15
encouraged dammit
who 'Edits' this tripe?


Great work with the maggots.
It had absolutely no impact on Netanyahu and a couple of low wage workers got stuck cleaning it up.
That’s really stickin to the man.

Did those protesters in Europe stop the flights or simply delay them?
Nothing more than performance art.


This is the source article for much of the Jonathan Cook report from @15:

Hey Tensorna, remember waaaaay back when the escaped hostages were shot? And that I said that the fact that they were shot meant that Israeli soldiers were given rules of engagement to shoot everyone on sight? And how huffy you got about that, and that Israel would /never/ do such a thing because they cared about preserving civilian lives? Yeah, go ahead and read the 972 article linked above. Particularly the part about the IDF shooting 15-20 civilians because those people didn't know which door to use leaving the school they were told to evacuate. Oops, near IDF soldiers, so kill 'em all.

Just another day with The Most Moral Army in the World (tm).


@17- I think “Encoutraged” is what Fox News does go whip up the MAGAts.


For people who don't feel like reading the 972 article linked in @19, the gist is basically that the IDF lightly adapted the TSA motto. For the IDF, it's "If you see something, shoot something." The directive given to troops is to shoot to kill anyone they see. Do not give warning shots. Do not care if they're civilians. Just shoot to kill. Oh, and no worries about actually trying to rescue hostages. Que sera sera.

Oh, and the answer to why we don't have a higher Gazan body count is that the IDF bulldozes bodies under rubble to keep them out of sight of international aid convoys.

That, my friends, is morality in action!


but 10/7
gives bibi
the Absolute
RIGHT to Genocide

Tax $$$
at Work:

WAR, bitches.



@7 -- where you're wrong is assuming they are well-intentioned people accidentally sabotaging their own goals. Their most important goal is to get Donald Trump elected president. Their tactics are designed to accomplish that.


@14 -- Nailed it. Fuck Bibi. Fuck Hamas. A plague on both your houses.

Anyway, moving on. I liked the ad. Harris has a really good laugh. It is her best quality as a politician -- that and the fact that she is hot. Not quite Obama hot, but pretty damn close. (I would put her above Bill Clinton, which is saying something).

At some point I hope the Democrats go after Trump the president, not Trump the lawbreaker. But I like the way they portrayed him. They made him look ... small. I would use the prosecutor versus the criminal angle to combat voter suppression. She should campaign with attorneys general in swing states and promise that everyone gets a vote, even if they vote for her opponent (the loser). The right to vote is the foundation of our democracy -- USA, USA, USA -- that kind of shit.

But again, at some point her campaign has to hammer home the fact that Trump was a terrible president. Never mind the fact that he says horrible shit. Never mind the fact that he is a criminal. He was a terrible, terrible president. Many people who worked with him -- from non-partisan generals to high level people he himself appointed -- have said that. Never before in history has that happened. Oh, and of course there is the pandemic. More people died per capita than just about every country, including South Korea (which was the first country outside China to get it) and Italy (the first European country to get it). Then there was the PPP. The goal was to protect small businesses, but instead a lot of money went to big chains. Not only that, but the fraud. So much fraud. Billions and billions of dollars worth of fraud. [Trump voice]

It wouldn't hurt to point out that we have the best economy in the world since Biden took office. Nor would it hurt to point out the various things he did that will make this country better in the long run. Biden quietly became the greatest president since FDR ( But it was this quietness that made it hard for people to see. So show them! Point out the great things he has done, even if the Republicans successfully fought against it (child poverty cut in half! -- so what if that ended). Do all that and Kamala Harris will be doing a lot of smiling on election night.


@24 "Nor would it hurt to point out the various things he did that will make this country better in the long run. Biden quietly became the greatest president since FDR"

I actually disagree. Biden is historically unpopular. Anybody who would buy the "best President since FDR" stuff is already 100% voting blue. I think Kamala needs to go all in on the "fresh new voice" angle and look forward not backward, which has the added benefit of starkly contrasting Trump who has no future plans just tired grievances.



Harris Offers Support for Israel
but Calls Out Palestinians’
Plight After Talk With

In what amounted to her debut on the world stage since her rapid ascension as the presumptive Democratic nominee for president, Ms. Harris sought to strike a balance and capture what she called “the complexity” of the strife in the Middle East.

But while she did not stray from President Biden on policy, she struck a stronger tone on the plight of Palestinians.

“What has happened in Gaza over the past nine months is devastating,” she told reporters after meeting with Mr. Netanyahu at the White House complex.

[she also] … declared that “far too many innocent civilians” had died in Gaza and that “I will not be silent” about their suffering.

“The images of dead children and desperate, hungry people fleeing for safety, sometimes displaced for the second, third or fourth time — we cannot look away in the face of these tragedies, we cannot allow ourselves to become numb to the suffering, and I will not be silent.”

Mr. Netanyahu planned to hedge his bets by making a trip to Florida to visit former President Donald J. Trump at his Mar-a-Lago estate on Friday.

But Mr. Trump, who has soured on Mr. Netanyahu after their initially strong alliance, may not offer the message the prime minister wants to hear.

In an interview on Fox News on Thursday, the former president said that Israel should wrap up the war soon because it has yielded bad public relations for the country. Israel should “finish up and get it done quickly,” Mr. Trump said, “because they are getting decimated with this publicity.”

--by Peter Baker; 7/25/24


gosh FINALLY a little
Sanity from the Biden
Administration re Israel
better Late than Never?

oh & even eltrumpfster’s
okay with Ending
the Carnage.

looks iike Prison just
might be in your
very near


& not a Moment
too fucking Soon.

END the Madness:
we've got FAR Better
Places to spend our $.


this just In

Cheers The Butcher!
Amazing protests greet him!

One of the most genocidal human beings in our lifetime spoke in front of Congress yesterday and received over 50 standing ovations.

But the protests outside Congress have been amazing and creative. Eleanor [Goldfield] and I will be covering all of this plus much more today at 3pm ET/ Noon PT but you can watch any time afterwards as well.

--Lee Camp; Thu, Jul 25

oodles more, humorously
the butcher’
hmmm. it Suits him.

gotta wonder if bibi's
got one of those
White aprons...


[ze link disappeared!]

oodles more, humorously
[if you're neither a Neolib not Con]:


@15, @19, @21: You guys are so desperate to grab at any factual support for your beliefs, you quoted the same information three times (!), from two ‘sources.’

You were so eager to slobber over every detail, you didn’t think about context, and what it reveals. Nine continuous months of brutal urban warfare have produced almost no evidence in favor of intentional atrocities by the IDF. By contrast, just one single day of Hamas’ attacking in Israel produced a lengthy inquiry into just how many dozens of rapes Hamas had committed, prior to killing most of the rape victims. You guys really know how to pick ‘em, that’s for sure.

@19: Quote and URL, please.


I'm not at all surprised that the Orange Turd's right hand MAGA 'shroom JD Vance is limited to jerking off on sofas. It's the best sectional intercourse he'll ever get. What woman of sound mind would ever consent to have sex with him, his running mate, or ANY RepubliKKKan male?

So convicted felon, the Orange Turd, and its neofascist enablers are scared shitless of Kamala Harris?
Well, GOOD!

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