More importantly, this underscores how awful the UK and Canada have become. In the US that woman would just be kicked off a platform, in the Commonwealth - the government comes after you.
A lesson learned from working in food service: when it's discovered that money has been going missing from the till on a nightly basis, and there's a manager who immediately accuses, without evidence, a black dishwasher of taking it? That manager is the one stealing from the till.
In related news, I'm sure this midair collision has nothing to do with the fact that the political party that brags about its plans to eliminate the federal government is midway through the process of firing all the people who prevent midair collisions.
Trump claims without evidence DEI caused the plane crash, WA electeds claim without evidence people driving with .05 BAC cause car crashes. A lot of unsupported claims happening today apparently.
There isn’t a direct link between the crash and the government hiring more black people but that didn’t stop trump from signing an EO declaring it did.
This particular instance might not be his fault but his plan for federal lay offs and hiring freezes will mean more air traffic controllers taking on more work than they can handle, and more opportunities for plane crashes. We would be better off not politicizing tragedies but if that’s the game they want to play then fight back and make them eat it.
Maybe they don't teach it in school anymore, but we DID ban alcohol in this country for nearly 13 years and all it did was drive the manufacture, sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages underground, resulting in the meteoric rise in organized crime. Probably not a good idea to repeat that particular mistake.
There's plenty of evidence that lowering BAL reduces DUI-caused traffic accidents. You can start with this and go from there:
I'm OK with lowering the BAC standard but what we really need to do is, make the penalty for a first time DUI conviction, a one year mandatory jail sentence.
No more ignition interlocks, no more temporary licenses for "work", no more DUI panels. Those are all worthless. Just jail and lots of it. (And immediate deportation for those who are here illegally, of course.)
@7 that "oh yeah, well what about you?" comment was lame. Drumpf's life is inexcusable. I haven't heard one thing from that fuck in my entire life that resonates as him being a good human being. Lowering the BAC to .05% does have evidence in some states that bad stuff on the roads has gone down. Utah had a study, but I think there were a lot of questions about how trustworthy it was. Besides, drinking and driving is stupid. It should be 0.0 BAC is the only acceptable level. Too many people risk it, get caught and then bitch about the laws. If it is 0.0% then no questions asked about if a person is sober enough to drive. Simple enough: If you drink, no driving. But they won't do that because all the bars and restaurants would go out of business? Whatever, I quit drinking almost a decade ago and I spend way more money going out for food than I did when I was drinking. It probably has more to do with accidental pregnancies and when they make abortion illegal nationwide, then forcing women to have babies they don't need/want. But that's okay.... why? oh because God. Yeah well that's bullshit too. In this wide-wide world of how extremely fucked up everything is, I don't see God fixing it any time soon. Maybe logic, love, common sense, compassion, honesty, hard work, sacrifice, generosity, selflessness and patience would be a better set of beliefs to get us in the right direction. But the great all knowing bull shit that they peddle to kids to behave or believe in Santa is not going to get us back on track. Got to be specific, simple good old fashioned principles, words that are precise and clear in their meaning. Not five years of bible study and you might be a good person one day. Fuck that. But yay! Happy Fri-yay... Don't drink & drive. Don't drink if you can help it too, it's better for everyone if you don't. Fuck Trump and FUCK the GOP.
@10 I couldn't find substantiation for their 7x risk claim in any of their footnotes, but I separately found a study that concluded the risk is 2x higher at .05 than .00 so you're right anyway
@11 "No more ignition interlocks"
Actually we should go the opposite direction and require installation of interlocks in all vehicles. Deterrence only works if the person is thinking at all rationally which is not the drunk person's strong suit. I say take the decision out of the hands of a drunk and leave it to the machine to determine whether someone can safely drive. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of [punishment].
@16: Imagine you live in Southern California and a fire breaks out, your house is on fire, and you must evacuate. You're the only adult around at the time, you grab the baby, a few critical things, and rush out the door to the car. But because you had a couple of bourbons before the ignition won't turn.
Plus a zillion other scenarios underscore what a ridiculous suggestion that is.
@17 why are you drinking bourbons with a wildfire rapidly approaching your home? No neighbors or first responders can help? Seems like an unlikely fringe case. What are some of the zillion other scenarios?
All these efforts to eliminate DEI programs are just to protect mediocre white men like trump and all the white men who voted for him from having to compete with anyone other than their fellow white men.
@22 no @20 was talking to you because people convicted of DUI already have to install interlocks, so if the person in your hypothetical had a prior DUI they'd be dead under current law
@26: You're stance is that all cars must have them. So if it a person with no prior DUI at .05% alcohol level is driving away from a fire, or to the hospital for some reason, and the ignition is blocked you would be okay with them perishing - even if it was your own mother. Now we're clear.
@29: The word you're looking for is merit. If it was DEIM there wouldn't be a fuss.
@29 but Trump's only electoral loss was to a mediocre white man
@31 I don't believe anyone would be completely without options and die because of an ignition interlock, but you apparently sincerely do so presumably you're ok with DUI offenders dying for lack of any possible alternative transportation
@18 I know people on here hate Twitter but since its the only place TS has commented on Ashley and Hannah there is no choice but to link to it:
According to that statement there was no finding of wrongdoing by either of them but they both decided to resign their positions and will no longer be writing for The Stranger. Not surprising.
The interesting caveat to the .05 BAC bill is that while the legislature is busy cranking up the ability to punish people who imbibe and drive they are also working on lowering the penalties for those caught in online sex stings. You really have wonder about priorities where on one hand they'll throw the book at you for driving after drinking one beer and on the other hand if you are engaging in underage solicitation online they think it's not so bad. I really don't know what to say about stuff like that.
@31 FFS, Pheebs! Generally speaking corporate DEI is like when the MLB started seriously scouting in South America, then hiring interpreters and telling the white players, especially those knocked back to the Minors to be welcoming to this new talent. Play got better
So, that's a concrete example of how DEI raises the merit bar by working to include talent that was previously overlooked or excluded.
"Merit"? Oh Phoebe dear, you slay me, you really do. I almost split my body stocking laughing at that comment.
Many white men skate through life based on connections. They fail upwards. They hinder progress and innovation through their vanity and insecurity.
They know that their time in power is coming to an end, and they are freaking out. They gather around their leader - the ultimate mediocre white man, who is basically a cuck for an immigrant from South Africa.
@36 who here fits that description? I'm arguing for interlocks in every car on the road. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together can think of better public safety solutions than "have police show up after harm occurs and be really mean to the culpable party (if they actually find them)"
@39: That's cute cocktail party talk, but I wish you would think more maturely.
For example (and for @35), once groups A, B, and C in an organization are balanced in terms of diversity, equity, and inclusion, what's the deciding factor if there are more applicants than jobs? Obviously it's merit.
@43 you and me are having a reasonable disagreement which I appreciate, this other goof just wants to bash a "progressive" strawman. And I also lol'd at 41 well played kristo
I loves seeing the Nirvana video. I grew up in Aberdeen, Krist was in my class and Kurt was the year behind me through school. I live in LA now, so seeing the main band of my 20's perform was great and brought back many memories.
@42 Umm... I believe you should have phrased the part you aimed in my direction in the future perfect tense; there's a huge difference between the C-suite and janitors (or even engineers, for that matter). A quick perusal of Fortune 500 companies' leadership indicates that, in aggregate, we're far from tapping talent pools equally.
Thirteen12 dear, just because you didn't like President Biden, that doesn't make him mediocre.
Phoebe dear, do you think I just fell off the turnip truck? The only people who talk about "merit" are mediocre white men who are threatened by people who are different than them.
@50: If you can't talk about a subject without interjecting disparaging stereotypes, you're just being unserious and snarky. I thought you had more depth. Sad.
"Phoebe" @54, trying to discredit Catalina for not giving you a serious response suggests your relentless, juvenile trolling merits a serious response. Oh gee, there's that word again, "merit." Come to think of it, I'm sure I could give a serious response about how under the right circumstances DEI actually fosters a meritocracy, but for me to do so here, in response to characters like you, would be beneath me and a waste of my time.
If you want to have a serious discussion, retire the "Phoebe" character and create some other persona that can be taken seriously. But I know that, with whatever is going on with you ("you" being the actual person behind the sock puppet), you are incapable of that. Just as you'll be incapable of letting someone else have the last word in this discussion, which I will now let you have.
@50 "Thirteen12 dear, just because you didn't like President Biden, that doesn't make him mediocre."
The guy who had almost as many plagiarism scandals as failed runs for the Dem nomination, whose only claim to fame was Obama plucking him off the back bench to be VP, whose ego wouldn't let him step aside gracefully and therefore all but guaranteed Trump would win? You're right my opinion is not at all what makes him mediocre.
@55 that was a lot of words just to say "I don't like Phoebe."
DEI is an effort to expand the talent pool by ensuring qualified women and minorities are not being overlooked or excluded, which can happen in fields that are dominated by straight white male culture. The objective is to foster a working environment where everyone feels safe and welcome.
For those bleating about merit being taken out of the equation — the accusation is a confession. They hate DEI because they want to perpetuate a workplace culture where straight white men reign supreme, because they know they can’t compete on merit alone. If they were confident in their own abilities they wouldn’t be threatened by the competition.
Now, now, everyone. Our Dear Phoebe has been a member of Slog for almost as long as I have. They and their alter ego Raindrop (RIP) are/were the conservative moral scolds of our community.
@58 that is the theory and if that were true it would be great. What has happened though in many areas is minority communities are not as qualified (some of this is due to the fact that these communities have less educational opportunities but that's another issue) so what happens is someone is selected that has less qualifications to mainly meet a quota. I worked at a local tech company a few years ago and whenever there was an open position we had to interview either an african american or native american for the position. Asians didn't count as minority candidates. Make of that what you will but if you look at the statistics Asian men and women are far outpacing whites in earnings so the white supremacy claims are dog whistles in their own right.
@61: And ditto for Indian workers. In terms of merit, they're outpacing whites as software engineers. Certainly the tech industry is well balanced for diversity, equity, and inclusion (save some exceptions I suppose).
DEI would have survived if they hadn't kick the M off the train.
A private company is certainly allowed to set rigid hiring quotas if they’re so inclined but not workable if you’re in a field that requires specialized expertise because the talent pool is already highly limited. At my company we have a really hard time finding qualified applicants of any race or identity, let alone restricting to demographics that represent less than 10% of the entire population.
I imagine it’s very jarring for applicants to be asked to report their race. Also sounds like an easy way to open yourself up to a lawsuit, but maybe your company thought it was worth the risk and the hassle. At my company DEI is just part of the internal culture, not a barrier to entry for new hires.
"Certainly the tech
industry is well balanced
for diversity, equity, and inclusion ... "
for Bannon to
Wield against djt and
his MAGAts aint gonna Like
it when Thedonolde's tax hikes aka
"tarrifs" hit 'em square in their pocketbooks
and his new hi-Tech
brotrumpfsters're Stealing
may be
for djt to
go Full-On
Fascist way too
as is the 'republican' way
Trump Knifes Steve Bannon, Sides
with Elon Musk in MAGA War
Over Foreign Work Permits:
‘I’ve Always Liked the Visas’
President-elect Donald Trump came out in favor of visas for skilled foreign workers on Saturday, siding with Elon Musk against Steve Bannon and much of the MAGA base in a raging battle over the issue.
In an exclusive with Jon Levine with The New York Post, Trump bragged he employed foreign nationals at many of his properties.
He also praised programs that allow foreign workers to travel to the US for jobs – jobs that many on the far-right have spent days arguing are being stolen out from underneath American citizens.
Bannon was among those to take a side on the visas this week when he scorched Musk as a “toddler” amid the legal immigration GOP civil war.
@67, I wouldn’t know because I’ve never been asked to report my race for a job application but “decline” wouldn’t work at @61’s company because they required black and native interviews for every open position.
The problem isn’t whether you can decline but that they’re asking in the first place. It’s really problematic for a whole host of reasons.
I've no idea if it'd have survived if merit was included as part of the movement, but I'm quite certain that Trump and his racist sycophantic lackeys would still be using it as a crutch to blame all of our societal ills on minorities.
@49 I'm not familiar with any supposed "reality" where either of those options is widely implemented. Feel free to re-read #35, extrapolate into whatever mythos you're bloviating from, and let me know what I answered.
good ole*
dewey usta chastise
my 'the fascists're coming!'
spiels as over-the-top! but first
it was 'X' and
now it's
Elon Musk’s Team
Now Has Access to
Treasury’s Payments System
Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent gave Mr. Musk’s representatives at the so-called Department of Government Efficiency a powerful tool to monitor and potentially limit government spending.
@77. Phoebe, you may have encountered a kind of social critique that reminds one of Samuel Huntingtons remark,
"Critics say that America is a lie because its reality falls so short of its ideals. They are wrong. America is not a lie; it is a disappointment. But it can be a disappointment only because it is also a hope.”
Indeed. For those who do believe America writ large is "a lie," or rigged, or hopelessly unjust will logically tend to favor radical discourses and measures. In the context of regarding whether meritocracy is merely a smokescreen to maintain "white" male mediocraties, well, I must say, they've done a terrible job. In the decades since affirmative action was struck down in what, 78, and the Sisyphean phenomenon of DEI (2020?!) racial diversity among the professional labor force in the US has dramatically increased. Are the numbers completely equal? No. Again, Huntington.
When people defend DEI, they usually fall into Huntingtons "lie" camp, then conflate dei with diversity. But they are different things. And fortunately, if Ron Sanders is correct, even with Trumps executive actions, diversity work should continue absent Bidens federal DEI initiative.
Anyone interested in reading a senior research fellow and former longtime civil servants thoughts on these matters will find his observations worthy.
DEI & Diversity; Is there a difference?
Ron Sanders
Catalina Vel-DuRay and kristofarian +2 for the WIN!!!
Keep on rocking the house.
Prohibition is making a Mein Trumpfian comeback?
Hooboy. The return and sharp rise of speakeasies, here we come.
What next---flappers come back in style, too?
Some Like it Hot!
"In the context of regarding whether meritocracy is merely a smokescreen to maintain "white" male mediocraties, well, I must say, they've done a terrible job."
Why yes thekossack dear. That's because they're mediocre.
"racial diversity among the professional labor force in the US has dramatically increased."
How much of that labor force is composed of professionals who have come over from Asia or India? Why, even when I was a wee thing - and I am very old - the leading doctor in our town (who was not mediocre) recognized that the people coming out of the American medical schools were not particularly noteworthy, and the good ones would never want to come to someplace like Iowa, so he started sponsoring physicians from overseas. My pediatrician was from Turkey, my parents doctors were from overseas as well. These physicians served our community well, they made good lives for themselves and their families, and added to the diversity of the community (which was white, white, white, white, and even more white). Were some of the white doctors and people in town against it? Very much so, but they're all dead now. Probably from going to those mediocre white doctors.
So yes, the mediocrity now in power is trying to kill diversity in government in the name of "merit", but they'll fail. Men like Robby Starbucks will continue to threaten corporations, but I am willing to bet that in ten years, we will see that those programs that are getting such high-profile deaths will have quietly resurrected themselves.
@86: So you think merit is and diversity can't work together? Your Turkish pediatrician had merit. Diversity opens the door to the lobby, merit takes you up the elevator.
"Probably from going to those mediocre white doctors."
Depressingly racist thing to say for someone champoining diversity.
"Diversity opens the door to the lobby, merit takes you up the elevator."
As long as the owner of the elevator is not a mediocre white man.
"Depressingly racist thing to say for someone championing diversity."
You need to brush up on your definitions and reading comprehension, Raindrop dear (oops, Silly me. Of course I meant Phoebe). I did not say that all white doctors are mediocre. That would be racist. I said, mediocre white doctors. Or don't you think there's a difference?
You must strive to not be so emotionally fragile, Phoebe.
Link missing to Welch fart story.
More importantly, this underscores how awful the UK and Canada have become. In the US that woman would just be kicked off a platform, in the Commonwealth - the government comes after you.
Bet this wouldn't have happened if they had hired a Whitehawk Helicopter instead.
A lesson learned from working in food service: when it's discovered that money has been going missing from the till on a nightly basis, and there's a manager who immediately accuses, without evidence, a black dishwasher of taking it? That manager is the one stealing from the till.
In related news, I'm sure this midair collision has nothing to do with the fact that the political party that brags about its plans to eliminate the federal government is midway through the process of firing all the people who prevent midair collisions.
and your
"Conspiracy Theories"!
here's another:
releasing all the J/6ers
removing all restraints on
violent abortion clinic protesters
but Why? you may inquire
if Violence is rampant
Guess Who's gonna
declare Martial Law
djt our Day
One Dictator.
cyber harassment is also a crime in the US
Why .05%? Why not lower the max BAC to .01%? Why not ban alcohol entirely?
Trump claims without evidence DEI caused the plane crash, WA electeds claim without evidence people driving with .05 BAC cause car crashes. A lot of unsupported claims happening today apparently.
@3: As much as I loathe Republicans, I don't think there's a direct link.
It sounds more like the Blackhawk pilot fucked up and the plane wasn't where they expected a plane to be.
There isn’t a direct link between the crash and the government hiring more black people but that didn’t stop trump from signing an EO declaring it did.
This particular instance might not be his fault but his plan for federal lay offs and hiring freezes will mean more air traffic controllers taking on more work than they can handle, and more opportunities for plane crashes. We would be better off not politicizing tragedies but if that’s the game they want to play then fight back and make them eat it.
Maybe they don't teach it in school anymore, but we DID ban alcohol in this country for nearly 13 years and all it did was drive the manufacture, sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages underground, resulting in the meteoric rise in organized crime. Probably not a good idea to repeat that particular mistake.
There's plenty of evidence that lowering BAL reduces DUI-caused traffic accidents. You can start with this and go from there:
stoner: stop sign's
STILL fucking
tippler: What
'stop sign'?
test for
seems like little
Else matters.
I'm OK with lowering the BAC standard but what we really need to do is, make the penalty for a first time DUI conviction, a one year mandatory jail sentence.
No more ignition interlocks, no more temporary licenses for "work", no more DUI panels. Those are all worthless. Just jail and lots of it. (And immediate deportation for those who are here illegally, of course.)
Was Novoselic wearing his Andrea Suarez hoodie?
LATE. where
Were you?
fuck around*
Find out. take
the gd Bus. or
better Yet, call
a Fucking UBER
*let 'em
@11 (#2): and chemical castration!
JFC. there are 1.5 million DUI arrests every year. the total US prison population is less than that: 1.2 million.
@10: thanks for the history lesson! guess i missed all that.
@7 that "oh yeah, well what about you?" comment was lame. Drumpf's life is inexcusable. I haven't heard one thing from that fuck in my entire life that resonates as him being a good human being. Lowering the BAC to .05% does have evidence in some states that bad stuff on the roads has gone down. Utah had a study, but I think there were a lot of questions about how trustworthy it was. Besides, drinking and driving is stupid. It should be 0.0 BAC is the only acceptable level. Too many people risk it, get caught and then bitch about the laws. If it is 0.0% then no questions asked about if a person is sober enough to drive. Simple enough: If you drink, no driving. But they won't do that because all the bars and restaurants would go out of business? Whatever, I quit drinking almost a decade ago and I spend way more money going out for food than I did when I was drinking. It probably has more to do with accidental pregnancies and when they make abortion illegal nationwide, then forcing women to have babies they don't need/want. But that's okay.... why? oh because God. Yeah well that's bullshit too. In this wide-wide world of how extremely fucked up everything is, I don't see God fixing it any time soon. Maybe logic, love, common sense, compassion, honesty, hard work, sacrifice, generosity, selflessness and patience would be a better set of beliefs to get us in the right direction. But the great all knowing bull shit that they peddle to kids to behave or believe in Santa is not going to get us back on track. Got to be specific, simple good old fashioned principles, words that are precise and clear in their meaning. Not five years of bible study and you might be a good person one day. Fuck that. But yay! Happy Fri-yay... Don't drink & drive. Don't drink if you can help it too, it's better for everyone if you don't. Fuck Trump and FUCK the GOP.
@10 I couldn't find substantiation for their 7x risk claim in any of their footnotes, but I separately found a study that concluded the risk is 2x higher at .05 than .00 so you're right anyway
@11 "No more ignition interlocks"
Actually we should go the opposite direction and require installation of interlocks in all vehicles. Deterrence only works if the person is thinking at all rationally which is not the drunk person's strong suit. I say take the decision out of the hands of a drunk and leave it to the machine to determine whether someone can safely drive. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of [punishment].
@16: Imagine you live in Southern California and a fire breaks out, your house is on fire, and you must evacuate. You're the only adult around at the time, you grab the baby, a few critical things, and rush out the door to the car. But because you had a couple of bourbons before the ignition won't turn.
Plus a zillion other scenarios underscore what a ridiculous suggestion that is.
So is it true that Hannah and Ashley have been officially fired?
@17 why are you drinking bourbons with a wildfire rapidly approaching your home? No neighbors or first responders can help? Seems like an unlikely fringe case. What are some of the zillion other scenarios?
@17 So just to be clear, you're ok with someone with a DUI on their record burning to death but not anyone else?
All these efforts to eliminate DEI programs are just to protect mediocre white men like trump and all the white men who voted for him from having to compete with anyone other than their fellow white men.
I think @20 is meant for @19.
@21: Such shallow and stereotypical punditry on the matter.
Great! The $11.99 eight ounce bottle of maple syrup I bought yesterday at QFC will soon cost $14.99!
Thank you Orange Jesus!
@21 so, same as it ever was
@22 bro pls phoebe in wallingford is herself a shallow pundit
@22 no @20 was talking to you because people convicted of DUI already have to install interlocks, so if the person in your hypothetical had a prior DUI they'd be dead under current law
What are you even talking about phoebe?
No, Kristo the real test for impairment is;
“FOX news said the deep state stole the 2020 election away from Trump.”
Phoebe dear, then what IS the reason for the attacks on DEI? Because the end result is protection for mediocre white men.
Catalina @29, I think "Phoebe" took your call-out of "mediocre white men" personally.
Disclaimer. Not that there's anything wrong with being a mediocre white man.
@26: You're stance is that all cars must have them. So if it a person with no prior DUI at .05% alcohol level is driving away from a fire, or to the hospital for some reason, and the ignition is blocked you would be okay with them perishing - even if it was your own mother. Now we're clear.
@29: The word you're looking for is merit. If it was DEIM there wouldn't be a fuss.
@29 but Trump's only electoral loss was to a mediocre white man
@31 I don't believe anyone would be completely without options and die because of an ignition interlock, but you apparently sincerely do so presumably you're ok with DUI offenders dying for lack of any possible alternative transportation
@18 I know people on here hate Twitter but since its the only place TS has commented on Ashley and Hannah there is no choice but to link to it:
According to that statement there was no finding of wrongdoing by either of them but they both decided to resign their positions and will no longer be writing for The Stranger. Not surprising.
The interesting caveat to the .05 BAC bill is that while the legislature is busy cranking up the ability to punish people who imbibe and drive they are also working on lowering the penalties for those caught in online sex stings. You really have wonder about priorities where on one hand they'll throw the book at you for driving after drinking one beer and on the other hand if you are engaging in underage solicitation online they think it's not so bad. I really don't know what to say about stuff like that.
@31 FFS, Pheebs! Generally speaking corporate DEI is like when the MLB started seriously scouting in South America, then hiring interpreters and telling the white players, especially those knocked back to the Minors to be welcoming to this new talent. Play got better
So, that's a concrete example of how DEI raises the merit bar by working to include talent that was previously overlooked or excluded.
Always love the “progressives” that are okay with drunk driving because…. Something something police something.
@36 you mean like
if you don't Drink
Don't drive?
welcome back
to Earth. we
Missed you
"Merit"? Oh Phoebe dear, you slay me, you really do. I almost split my body stocking laughing at that comment.
Many white men skate through life based on connections. They fail upwards. They hinder progress and innovation through their vanity and insecurity.
They know that their time in power is coming to an end, and they are freaking out. They gather around their leader - the ultimate mediocre white man, who is basically a cuck for an immigrant from South Africa.
@36 who here fits that description? I'm arguing for interlocks in every car on the road. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together can think of better public safety solutions than "have police show up after harm occurs and be really mean to the culpable party (if they actually find them)"
"@[dwebee] why
are you drinking bourbons
with a wildfire rapidly approaching your home?"
it's because
of the
@39: That's cute cocktail party talk, but I wish you would think more maturely.
For example (and for @35), once groups A, B, and C in an organization are balanced in terms of diversity, equity, and inclusion, what's the deciding factor if there are more applicants than jobs? Obviously it's merit.
@40: I argue that interlocks (aside from those who have DUIs) on every car is excessive government intrusion. You disagree. That's how it stands.
@41: That made me laugh.
@43 you and me are having a reasonable disagreement which I appreciate, this other goof just wants to bash a "progressive" strawman. And I also lol'd at 41 well played kristo
I loves seeing the Nirvana video. I grew up in Aberdeen, Krist was in my class and Kurt was the year behind me through school. I live in LA now, so seeing the main band of my 20's perform was great and brought back many memories.
@45: cheers
@42 Umm... I believe you should have phrased the part you aimed in my direction in the future perfect tense; there's a huge difference between the C-suite and janitors (or even engineers, for that matter). A quick perusal of Fortune 500 companies' leadership indicates that, in aggregate, we're far from tapping talent pools equally.
@48: Centralized planning to tap talent pools "equally" vs people from talent pools competing for a job based on their merit. What's your choice?
Thirteen12 dear, just because you didn't like President Biden, that doesn't make him mediocre.
Phoebe dear, do you think I just fell off the turnip truck? The only people who talk about "merit" are mediocre white men who are threatened by people who are different than them.
dynomite comments,
Catalina -- it has nothing
to Do with 'merit' it's all about
monopolizing the fucking Patriarchy
Not welcome
the irreligious soon
to be cast onto the Pyre
with the Womenfolk
as Just Rewards:
oodles of 'em
for Mr. Right.
one big fucking
Velkommen to
& by Gott
we Made it
thru January!
one Down
and only
47 to
is 47 the
new 666?
@50: If you can't talk about a subject without interjecting disparaging stereotypes, you're just being unserious and snarky. I thought you had more depth. Sad.
"Phoebe" @54, trying to discredit Catalina for not giving you a serious response suggests your relentless, juvenile trolling merits a serious response. Oh gee, there's that word again, "merit." Come to think of it, I'm sure I could give a serious response about how under the right circumstances DEI actually fosters a meritocracy, but for me to do so here, in response to characters like you, would be beneath me and a waste of my time.
If you want to have a serious discussion, retire the "Phoebe" character and create some other persona that can be taken seriously. But I know that, with whatever is going on with you ("you" being the actual person behind the sock puppet), you are incapable of that. Just as you'll be incapable of letting someone else have the last word in this discussion, which I will now let you have.
Wishing myself a good weekend.
@50 "Thirteen12 dear, just because you didn't like President Biden, that doesn't make him mediocre."
The guy who had almost as many plagiarism scandals as failed runs for the Dem nomination, whose only claim to fame was Obama plucking him off the back bench to be VP, whose ego wouldn't let him step aside gracefully and therefore all but guaranteed Trump would win? You're right my opinion is not at all what makes him mediocre.
@55 that was a lot of words just to say "I don't like Phoebe."
@55: Okay, I'll gladly have the last word since you're giving it to me.
DEI is an effort to expand the talent pool by ensuring qualified women and minorities are not being overlooked or excluded, which can happen in fields that are dominated by straight white male culture. The objective is to foster a working environment where everyone feels safe and welcome.
For those bleating about merit being taken out of the equation — the accusation is a confession. They hate DEI because they want to perpetuate a workplace culture where straight white men reign supreme, because they know they can’t compete on merit alone. If they were confident in their own abilities they wouldn’t be threatened by the competition.
Now, now, everyone. Our Dear Phoebe has been a member of Slog for almost as long as I have. They and their alter ego Raindrop (RIP) are/were the conservative moral scolds of our community.
bingo & bravo barth!
e pluribus unum
bitches* or
knowingly Weak men
bullying Their Way
thru the fucking
china shoppe
our toxic
at its Finest's
just gotta Go
perhaps it'll
Die along with
the Reign of the djt.
*like ALL dogs're
Mutts, we're
All bitches
@58 that is the theory and if that were true it would be great. What has happened though in many areas is minority communities are not as qualified (some of this is due to the fact that these communities have less educational opportunities but that's another issue) so what happens is someone is selected that has less qualifications to mainly meet a quota. I worked at a local tech company a few years ago and whenever there was an open position we had to interview either an african american or native american for the position. Asians didn't count as minority candidates. Make of that what you will but if you look at the statistics Asian men and women are far outpacing whites in earnings so the white supremacy claims are dog whistles in their own right.
@61: And ditto for Indian workers. In terms of merit, they're outpacing whites as software engineers. Certainly the tech industry is well balanced for diversity, equity, and inclusion (save some exceptions I suppose).
DEI would have survived if they hadn't kick the M off the train.
A private company is certainly allowed to set rigid hiring quotas if they’re so inclined but not workable if you’re in a field that requires specialized expertise because the talent pool is already highly limited. At my company we have a really hard time finding qualified applicants of any race or identity, let alone restricting to demographics that represent less than 10% of the entire population.
I imagine it’s very jarring for applicants to be asked to report their race. Also sounds like an easy way to open yourself up to a lawsuit, but maybe your company thought it was worth the risk and the hassle. At my company DEI is just part of the internal culture, not a barrier to entry for new hires.
"Certainly the tech
industry is well balanced
for diversity, equity, and inclusion ... "
for Bannon to
Wield against djt and
his MAGAts aint gonna Like
it when Thedonolde's tax hikes aka
"tarrifs" hit 'em square in their pocketbooks
and his new hi-Tech
brotrumpfsters're Stealing
may be
for djt to
go Full-On
Fascist way too
as is the 'republican' way
he'll likely toss
out~with Roberts'
kangaroo ct complicit ~
laws enshrined for inclusivity
those olde rules?
adiosa, Amarossa
The tech sector is one of the least diverse industries in the country, especially by gender.
bannon wants
a Curb on ALL
fiends feel Otherwise
@63: Reporting race always has a decline option.
Trump Knifes Steve Bannon, Sides
with Elon Musk in MAGA War
Over Foreign Work Permits:
‘I’ve Always Liked the Visas’
President-elect Donald Trump came out in favor of visas for skilled foreign workers on Saturday, siding with Elon Musk against Steve Bannon and much of the MAGA base in a raging battle over the issue.
In an exclusive with Jon Levine with The New York Post, Trump bragged he employed foreign nationals at many of his properties.
He also praised programs that allow foreign workers to travel to the US for jobs – jobs that many on the far-right have spent days arguing are being stolen out from underneath American citizens.
Bannon was among those to take a side on the visas this week when he scorched Musk as a “toddler” amid the legal immigration GOP civil war.
--by Kipp Jones; Dec 28th, 2024
nothing like a little
Internal Dissension
to Brighten even the
Darkest of one’s days
@67, I wouldn’t know because I’ve never been asked to report my race for a job application but “decline” wouldn’t work at @61’s company because they required black and native interviews for every open position.
The problem isn’t whether you can decline but that they’re asking in the first place. It’s really problematic for a whole host of reasons.
I've no idea if it'd have survived if merit was included as part of the movement, but I'm quite certain that Trump and his racist sycophantic lackeys would still be using it as a crutch to blame all of our societal ills on minorities.
@70: Really? Given that you were smart enough (merit) to do the work, you obviously survived.
@49 I'm not familiar with any supposed "reality" where either of those options is widely implemented. Feel free to re-read #35, extrapolate into whatever mythos you're bloviating from, and let me know what I answered.
@72: I won't belabor the issue, but even if I don't know what I'm talking about it doesn't mean that it's not true.
good ole*
dewey usta chastise
my 'the fascists're coming!'
spiels as over-the-top! but first
it was 'X' and
now it's
Elon Musk’s Team
Now Has Access to
Treasury’s Payments System
Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent gave Mr. Musk’s representatives at the so-called Department of Government Efficiency a powerful tool to monitor and potentially limit government spending.
giving the South African
nazi the Keys to the
Vault seems Like
a very piss poor
cum VERY Bad
Idea at Least
it is to me
*lots of tS's
joined in as well
and yet
her we
"... but even if I don't know
what I'm talking about
it doesn't mean
that it's not
so it's like
a coin
@75's for
@73. A-
@75: I have to give credit to, I think, Gracie Allen for that line!
@77. Phoebe, you may have encountered a kind of social critique that reminds one of Samuel Huntingtons remark,
"Critics say that America is a lie because its reality falls so short of its ideals. They are wrong. America is not a lie; it is a disappointment. But it can be a disappointment only because it is also a hope.”
Indeed. For those who do believe America writ large is "a lie," or rigged, or hopelessly unjust will logically tend to favor radical discourses and measures. In the context of regarding whether meritocracy is merely a smokescreen to maintain "white" male mediocraties, well, I must say, they've done a terrible job. In the decades since affirmative action was struck down in what, 78, and the Sisyphean phenomenon of DEI (2020?!) racial diversity among the professional labor force in the US has dramatically increased. Are the numbers completely equal? No. Again, Huntington.
When people defend DEI, they usually fall into Huntingtons "lie" camp, then conflate dei with diversity. But they are different things. And fortunately, if Ron Sanders is correct, even with Trumps executive actions, diversity work should continue absent Bidens federal DEI initiative.
Anyone interested in reading a senior research fellow and former longtime civil servants thoughts on these matters will find his observations worthy.
DEI & Diversity; Is there a difference?
Ron Sanders
@81 - What a refreshing take after all the knee jerk responses.
Nirvana? I love Nirvana!
@79 refers to @78
Catalina Vel-DuRay and kristofarian +2 for the WIN!!!
Keep on rocking the house.
Prohibition is making a Mein Trumpfian comeback?
Hooboy. The return and sharp rise of speakeasies, here we come.
What next---flappers come back in style, too?
Some Like it Hot!
@28 pat L: +1 BINGO!
"In the context of regarding whether meritocracy is merely a smokescreen to maintain "white" male mediocraties, well, I must say, they've done a terrible job."
Why yes thekossack dear. That's because they're mediocre.
"racial diversity among the professional labor force in the US has dramatically increased."
How much of that labor force is composed of professionals who have come over from Asia or India? Why, even when I was a wee thing - and I am very old - the leading doctor in our town (who was not mediocre) recognized that the people coming out of the American medical schools were not particularly noteworthy, and the good ones would never want to come to someplace like Iowa, so he started sponsoring physicians from overseas. My pediatrician was from Turkey, my parents doctors were from overseas as well. These physicians served our community well, they made good lives for themselves and their families, and added to the diversity of the community (which was white, white, white, white, and even more white). Were some of the white doctors and people in town against it? Very much so, but they're all dead now. Probably from going to those mediocre white doctors.
So yes, the mediocrity now in power is trying to kill diversity in government in the name of "merit", but they'll fail. Men like Robby Starbucks will continue to threaten corporations, but I am willing to bet that in ten years, we will see that those programs that are getting such high-profile deaths will have quietly resurrected themselves.
The country is changing. They can't stop that.
@86: So you think merit is and diversity can't work together? Your Turkish pediatrician had merit. Diversity opens the door to the lobby, merit takes you up the elevator.
"Probably from going to those mediocre white doctors."
Depressingly racist thing to say for someone champoining diversity.
"Diversity opens the door to the lobby, merit takes you up the elevator."
As long as the owner of the elevator is not a mediocre white man.
"Depressingly racist thing to say for someone championing diversity."
You need to brush up on your definitions and reading comprehension, Raindrop dear (oops, Silly me. Of course I meant Phoebe). I did not say that all white doctors are mediocre. That would be racist. I said, mediocre white doctors. Or don't you think there's a difference?
You must strive to not be so emotionally fragile, Phoebe.
@88: Yes you always, pathetically, give yourself an out with the defense that you didn't say "all".
"probably from going to those mediocre white doctors."
Not emotionally fragile, just gently calling out your slips in integrity.
Phoebe dear, it's not my fault that you are so literal in defense of your reactionary worldview.