The richest man in the world having as much power as he wants in our government despite not being elected should be very scary to everyone! Christopher Furlong



Donald paused the tariff on Mexico. It's all theatre I suppose, so that he can showcase a "deal".


@1 The theater part is to obfuscate the authoritarian takeover and the sticking it to the peons


you're gonna
feel 'a little Prick.''

---that's just the djt
tossing his magats
under the bus and
Dismantling "our
little experiment
in Democracy"
whilst Bank-
rupting the

heartily brought to us
by 'citizens united'
FOX, MUX, fb et
al, even RWNJs
right Here


Watched as much of the Grammys as I could take. As usual, the non-music parts (choreography, costumes) were the most impressive.

How was Khruangbin nominated for best new artist? Their 1st album came out in 2015.


you mean, feel a little Prick
with a Mushroom head


Elon Musk is a fascist. Here's 5 links to Twitter. I'm guessing Nathalie's fiance drives a Tesla, bruh.


Latest message from Bernie Sanders:

We are living in unprecedented times. This is not not a time for wallowing in despair and hiding under the covers ..


Contact Murray and Cantwell about the breach of the treasury payments system by DOGE.


Elon Musk is a Nazi from South Africa. Elon Musk is not an elected official of the United States. Why hasn't the entire government shut down and stopped this insanity? Democrats are tweeting about God and people are talking about the mid-term elections and the next presidential election. There isn't going to be any mid-term elections or presidential election in 2028 if this is not stopped NOW.

We are watching a coup happen in real time. Elon Musk not only has control over the U.S. Treasury and access to every single American's personal information, he is in a position where he is locking federal employees out of all systems.

And even Trump is going to be surprised when he finds out he's not getting a dime, either.

Wake the fuck up people.
Democrats refused to do anything to make sure Trump was prosecuted for treason and put in prison. Democrats are not doing SHIT right now. Democrats DNGAF. They are just as psychotic as the Republicans. They are going to sit by and do nothing and let this happen because they are pissed they lost the power. That's it. They lost and now here we are.

Get a fucking grip on reality and DO SOMETHING NOW. Currently the only people resisting are the employees of the National Parks Department. Really?

I am disabled and will definitely die first, along with my elderly mother with whom I live and have lived for the last 18 years. Trump has stated clearly and loudly that disabled people are too expensive and need to die. Disabled people need to die. All non-white people need to die or be enslaved (put in prison and forced to work). They aren't keeping their agenda secret.

If you believe non of what is happening is not going to affect you, you are out of your fucking mind.


We’re finding out the hard way that grown adults with important jobs and access to the internet actually think our government gives money to other countries as an act of charity. One of them fancies himself a dealmaker and was even president for 4 years but does not understand the concept of soft power, and as a result he is actively shedding our role as a global superpower to further enrich a bunch of stupid people who already have more money than they need. What a time to be alive.


@8: and what will they do? Ron Wyden has already asked the new Treasury Sec. for an "explanation". the US Marshals aren't going into Treasury to expel the Muskovites under the orders of the minority party in the Senate.

we're in Oban's Hungary now. the minority party has no power.


@11, give some things time to build. The red states are going to hurt from those tariffs and the freeze on their fed payments......and a lot of them have guns.


Was there any mention last week of the firing of Hannah and Ashley?


@12, He will blame democrats, immigrants, and DEI for everything bad that happens on his watch and his followers will eat it up because they believe he can do no wrong


@13: when have you seen TS air their dirty laundry regarding staff firings? you haven't.


🚨 “They learned about the march from TikTok and Instagram.” 🚨

Please promote and share The Stranger’s Blue Sky account more.

While The Stranger reports on various bad actors, it ironically utilizes the very tools of those bad actors to disseminate its news.

How will you encourage your readers to genuinely engage in the fight?



They weren't fired, they resigned. D13R linked to a tweet from Noisy Creek in which they were thanked for their services and contributions.


"Members of Elon Musk's Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) tried to access sensitive data.......""
Guillotine!!! Guillotine!!!!!

A change in perspective, please: MAGA doesn't really view tariffs as commercial policy. Tariffs are the other side of the coin of Trump's tax cuts for the 0.1% wealthy. Tariffs are an INVISIBLE (to the MAGA rubes) tax on the 99.9% rest of us. If the tariffs succeed, they maintain the status quo. If tariffs fail, that's another excuse to cut Soc Sec & other safety net programs! Start proclaiming that tariffs are really a tax on lower income people. Tariffs are NOT a tax on foreign governments as the bumpkins believe.

The death toll for the Philly plane crash isn't 6. It's 7 dead, 19 injured and I don't think that's the latest count. It's pretty amazing. Video of the huge fire ball was available immediately, but now, if you see images of the aftermath, the crash was in an urban area.....looks like it crashed on a main street. Imagine Aurora Ave in Seattle.


@14, The GOP is running out of road room for blame on others. They control the whole ball of wax and a South African Nazi billionaire is about to control the federal payments system. When red state constituents start wondering where their fed payment money is, the pols from those red states sooner or later are going to demand some accountability.


@19, You are seriously underestimating the sheer ignorance and gullibility of his followers. For decades they have been coddled by their media and political leaders who convinced them that all the bad things happening in the world are the fault of people and policies they despise and they’re not about to learn anything new. They’re not interested in what is plausible or can be proven with facts. If things get really bad Elon will be sacrificed for the cause, which will be satisfying for sure, but the economy and the constitutional order will still be fucked.

Think of the stupidest person you know and multiply that by 80 million. That’s what we’re dealing with.


@17: Are you familiar with forced resignations? That's a firing.


Husk Musk before he busks!


@20, An NC republican who regrets her vote

Some are wising up, don't need all of them, but a lot will do.


Theonolde's New
Taxes* on Magats're
what's gonna Finance djt's
Tax CUTS for his Billionaire Besties

keeping the djt's greedy little flangies
outta Grannies' Social Security
and Cletus's Medicaid's
merely postponed

till the
Kamps're komplete

like xina
says, slavery'll
rerear its fugly head

our Constitution
incinerated for
the Profiteers

the Cruelty's
(also) the




Wrong. A forced resignation is when an employee is forced to resign, hence the term "forced resignation."

Also, please provide evidence were forced to resign, thanks.


*evidence THEY were forced to...



I don’t l know about SODA not working. Aurora seems a lot less hooker-ish, and downtown seems a lot less druggy.


"Members of Elon Musk's Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) tried to access sensitive data.......""
Guillotine!!! Guillotine!!!!!

A change in perspective, please: MAGA doesn't really view tariffs as commercial policy. Tariffs are the other side of the coin of Trump's tax cuts for the 0.1% wealthy. Tariffs are an INVISIBLE (to the MAGA rubes) tax on the 99.9% rest of us. If the tariffs succeed, they maintain the status quo. If tariffs fail, that's another excuse to cut Soc Sec & other safety net programs! Start proclaiming that tariffs are really a tax on lower income people. Tariffs are NOT a tax on foreign governments as the bumpkins believe.

The death toll for the Philly plane crash isn't 6. It's 7 dead, 19 injured and I don't think that's the latest count. It's pretty amazing. Video of the huge fire ball was available immediately, but now, if you see images of the aftermath, the crash was in an urban area.....looks like it crashed on a main street. Imagine Aurora Ave in Seattle.

@9, "There isn't going to be any mid-term elections or presidential election in 2028 if this is not stopped NOW." Sorry Xina, it may already be too late, though I hope not. This past election was the time to have stopped them. Musk wasn't elected but Trump WAS. Trump now has 4 years to use himself, Musk, Vance, or anyone else he designates to sow monkey wrenches into the gears of society and, according to the Supreme Court, HE CAN'T BE PROSECUTED........OR STOPPED, possibly. (Headline today: National Guard is being used to round up and deport in Texas. Isn't the National Guard a branch of the military? Isn't that against Posse Comitatus? But who will stop that? Judge Juan Merchan, perhaps........he, who sentenced Trump to the brutal NOTHING? Merchan didn't even bother to tell Trump to "Go, my son, and sin no more.") There ARE checks & balances in our government. But the system presupposes men of good will......or at least men who are not out and out criminals. Putin, or someone, has realized that Russia doesn't need military might to bury us. They just bought our government by buying the main control lever: The President. How is it that you don't see this. You say, "Wake the fuck up people." It's 3 o'clock in the electoral afternoon and you're trying to rewind the alarm clock? How is it that you don't see that, if MAGA is really as organized as they seem this term, it's possible that the only remedy to MAGA is armed resistance. And unfortunately, the majority of the Left doesn't believe in armed resistance.
I'm 75 and I've been thinking that I'll be dead before the effects of Trump get to me. But if Musk has his finger on the Social Security switch, I, like you, could be screwed tomorrow.

@10, @11, Amen!!, And again, How do people not understand this?.....or at least see it and say, Something doesn't smell right here.

@14, His followers will eat it up because Trump's followers are bigoted criminals. Trump is actually a symptom rather than a disease. Trump, Kennedy (Louisiana), Lindsey Graham, Joe Manchin.....the real tragedy of these guys is, they're so good at their job. They're just doing an excellent job of representing the will of their constituents. Their bigoted, criminal, constituents.


@27: It’s so quaint of you to evaluate a Seattle city policy based upon how well it works for all the citizens of Seattle, dear. The Stranger has spent at least the last decade making clear they evaluate policies only by those policies’ effects upon homeless and criminals (of which two populations the Stranger refuses to admit any more overlap than absolutely necessary for it to admit).


You know, if the Supreme court said that the President can't be prosecuted for ANYTHING he does on the job, that effectively means that, "If the President does it, it's NOT a crime."
That the exact quote that Nixon said to justify himself.
We are so fucked.


@27 given no arrests are being made, do you imagine the addicts and sex workers are just aware of and consciously obeying the new law? People who habitually engage in illegal activities are voluntarily not entering certain areas of the city because that would be illegal? Seems unlikely.


Well then what is your explanation, thirteen12 dear?


@30, @31: more likely, the cops are invoking it as a pretext to say "move along, you can't stay here," similar to how loitering laws are used. As somebody who lives one block outside one of these SODA zones, the sudden influx of new "neighbors" would seem to confirm this.


For those of us wondering what happened to the two girls (Ashley and Hannah Ànd of course Rich Smith) À copy of an intercepted email has been floating around so in case you missed it here it is -if they hadn't already been fired for making false statements/ insubordination this might have have sealed the deal once it was leaked:

Hannah it’s so funny because Ted came over earlier today for a visit he worked at the Stranger like years ago so he knows ALL the players but that was then this is now. although back then you all knew who was doing who to whom, and whatever you just can’t do things the way we used to back in the day when the offices were in Pike Pine ‘hood. Oh man every night was party night.    Like i said,times have changed the internet / Craigslist wiped out our classified market I mean like look at the Village Voice —like us …going to online content only……then one day.....poof .....just like that a mere shadow of its former self and since we are in the same sinking boat baby, management had to tighten things up around here and we had to get way more corporate…..

So what you and Ashley and everyone else did to cover for Rich was just plain stupid ….  You are much too young to remember Watergate - it was ALL about the coverup and it similarly involved sketchy,nasty and dirty politics as well as a newspaper: the Washington Post (now owned by Jeff Bozoz such a putz)but back in the day a woman with an actual back bone. With Katherine Graham (no relation to Lady G or senator Miss Lindsey Graham as the rent bois call her) at the helm, a couple young reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein hounding the subject (kinda how you and Ashley operate and with the help of “Deep Throat” no no no not the one you are thinking of for all your hookups…."Deep throat was the
Code name of the FBI Agent handing evidence over to Woodward in some garage so that he and Carl could develop the story that brought down Richard Nixon's presidency.     It was the coverup of rhe breakin that sent peole
to prison just like the cover up that that the two of you attempted with Rincks office and then got caught lying about it to Blake that my dear is what got you all canned.

Geez lady’s y’all could have done something more meaningful for the rest of us by taking down the orange “grab ‘em by the pussy’ diaper wearing,  meth/adderal snorting sex offending know, like that" Make America Aim Again" tweet of Ashley's -
instead of majoring in the minors by wasting your time going after Woo…..

Besides Hannah whenever you wrote those City Hall reports all fired up
mollys I remember rsaying to you "Hannah those hit pieces you have been writing sound like you are on the rag 🤪" Without missing a beat
You replied: " well.....that IS the Secret Sauce because I am on the rag when I write for this rag !!" OMG the irreverence had us all laughing so hard we were rolling on the floor.

However with Rich having the hots for Rinck he just couldn’t keep his pecker In his pants,  y’all girl talk all the time, it’s no wonder that that word got out with y’all pointing fingers at each other.  Just effing great work Hannah then back in November you were all cackling and crowing like fools, thinking you had struck gold, and had Council president Sara Nelson within striking distance but it was all a fools errand. Because at the end the day y’all are damned as the dim dipshit lightbulbs in that chandelier as y'all are that Rich loves running his trash ass mouth about.

You found fools gold alright because after these shenanigans ain’t no one going to hire ya’ls asses ….HA!


For those of us wondering what happened to the two girls (Ashley and Hannah Ànd of course Rich Smith) À copy of an intercepted email has been floating around so in case you missed it here it is -if they hadn't already been fired for making false statements/ insubordination this might have have sealed the deal once it was leaked:

Hannah it’s so funny because Ted came over earlier today for a visit he worked at the Stranger like years ago so he knows ALL the players but that was then this is now. although back then you all knew who was doing who to whom, and whatever you just can’t do things the way we used to back in the day when the offices were in Pike Pine ‘hood. Oh man every night was party night.    Like i said,times have changed the internet / Craigslist wiped out our classified market I mean like look at the Village Voice —like us …going to online content only……then one day.....poof .....just like that a mere shadow of its former self and since we are in the same sinking boat baby, management had to tighten things up around here and we had to get way more corporate…..

So what you and Ashley and everyone else did to cover for Rich was just plain stupid ….  You are much too young to remember Watergate - it was ALL about the coverup and it similarly involved sketchy,nasty and dirty politics as well as a newspaper: the Washington Post (now owned by Jeff Bozoz such a putz)but back in the day a woman with an actual back bone. With Katherine Graham (no relation to Lady G or senator Miss Lindsey Graham as the rent bois call her) at the helm, a couple young reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein hounding the subject (kinda how you and Ashley operate and with the help of “Deep Throat” no no no not the one you are thinking of for all your hookups…."Deep throat was the
Code name of the FBI Agent handing evidence over to Woodward in some garage so that he and Carl could develop the story that brought down Richard Nixon's presidency.     It was the coverup of rhe breakin that sent peole
to prison just like the cover up that that the two of you attempted with Rincks office and then got caught lying about it to Blake that my dear is what got you all canned.

Geez lady’s y’all could have done something more meaningful for the rest of us by taking down the orange “grab ‘em by the pussy’ diaper wearing,  meth/adderal snorting sex offending know, like that" Make America Aim Again" tweet of Ashley's -
instead of majoring in the minors by wasting your time going after Woo…..

Besides Hannah whenever you wrote those City Hall reports all fired up
mollys I remember rsaying to you "Hannah those hit pieces you have been writing sound like you are on the rag 🤪" Without missing a beat
You replied: " well.....that IS the Secret Sauce because I am on the rag when I write for this rag !!" OMG the irreverence had us all laughing so hard we were rolling on the floor.

However with Rich having the hots for Rinck he just couldn’t keep his pecker In his pants,  y’all girl talk all the time, it’s no wonder that that word got out with y’all pointing fingers at each other.  Just effing great work Hannah then back in November you were all cackling and crowing like fools, thinking you had struck gold, and had Council president Sara Nelson within striking distance but it was all a fools errand. Because at the end the day y’all are damned as the dim dipshit lightbulbs in that chandelier as y'all are that Rich loves running his trash ass mouth about.

You found fools gold alright because after these shenanigans ain’t no one going to hire ya’ls asses ….HA!


Just want to echo two points…

Stop linking to fucking zombie twitter if you want your (valid) hang wringing about Musk to be taken seriously (X links are not required - every one of those links puts money into Musk’s pockets). Nat, don’t emulate your recently departed comrades.

Since the passage of the SODA I’ve seen a noticeable reduction in prostitutes and pimps (still see the occasional gal but nothing like it was previously). It also sounds like John stings have started back up (one ran just over the weekend) so maybe a tad bit premature to state nothing is happening yet.


The US Government is slowly being made Great Again.

Canceling foreign aid is a no-brainer. American tax dollars should benefit American citizens, not foreigners.

I know Mexico had already surrendered to Trump on the tariff issue before press time. Seems like that should have been included in your write up. What could Mexico do really? They have no leverage over the United States, absolutely none.

Canadians don't have to worry about the tariffs for too long. (Although the Canadian dollar sure went to hell overnight.) Their lives will be immeasurably better when they become US Citizens.


@25: Publicola has more on this story, decide for yourself.



@36, Thank you for supplying a visual aid for my comment @10. I knew I could count on you.

We give out foreign aid to curry favor and stabilize economies. Ending usaid will reduce our power globally and increase the number of migrants at our southern border. It’s also completely unconstitutional for the president to allow an unelected businessman to decide how federal funds are allocated but we’ve long since established you don’t care about that.


@31 between "addicts and sex workers are aware of the SODA/SOAP laws, and the specific geographic zone boundaries, and are consciously obeying them" and "the field" I choose the field.


xactly Buddhamet 👍 SODA is a tool they have in their tool kit to clean this City up but if they haven't had to deploy it that is success in and of itself. The problem with the Stranger is that Rich Smith, Hannah Krieg, Ashley Nerbovine took their marching orders from KShameonus Sawant (let's just call them "the Wicked Witches) they were hellbent (as was Rinck "Tinderella)")against any kind of SODA measure ...that is the "why " element in this premature cackling and crowing regarding their current assessment of SODA....just as they read the room wrong back in November when they thought that they had Sara Nelson within striking distance as a result of their sexcapade fueled endorsement of "Tinderella" (Rinck) and hit pieces targeting her opponent...Their subsequent SCC position 8 win was nothing more than a temporary sugar high as we now know - they too hopped on their broomsticks...leaving just one behind (Tinderella) but that is no only a matter of time😉

Now with this major house cleaning completed the new Seattle Stranger Management may just start getting with the program in that the status quo is not acceptable to the tax paying citizenry of Seattle. Prime example being 12h Jackson/ Little Saigon which represents every other hell hole in this city brought on to us by the KShameonus Sawant lead Wicked Witch Administration- Herbold /Mosquito and the absolutely useless seniorita Tammy Moraless -Little Saigon is located a mere four blocks away from the offices of the Seattle Stranger.

Shame on them if they cannot see with their very own eyeballs that this is unacceptable - hence SODA and other measures. Thank you Sara Nelson,
Bob Kettle,Tanya Woo and others for cleaning up the mess.


"[Canadians'] . . .
lives will be immeasurably
better when they become US Citizens.'

and subject to Our
Predatory Capitalists'
wildest Dreams: a USOFA
run by and for the Profiteers

the Cruelty
if not thee Main Point
a most Satisfying runner up.

you're so
Elated, babyback:



@36: Canadian lives would be measurably four years shorter if they became U.S. citizens.


@42: Sure, but MAGAs (and many other Americans) are convinced they spend that extra four years waiting in queues for gall bladder surgery.


@25 they were politely fired but make no mistake they were fired. Nowadays a lot of companies will quietly offer settlements to avoid any legal issues and for many employees who don't have the ability to pay endless lawyer fees to fight back it makes sense to take the severance pay and move on. Amazon does this quite famously by putting people on a performance improvement plan that in most cases they have no way to actually achieve. The choice is go on a PIP and if you don't "improve" you'll be terminated for performance or take a severance payment and let's be done now. That's the way of the corporate world anymore. So I guess you can technically say they were not fired however for all intents and purposes their careers at TS were over and so Ashley took the deal while Hannah decided not too so she could avoid the non disparagement agreement that comes with it. They are both still young and can recover from this setback and hopefully they've learned something that will make them better when they do.


Phoebe, one of the elements of the "deal" to pause the tariffs on Mexican imports was a vague promise by Trump to "do something" about the flow of high-power weaponry to the cartels. The gun dealers in Arizona will start stamping their feet when they hear about it, so don't expect much to happen.


@38 - yeah, we bought so much soft power over the years but I guess we still owed a few bucks when 9/11 happened?

Fuck that. I don't care about soft power. I care about military strength, closed borders and not one red cent of my money going to Kenya or Vietnam or any of those other shithole countries. (Sorry we destroyed your country Vietnam, if I had been in charge, we certainly would not have.)


Why are Hannah Krieg and Ashley Nerbovig still listed on your Masthead, you incompetent hacks?


@40 what is this thumpus's more deranged and subtly racist cousin?


My spouse is Canadian and I travel north frequently for work, so I hear a lot of conversations and I can assure everyone there has not been a single Canadian citizen with whom I’ve been in even close proximity to who has expressed a desire for Canada to become a state. Not a single one. Even Ontario Premier Doug Ford, brother of the late, bat-shit crazy Rob Ford, is calling out 47 for pushing an idea even more stupid than anything his crack-addled brother ever concocted.


And McConnell and McCarthy could have stopped Trump, but of course they did not.
The Democrats have outdone themselves in fecklessness. They are STILL asking me for contributions after they blew the election. Because maybe they will think up some new way to tell the Orange Nazis to please be nice.
Trump = Antichrist


a Lotta botts
needing training
and wormmy's up to
to his eyeballs in overtime



@50 fawking



it's just wormmy
saying the

but Carefully mixing
it up ~ this one's



"So I guess you can technically say they were not fired..."

Yes, they absolutely and objectively were not fired and that's an important and critical distinction. I'm certainly not defending their actions, but being able to go into a job interview and claiming you resigned from a position is a shitload different from saying you were terminated. And so too with an HR department being contacted for your employment history. OBVIOUSLY this is a unique situation and anyone googling Hannah or Ashley will be able to find plenty of info related to this issue, but they weren't fired and actually collected a severance on their way out the door. Man, I'd love to be presented the opportunity to resign from a job with a freaking severance package.

Funny only tangentially related anecdote. I worked for Regence, Oregon's Blue Cross/Blue Shield affiliate for a couple years back in the early 2000's. One day they called our entire department into an impromptu meeting and informed us we were being relocated to their Salem offices. They gave us the option to resign in good standing, but Oregon state law only required them to offer a sevarance package if we were being located to a new location more than 50 miles from our current one.

If you check the two offices on any mapping software, it's like a 55 or 60 mile drive. But they measured it as the crow flies and it came in at like 48 and so we got shit. The fuckers.


@54 Even if they were fired and someone called, the only thing HR would confirm is that they were employed by Noisy Media and the dates they were employed. They will not say anything about the circumstances which they left (voluntary or not) nor will the provide any qualitative information about their work. It opens them up to liability. Fwiw Hannah posted on twitter she did not take the severance and it sounded like a bunch of people Venmo'ed her enough money to make up for that decision. I applaud that action on her part because those payments come with a lot of strings and for someone young in their career its not worth limiting your options down the road. It will be interesting to see where they both pop up. It would be kind of ironic if they go the independent route like Erika or Jonathan Choe. They spent a lot of time looking down on them so to end doing that themselves would be somewhat hilarious.


@54: For someone who claims to be "...certainly not defending their actions," you seem weirdly invested in declaring they were not terminated. Assuming Publicola's account is correct, they lost the support of their union for abusing a fellow employee in service of their cover-up. Once they'd lost union support, they were looking at a one-way trip down a dead-end street. The Stranger could keep investigating, with any additional findings bolstering the Stranger's position to terminate them, or they could immediately leave without formally getting canned. You're right, "...being able to go into a job interview and claiming you resigned from a position is a shitload different from saying you were terminated," but you somehow missed how huge an incentive this provided for them to resign, rather than await a possible termination. In fact, that incentive is even larger than you stated.

On the difference between quitting and getting terminated, you were correct as far as you went, but there's an even bigger difference between getting terminated because of at-will employment, and getting terminated for cause. That latter is what they could well have faced, with the causes being dishonesty, and the abuse of another employee. Those could well be sufficient grounds for many a future potential employer to pass on either of them. If Publicola's stories contain even a tiny bit of truth, then they were wise to depart in the way they did.

@44: I hope they learn from this experience and recover from it, Ms. Kreig especially. We were all young once, and having youthful mistakes follow one forever seems unfair.


Hannah and Ashley were hacks. Who cares why they’re gone?


feisty AF
I wish 'em
both Well.

via con


@3 kristofarian and @9 xina: +2 for the WIN!!!! You both nailed it.
I am alarmed by what Elon Musk is doing---and our federal government is doing NOTHING to stop it???
Meanwhile, Dave Horsey posted a chilling editorial cartoon recently in Saturday, February 1, 2025 edition of The Seattle Times [page A14] about "one day in the not-do-distant-future": Two Musk robots are out walking two humans, hunched on all fours and curiously facing each other. One bot with a woman on a leash says to the other bot:"Aww, he's a cute little fellow! What breed?" And the other bot, with a wool capped, bearded man on a leash says, "Just a mutt---part Irish, part Italian."
Voters in 2024 WERE WARNED about this shit!!
When a demented clown is "elected", expect a circus.


@20 Barth: +1 Yep. Nailed it.

@50 pat L: I second kristofarian's BINGO, Pat---once again, you nailed it!
I nominate you in a three way tie with @3 kristofarian and @9 xina for the WIN!!!

@51 kristofarian: +1 Agreed and seconded. Kudos again, for being spot on as usual.


@50 pat L: And now the neofascist Extreme Court packing, Moscow loving pandemic survivor Mitch McConnell is shitting in his Depends, and his Kentucky Fried hog jowls are all trembly. Robert F. Kennedy Jr., known anti-vaxxer appointed head of the federal Department of Health, is most likely going to cheerfully reintroduce a severe polio outbreak in Musk's bought and paid for Mein Trumpf's campaign for sick people to just die, already.
I wonder how many Divided States citizens among us won't live to see 2026?


@59: @!??ing AutoCorrect! Make that ..."not-so-distant future" regarding the Dave Horsey editorial cartoon from Saturday, February 1, 2025, A14, The Seattle Times.


@49 COMTE: It doesn't surprise me that Canada wants nothing to do with Elon Musk's Trumpfreich.
You, your wife, friends, and family members must all be shaking your heads in disbelief.


3 (out of 4?) reporters let go after a change of ownership. It probably isn't a coincidence.


@64: All the dismissals appear related to the employees’ ethical failures, so perhaps previous management was the problem?


@65 I am not aware of a reason given for Rich's dismissal but everything is possible including a change in editorial line, which is why so many The Stranger haters are frothing at the mouth.


@66: To the best of my recall, the Stranger never gave a reason for Rich’s sudden termination. If Publicola’s accounts of his behavior have any truth to them, then he would appear to have fully earned a dismissal for ethical failure.

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