A view of this weekend from a room in Pioneer Square's new citizenM. Charles Mudede



Today I learned no one over at CHS blog knows what a maze actually is.


I'm surprised more RWNJ's haven't gone the Ginni Thomas route and obliged to step up and testify, given that they're essentially immune to any sort of consequence for their actions regardless. If I was her, I'd answer all the questions in Klingon, just to rub our noses in the pointlessness of it (and I'm glad it's all happening and naively hope that it'll impact upcoming elections, but her and her stupidass husband don't have anything to worry about.)


"Human feet have none of the intelligence, the sophistication, the conceptual power of our hands."

Except in the sausage finger universe from "Everything Everywhere All at Once."


What I don't understand about QFC is why are they keeping both Broadway stores open despite inadequate staff and the consequent rampant shoplifting? Close the smaller one (Harvard Market), transfer its entire staff to Broadway Market, and then they likely wouldn't need those plexiglas barriers, ice cream safes, etc., because the staffing level would be robust enough to deter most shoplifting -- while also providing a decidedly more pleasant shopping experience. At least that's what I'd do before giving my customers a high-tech middle finger. I already go in there way less often than I used to, because I just don't like the vibe.


Charles is the only thing worthwhile remaining here.


Don't complain about this cool weather.


Sounds like QFC needs to get old-school and hire some security people to beat the snot out of shoplifters.


the sole Remedy
is for Corps Americana
to hire Blackwater Mercenary
Services Inc LLC lol to provide Security
Planet-wide. if we don't Protect Unbridled
Capitalism with extreme force the Peons are
gonna want shit Reserved exclusively for the Up-
perest Classes which would only make them too 'soft'
for most tasks. we NEED the little people In Their Place
or the whole thing'll Topple and THEN who's gonna Rule?

huh? Huh?

and btw it's awful Good of them
to Police each other
so dang Well.

see: above


Guardian, BBC, Daily Mail - the UK has actual news sources, and a functioning press! (sigh)


Gun show cancelled because gun show and graduations were to be held in the same building -
if only we could extend that concept to the entire nation!


@8: I lived a few blocks from Broadway & Pike when the Harvard Market opened. We shoppers exited with blissful smiles, soooooooooo happy we didn't have to walk all the way up Broadway and back for our groceries. Closing it just because the City didn't sweep nearby homeless encampments fast enough would be a very sad end to an institution that helped make Pike-Pine a truly walkable neighborhood.


@16 Closing the Harvard QFC wouldn't be ideal, no. But a large, chronically understaffed store is a dangerous store, and no amount of plexiglas (or even locking up the ice cream) can fix that. At least that area now has an Amazon Fresh and a WFM, so it wouldn't exactly be a food desert.

@17 I was thinking the same. Ginni Thomas is remarkable for her lack of self-awareness and her testimony would be Sidney Powell-level weird. Unfortunately, her husband surely knows this and will probably talk her out of it.

Please wait...

and remember to be decent to everyone
all of the time.

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