


Or polio in New York and Isreal.


Dear Tiffany-
3 blocks up the hill, and 2 blocks to your left. Vivace - Much better lattes! You’re welcome!


Charles, your paragraph about the first day of fall 2022 is the most lovely thing I've read all day. Thank you. It's so true about trees.


Are the snails free range and ethically sourced?


Fuck you, Tiffany Smiley. Feel free to crawl up the Orange Turd's buttcrack, and take Joe Kent with you.

@3 guesty: I share your dismay. That over 75 million U.S. citizens were just fine with violently storming the nation's capitol on January 6, 2021, disrupting what should have been a civilized transition of executive power, hanging Mike Pence, and murdering five people (including a D.C. cop) is batshit crazy. That these MAGA idiots are willing to lose everything and face life in prison for committing high treason just because Trump said so is beyond clueless.
The Orange Turd should be convicted and put to death, and its domestic terrorist wannabes should have their voting rights permanently rescinded.

@4 pat L: Unless you're being sarcastic, are you voting for Tiffany Smiley?? Over proven get-it-done five term Senator Patty Murray? I thought I knew you better than that.


no the escargot're escapees
from Monsatan's Experi-Mental Farm
they put a Bounty on them and are ho-
ping they cannot Breed once out in The Wild

they say they can
outrun a man
so Harvest


@10 When you say it's factually correct that the Starbucks closed that location because of crime, you probably should make it clear that the crime in question appears to be union-busting.


Starbucks also closed the store in the lobby of the Seattle Municipal tower and (I think) the one on the 40th floor of the Columbia Tower. Was that also because of "crime"?

I think the closer-to-the-truth story is union busting and the fact that the Olive Way land is worth more than the store. Watch that space.

And watch 23rd and Jackson, while you're at it. That shopping center is going to go the way of the Promenade within the next few years.


wouldn't it be funny if Starbucks Coughee
turns out to be little more than
a massive Real Estate

whilst also providing
Convenient Scapegoating*
or is good ole Howie on the up n' up?

*Schultzy was even
Almost a Contender!

it's GOOD to
be a Billionaire.


@15, yes, charles is a well known whiner when it comes to the sun. this summer turned out to be pretty great after a rough start, and it looks like we might be back in the 80s again next week for a few days. not too shabby.

but you need not worry about "trees drying out" and flames everywhere. here in the PNW the rains will come. they always do. the rise in acres consumed by wildfires is often attributed solely to climate change by the lazy media, but it's a much more complex issue.


Weird how new cafe’s and restaurants, filled to the gills every night, are opening up all over the Hill during this invisible crime wave.


Good God, auntie- of course iI’m not voting for the GOP- even if I had a stoke, I would have too many brain cells left to do that!
I’m just tired of right wing loonies whining about Seattle and King County, when we are the biggest economic engine in WA state!


@11 LouChe and @17 Catalina Vel-DuRay: That's my observation, too. The real "crime" with Starbucks is the union busting. What would profiteering billionaire corporations DO if they had to pay their employees living wages, retirement benefits, and decent company healthcare?
@17 Catalina Vel-DuRay: Agreed, too, on the properties on Olive Way being hot real estate.
A good reminder to stay alert on the neighborhoods.

@21 pat L: I hear you. After a reread, you have my sincerest apologies for missing your sarcasm in @4 (although I consider Tiffany Smiley anything but dear). You're absolutely right about Seattle and King County being the biggest economic engine in WA state.


Will somebody beam up Scottie? He gave trolling all he bloody well could, Cap'n, and now his empty widdle head hurts.

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