
Men telling women how to be beautiful and telling them what does and does not make them beautiful is gross, and a stark example of male privilege/attempts at social domination. They hope to control the very body of women for their own visual enjoyment.

Check out this example in an online blog I saw yesterday. How putrid:…
I wondered why the express lanes were switching directions at 9 am yesterday, then I heard northbound was backed up for a "medical emergency", code for a jumper. What a terrible way to go.
@2: So selfish and inconsiderate too. Causing a grisly mess, car wrecks, putting other drivers at peril, causing traffic delays, making people late for work and missing their flights, not to mention the psychic horror of those who witnessed it and devastation of the woman's family and loved ones.
@3: yours is a very common criticism of suicides - they're inconsiderate. I don't think that enters into the equation for them. they are filled with despair, shame, and guilt, and in a panic to stop the pain.
@4: Yes, that is also correct. But I think it does enter into the equation for some, but obviously not enough for those that are successful.
@1: agreed on all counts, but that UW infographic, just to be clear, was issued by the cheerleaders themselves, presumably some or most of whom are female.

Women tell other women how to look all the time also, I'd say.
@5 I don't think the whole equation works as you might expect, either. For somebody who's depressive and prone to worry-shame spirals, saying "if you did this thing it would be shameful", it doesn't necessarily work as a reason not to do it. Because a person can end up in "I'm a horrible person for even thinking about this, I'll never do anything right, I might as well bow out."
@7 duh.
@1: kek
@10 cool strawman

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