
Uh, yeah. Polls in Florida, Ohio, and Pennsyltucky are suddenly too close to call, and this is the same KKKountry that elected CaliguBush twice.

But don't worry, Clinton'll generate yuuuge Democratic voter turnout. Just ask the tens of people who’ve attended her rallies.
The problem with Silver's apologia is that all kinds of people were saying Trump was going to win. Anybody who looked at the polls, for example. The reason Silver made a fool out of himself here is because he broke his own rule to take the data seriously. Instead, he yielded to Big Media peer pressure and said the same thing everybody else was saying. And to come back now and say "but everybody else said no way was that going to happen" is kind of silly - that was the problem in the first place.

And now the data all says that Trump will lose the general.

@1 - The country elected Bush only once. The first time it was the Supreme Court.
So in other words - Silver's opinions colored his interpretation of the polling data, which is why he failed so badly. @1 is correct. We're fucked!
Anyone else think that Nate Silver is really just full of himself for a period of time when he was really good and predicting election outcomes with the best available information. And now he's just another talking head buffoon on TV completely clueless about what is happening with the electorate?
@1: Maybe we'd be fucked if the election was decided by rally turnout. Right now, Trump has a hair under 11 million total primary votes. Who's got more? Clinton, with 12.6 million.
We Clintonites might not be filling up stadiums listening to our person talk, but we sure to turn out when it counts. And maybe if the Sanderinos do the same in November, we'll have an actual liberal progressive in the White House instead of a bigoted reactionary demagogue with no real policy platform.
Original Andrew: Yes, there's certainly no doubt that Senator Sanders has developed a real taste for feeling the bern of his over-heated followers at those endlessly repetitive rallies. Heady stuff, no doubt. He's even begun referring to himself in the third person: "Bernie Sanders says" this and "Bernie Sanders says" that, like a broken Simon Says puppet. I particularly liked it when he snapped "Don't stand next to me" at his wife during a "victory" rally, and then physically pushed her aside, like rock stars do when someone climbs on stage, but at least then it's about safety rather than ego.

And so while Senator Sanders has been living out his particular heady and high-life version of running for office, the Clinton juggernaut has been in the trenches for years actually meeting and listening to voters, and gaining their support one by one. Not simply appearing in self-aggrandizing and haggiographic revival meetings, where the candidate delivers the same warmed over nonsensical lefty speech he's given a thousands times and then asks for money to keep the whole thing going, standing on perfectly lit stage where only the great man himself welcome.

Embedded video is dead for me.

Link to it on the CC website is…
@5 An actual liberal progressive? I thought Sanders had no chance.

Oh...are you talking about Hillary? Progressive?!!? HAHAHAHAHAHA!

Just a hint: Progressive means ahead of the curve. All of Hillary's "liberal" positions are so new they arent even supported by her voting record.
@8: Not actually what "progressive" means, dudebro. But no, Clinton is absolutely progressive.
Here, I'll let known rightist-corporate-establishment rag The Huffington Post explain it to you:…
Must we forget that Florida called Bush twice? Polls have never been this close and come out in our favor down the line. Florida is fucking crazy town. This is really bad.
Shout out to Bellingham! (Viewers can decide whether Silver's choice of that town as a potential fallback makes it more or less attractive to be nearby ...)
Hillary will be the one. If it's between Hillary and Trump it's a no brainer.

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