
No thanks. That war pig can rot in hell.
Yeah! Go girl!
I was strongly pro Bernie, and I'm not enthusiastic about Hillary. but I'll vote for her against Trump, and it'll be awesome to see a woman in the White House. I hope she surprises me (pleasantly) once she's in office, and I prey she doesn't go on any foreign escapades.
Meet the new boss
Same as the old boss
Sorry Dan, I think I'll pass.
Pledged Delegates
2,383 needed for nomination - 574 available
1898 Clinton
1589 Sanders

Get your head around it (and out of your own backside) Dan. Hillary is officially, not. Not yet, for sure.
Eh, both of you (Dan and Hillary) can fuck right off.
/barf. Fuck I hate my country.

How is this even possible, considering The Patriarchy?
So many people in denial.
Bernie is going to visit Obama on Thursday.
& it's not to receive BHO's endorsement.
Perhaps once Hillary is actually confirmed to be the nominee by the convention and you have to accept it, you Hillary haters can either become Trump lovers, or just shut up? Because continuing to make nasty comments will just show you to be nasty people.
@3. Thank you for such a sensible post. I wish more people would think like you.
I guess I'll vote for her, but solely based on her birth genitalia.
Undergraduate passion is heady stuff. Some people never get over it. They spend their lives putting little buttons with angry slogans on their increasingly age-inappropriate backpacks and making a spectacle of themselves at places like the public library, which are obliged to tolerate that sort of thing.

But the rest of us move on. I'm still waiting to hear the results of the California voting, but it looks like congratulations are in order to Mrs. Clinton. I'd be happy to have her as our president. She's no Obama, but she's no Bush, either.

And yes, Our Dear Dan thought the Iraq was was a good idea. We all know that. If that's the best you've got, your best isn't good enough.

It's terrible to be a nasty person, but of course there are always degrees of nastiness. Would these nasty people be more nasty or less nasty than that person who viciously attacked so many American women by saying there's a special place in hell for them if they didn't do something or other?

You have my permission to not bother.
I'm not voting for Hillary because I don't want her to be president. Same goes for Trump. I owe my vote to no one. I'm reluctant now even to vote for Bernie in any form with all of this ridiculous "establishment" conspiratorial crap his campaign has been spewing increasingly (you didn't have the fucking numbers, get over it). Gary Johnson is half-baked when you get down to the nitty-gritty.

Who the fuck do I vote for? I may write in for Alfred E. Neuman.
Just watch pro-Clinton gatekeepers overeach to conclude these last primaries are meaningful after they did everything they could to convince everyone that Clinton had already won. Pathetic, even for Savage.
Sorry Berners, you lost. You can kvetch for the next four years about whether Sanders SHOULD have won, DESERVED to win, NEEDED to win, whatever. But, the fact is - he didn't. Now you have a choice to make: either take your ball and leave the playground like spoiled little children, probably ensuring a neolithic racist douchetard of the first order becomes the next President in the process, or adult the fuck up, hold your nose if you have to, and vote for the Democratic nominee. That's the way politics works; nobody ever gets everything they want, compromise is the order of the day, but you're going to get a hell of a lot closer to it with Clinton than with Drumph, and if you actually believe otherwise, you really haven't been paying attention for the past year or so.
@20 You are the one who hasn't been paying attention if you think that being a vacuous sycophant to neoliberal Democrats prevent further drifting into oligarchy.
@22 You sure are proving your point with as hominem attacks. Adult up, realize that the future of the Supreme Court for the next few decades is in the hands of the next president, hold your breath, and vote for the Dem.
Then if you want change, start working for it. This doesn't mean showing up to rallies, it means getting involved in the party, and changing the way they do business. I'm sorry you lost this time around, but remember the lesser of two evils, is still less evil. (And FSM help us if Trump gets to appoint Supreme Court Justices.)
Ad hominem rather
Bernie just gave a weird, 'I'm gonna concede, I'm gonna concede, naw fuck it I'll light myself on fire instead' speech.

I've got nothing at the moment as to what Bernie does next but I hope Jane has a fire extinguisher on hand.
I notice a new group forming -- Trolls for Trump.
Now children. Enough of the bickering. Have you done your homework? Turn off those gadgets until you do.
And you no voters, the silly little ones who have no idea how hard won democracy is for some. When you stay home on Election Day, pouting in the corner, remember your precious vote might not even be there in four years if Trump takes the crown. Dictator anyone.
@24: Gud description.
Bernie Bozos better put on their big boy panties and get with the whole "lesser of two evils" concept, or it'll be their fault when the whole world economy goes in the President Trump shitter.
I'm assuming Dan will have his son enlist in the military when Hillary starts up another war.

And @29, yes it will all be the "Bernie Bozos" fault if Clinton loses. After all, the lesson we learned with the Clinton's during round one is that it's never ever their fault. I mean their baby boomers....America's First "Me First" Generation.
@30. Last of the Time Lords; guess you've got a job lined up helping build that wall. You seem mighty keen to see Trump win.
@3. Bingo. Anyone listen to Dan's podcast. Excellent rant.
I would imagine this point has already been made elsewhere, but:

Doesn't the phrase "official presumptive" sound a teensy bit oxymoronic?
@20 Bullshit, a few Bernie or bust voters won't amount to a pile of beans compared to your picking an establishment candidate who has a favorability rating somewhere in the shitter.

@22 whichever way I vote won't make me pretend that Clinton isn't a neoliberal warmonger. You better do the same if you want to have any hope of holding her accountable. I don't have difficulty remembering who is the lesser evil but many of you clearly don't Remember that a lesser evil is still evil.
Clinton and her supporters will attempt to unify the party with all of the subtly of a teenager beating a bee hive with a baseball bat and achieving the same results.
@34 should have read @29 rather than @20 (but who cares)

Also, it's rather rich to warn us of Trump crashing the economy when it's the Clinton's (and others to be sure) deregulation of finance (repeal of Glass-Steagall) that crashed the world economy in 2007.
Yes, #6. That's true. But what are you suggesting could possibly happen at the convention?

Scenario One: The superdelegates award their votes proportionate to the popular vote. Outcome: Clinton wins.

Scenario Two: The superdelegates award their votes to support the candidate that won the popular vote. Outcome: Clinton wins.

Scenario Three: The superdelegates are eliminated since they are undemocratic. The candidate who wins the popular vote gets the nominate. Outcome: Clinton wins.

Scenario Four: The superdelegates award their votes to support the candidate that has lost the popular vote. Outcome: Sanders wins.

So the only possible scenario in which Sanders can win is the one where the superdelegates vote for him, even though he has lost the popular vote by millions. First off, why in god's name would they do that? Second off, why would Sanders want them to do that after ranting about superdelegates all this time?

It really doesn't make any sense to have a contested convention. I understand that he could CHOOSE to do that, but it's pointless and it's harmful since he should be focusing on unifying against Trump AND (more importantly!) directing his movement towards long-term progressive goals. If he really cares about progressive issues, he'll do that.

More generally, I can't understand his supporters at this point. I voted for Sanders in my state's primary because I think he is the least worst of all of them, and I don't like Hilary one bit. But Bernie is a mainstream politician like all of them- letting his short-term goals override long-term good. Progressive activism is a long-term game, and we should be using the momentum of this movement (much needed!) to organize locally and then pressure Hilary and lobby congress. We should not be throwing a temper tantrum over our guy not getting in. The cult of personality around him is scary to me. He is a very flawed man. I support most of his ideas, but he is neither a hero nor a great activist. He is a mainstream politician- a congressman who lost the election not because of corruption (though there is that too) but because he really only resonates with young people and middle class white people. This is why he lost, and it is also why he does better in caucuses. Saying those votes should count more is basically the same thing as saying you want to disenfranchise people of color and people who don't have the resources to get to caucuses. And saying you want a revolution or that you'd rather let it all burn under Trump is the basically the same thing as saying you don't care about people who aren't privileged enough to survive a situation like that.

And Bernie is not perfect. Hes done plenty of kooky things that would be thrown at him in the general. Trump is being nice to him because it serves him for Bernie to stay in the race as long as possible and because he is courting Bernie's voters. Clinton has been very nice to him because she wants his voters to come to her camp when this is all over. Everyone has been handling him with kid gloves, and the result is that his supporters think he'd do better in the general. I'd like them to imagine what he would sound like on 24/hr cable news rotation with all the pundits quoting him over and over again on rape fantasies and lack of orgasms causing cancer and how mandatory education is indoctrination and his very bizarre preoccupation with female sexual reserve. He's not a hero nor a saint nor a contrary old grandpa. He's a politician- a flawed man with an ego who happens to have some good ideas that he has no real plans for implementing.
Call me Scott @ 6. Apparently nobody taught Mathematics at your school. If 2383 pledged delegates are needed for nomination, and Sanders has 1589, he would 794 to reach the magic number. In other words, he would need every single unpledged delegate, plus 220 more pledged delegates that he would...what? Borrow from Ted Cruz? Hillary may not have reached the magic number, but it is mathematically impossible for Bernie to get there.
@39 - He has around 1800 though, not 1589. So if he were to get all the superdelegates, he could make it. Still an absurd scenario, but mathematically possible.
Although Mrs Clinton finally a few years go was added to the list of people for whom I could never vote in a future election with a clear conscience (a list Mr Trump made in a cakewalk), I have made my contribution to her campaign. I've encountered a number of Trump supporters who are sort of the flip side of Mr Fawley and Mr Reader, giving as their main reason for backing Mr Trump how rabidly anti-Trump the people they most hate are, and how much seeing visible Trump support "triggers" those people. But I have pointed out to them that a Trump victory will suit many SJWs just as well as the elections of Clinton, WJ suited Mr Limbaugh, who has said on multiple occasion that Mr Clinton's presidency was the best thing that ever happened to him professionally. They will then be able to spend the next four or eight years in their favoured role of attack dog instead of having to defend someone many of them don't like much. There is also the consideration that every cycle in which we don't get a woman president will redouble the V***** Vote and its accompanying rhetoric, which nauseates them. I may or may not have planted a seed that will convince a Trump voter in a swing state to stay home, but at least the open Trump enthusiasm in the circles where I encounter it has declined several levels.
Holy Shit the comments here are like reading FOX News, WTF Seattle we sound terrible. Vote Dem or dont vote at all, not that it will matter in this state because it WILL go blue like it always has
Oy. Vote for Hillary in the general, people. Although this is an unflattering analogy, I'll offer it for people who really don't like Hillary (I think she's okay, myself. Not great, but okay).

Think of it this way: You have a choice between living with a rat or a bear. The rat will hide and sneak around and steal your food, and make you feel a little bad about your house. The bear, on the other hand, will terrify you, intimidate you, eat your food, destroy your house and one day, just might up and kill you.

It's not a hard choice.
Wow! I didn't realize how popular Dan was with Bernie Bros! The kind of rabid vitriol some of them are spewing here reminds me of the mighty trolls who populate the darker side of the internet. 1) Don't vote if you "hate" all of the candidates. Just don't complain as to who gets elected! 2) I remember sitting and listening to the radio on the night the Iraq invasion started and thinking to myself, "This can't end well. But I love my country, so I am going to support this and hope I am wrong." A lot of people who are not "war pigs" supported their country then -- probably because they could not quite believe how dishonest Bush turned out to be. And since I did vote -- and didn't vote for him -- I feel fully capable of criticizing all of us now. But I am not a "war pig"! 3) Hillary is smart and hard-working. She understands how government works and also knows the international arena. But because she is a woman, she is supposed to be "likable" too? She makes a lot less scary presidential prospect than a bigoted, thin-skinned impetuous narcissist like the Donald. And it is a binary prospect -- one of them will be the President!
@36 Repeal of Glass-Steagall did not cause the U.S. financial crisis. Many of the most active players in the lead up to the crisis weren't mixed commercial and investment banks: Goldman, Morgan Stanley, Lehman Brother, Bear Stearns, Countrywide, among others. Indeed, reimplementing Glass-Steagall wouldn't impact Goldman or Morgan Stanley at this point. That's what Bernie Sanders never addressed during the entire campaign of railing against "too big to fail." It's risk taking and transparency that this is the issue.
@37 - There's one other scenario that Sanders was advocating earlier: that the super delegates support the candidate who won their state. While the number of Superdelegates doesn't exactly match state size, there's a rough correlation, and since Clinton won the top 7 states and 10 of the top 11, she'd get a majority of the supers anyway. (Just did the math: she'd get 479 of them, he'd get 205, and DC's 25 would be decided next week but the city's demographics make her the odds-on favorite.) So your final conclusion remains valid: the only convention scenario that works for Sanders is the least democratic one where the Superdelegates overturn the voters' decision.
As can be seen @46, it is essentially impossible to tell the difference between some Clinton supporters and big bankers. They essentially hold the same corporatist arguments: "big banks weren't responsible for the 07-08 crash", "Glass-Steagall isn't necessary", "public servants being paid millions of dollars by industries is perfectly OK", "it's perfectly fine to have one's campaign financed by industries". and on, and on.

Here's Reich on Glass-Steagall:
To this day some Wall Street apologists argue Glass-Steagall wouldn’t have prevented the 2008 crisis because the real culprits were nonbanks like Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns.

Baloney. These nonbanks got their funding from the big banks in the form of lines of credit, mortgages, and repurchase agreements. If the big banks hadn’t provided them the money, the nonbanks wouldn’t have got into trouble.

And why were the banks able to give them easy credit on bad collateral? Because Glass-Steagall was gone.

Look anon. You've already outed yourself as a Trump supporter, so what you up too?
@49 It may seem like it to someone with your reading comprehension but perhaps, try trolling harder next time.
Bernie is A HAWK.

Bernie Sanders himself voted twice in support of regime change in Iraq. In 1998 Sanders voted in favor of the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998, which said: “It should be the policy of the United States to support efforts to remove the regime headed by Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq and to promote the emergence of a democratic government to replace that regime.”

Sanders also backed a resolution that stated: “Congress reaffirms that it should be the policy of the United States to support efforts to remove the regime headed by Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq and to promote the emergence of a democratic government to replace that regime.” These measures gave congressional backing for the CIA’s covert plan to overthrow the Hussein regime in Baghdad, as well as the tightening of an economic sanctions regime that may have killed as many as 500,000 Iraqi children. The resolution also gave the green light to Operation Desert Fox, a four-day long bombing campaign striking 100 targets throughout Iraq. The operation featured more than 300 bombing sorties and 350 ground-launched Tomahawk cruise missiles, several targeting Saddam Hussein himself.


Oh for Christ sake. Look. He was wrong? Maybe? I don't know. Is the use of force always wrong?

And before you puff about it being years ago, keep in mind that people constantly beat Hillary over being a goldwater girl. Forty years ago?
@50 maybe not a direct supporter.. your vitriol against Hillary, sure gives Trump more chance. So I conclude from that you are really for him.
This rage against Hillary is mind boggling. She is not a perfect politician.
Roger that. Her femaleness, is this contributing to this rage? And the blindness when you look at the sad spectacle of Bernie clinging on. Even the New Yorker is mocking his grasping behaviour.
Yes, his ideas are great. So get off your arses, vote for Hillary and vote all those fat cat Republicans out of office at all the other elections. Get involved over time in changing how your country operates.
Otherwise, you're all windbags and care nought for the ideas Bernie has been talking of.
Wow. The trolls are going into overdrive to try to upset people in this thread.

@48: Than you for the link. I wish more people would cite their assertions like that. That was an interesting read.
Hillary is a hard nosed political animal.
So? Politics is an ugly game.
Stay on her tail. Insist she include Bernie. The world supports Bernie's vision. Australia lives a lot of it. Universal health care, decent minimum wage.
He can't deliver it untill the other mob are turfed out.
Congress (of morons) has to be wiped of Republicans.
You guys have to unite and turn the tide against fascism.
Ms Lava - Our Congress is way too gerrymandered. We are not Canada, where, if memory serves, Kim Campbell's government entered an election with a majority or plurality and was reduced to two seats.

Census years are remarkably important here. As it happens, both 2000 and 2010 were years in which the Republicans won control of many state legislatures. This gave them a lot of control over redistricting. I remember some years ago seeing an analysis of how a state with a population including a reasonable majority of Democrats was carved up to produce, of its 11 House members, an 8-3 Republican edge, those eight seats being designed to be between 55% and 60% Republican while the remaining three were all at least 80% Democratic.
@52 I could try explaining to you that Clinton has a much better chance of winning with an insurgent left breathing down her neck to mobilize the disenfranchised and independents who distrust her, but it clearly would be a big waste of my time so I won't.
@38. Bingo. My assessment as well.
When will the weasel-face come out of the closet as a Republican? Be free already.

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