
Is "youse guys" meant to include all and any gender?
Whoever did this is dumber than a Trump voter.
@2- Or they are a Trump supporter and shitting on the world is their idea of activism for their fucked up causes.
@1: I've always thought of "guys" as a familiar, gender-neutral collective term for a group of people. But then I'm male, so I don't know that I get a vote on this topic.

Isn't the fact that Betty Page's later life was fucked up by the evangelical movement, Billy Graham, and their prudishness enough to mar her legacy? These idiots had to go deface someone's private home too?

I hate "you guys," especially when it's an under-30 addressing a senior citizen, and especially when the senior citizen is a woman.
Who is the idiot who first claimed that this happened in the "Ravenna neighborhood"? KOMO?

Same thing happened with the Cafe Racer shooting. Instead of deciding if the area was Roosevelt or U-Dist, media just seemed to go with Ravenna.
Is there a GoFundMe site to help these people restore the art? That house has been brightening my days for a decade now.
Shout out to Slack #
I'm a gay male, so maybe my vote doesn't count. But I do consider myself to be a feminist.

I've always viewed Bettie Page, and the mural on that wall, to be sex-positive and a breath of fresh air. Defacing it just seems prudish, not feminist.
Hello! I am one of the Bettie Page house owners. First of all, thank you so much for this piece. It's been wonderful to have so much idealogical support. You stated many of my thoughts much better than I could under pressure during a TV interview. I've never been interviewed before and there are many sentiments I wish I could have expressed better.

Second, many very generous people have asked about donations to help with restoration. We really appreciate the offer and have been so moved by the outpouring of positivity we've received from the community. However, between our home insurance, the original artist, and volunteers, the cost of repair is within our means. In lieu of a donation to us, we ask that you please consider donating to the Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network (RAINN), which is an excellent non-profit focused on supporting victims of sexual assault. To us, the so-called feminists who slut shamed Bettie are part of the problem of perpetuating rape culture. The idea that a woman shouldn't be allowed to express her sexuality without consequences is disgusting and incredibly damaging.

I tried to find a direct donation site for the victim of that awful case involving the asshole with the 80s movie villain name, but I couldn't locate one.

Thanks again for the support. As one of my friends put it, it just goes to show that for every sucky person out there, there are hundreds more who are good and kind.

@9.... We at Cafe Racer call it Rosetown.
Just another example of hypocritical SJWs forgoing the values they claim to uphold in order to have the masturbatory self-satisfaction of Making A Statement! and Sticking It To The Man!
@15: You're definitely in the minority. So cool that the original artist will be involved in its restoration.
@15 - We weren't trying to be a local landmark. We were just painting something we thought was cool on our house.
@13- very glad everything is working out. @15- go fuck yourself.
"No True Scotsman"

Basically you're saying feminists can do no wrong. Anyone who does wrong is clearly not a "real" feminist.
Here's the artist's perspective as well!…

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