
Is there a no-fly list for private corporate jets? Can we get his on it? Alternatively, does Scotland have airplane safety inspectors? Would they consider condemning his as unsafe? Can we phone in a drug tip on it? I'm absolutely certain there's at least half a pound of blow on that plane. It would be nearly impossible for anyone to be that much of an asshole, let alone for a 70-year-old to stay up all night tweeting assholish things, without chemical assistance.
Sort of like Obama said "eh, I liked the golf courses better than governing. Gonna focus on those from now on. Bye."
@2 You left out the part about how Obama read that from a teleprompter.
Someone in Scotland should slip some illegal drugs into his bag so he gets stopped at the airport.

And then make him do a community service puppet show in Edinburgh on the dangers of drug addiction...
@3 - I'm not sure what your point is. US presidents have been using teleprompters since the 1950s, before that many had to frequently consult the paper on their lectern. I can't think of a modern world leader that addressed the nation from memory besides Chuchill.

Also, knowing that Donald really hates to travel, it brings me joy he's got to drag his ass across the world just to get laughed at by Scottish Parliament.
@2: You mean Obama enjoyed leisure time on a golf course more than being mocked, misquoted, lied to, and constantly on the receiving end of racism and petty obstructionism? How deeply surprising.

Either way it's irrelevant, as you're not providing a citation, and I'm not going to waste my evening googling your paraphrasing (assuming this even happened).
@2: Do fuck off back to The Blaze.

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