I did what you told me to do, Sloggers. I bought it and I tried it. I hate you.
I did what you told me to do, Sloggers. I bought it and I tried it. I hate you.

I had a bad feeling about this, but rather than trust my instincts, I put it up for a vote, Slog-style. I am chagrined to report that you readers forced me to try Campbell's Chunky Spicy Chicken Quesadilla soup. Jesus, just typing the words brings back to my senses the memory of the acrid flavor. It tasted like a melted human being and the asphalt onto which the human being has melted. It tasted like yellow Mylar balloons and Styrofoam legumes left to cure in a salty bog. It was so unbelievably revolting that after two bites I had to throw it away, but I don't have a garbage disposal, so I poured it into a Ziplock bag and then sealed the bag and threw that away. I am never listening to you people again. "Journalism" my ass.