When I walked by this view of the Capitol yesterday, my mood ring went pure black, which, according to the key on the back of the box, means Upset. Frustrated. Afraid.
When I walked by this view of the capitol yesterday, my mood ring went pure black, which, according to the key on the back of the box, means "Upset. Frustrated. Afraid." HG

Checking in with the mood rings: Mine is mostly blueish green ("normal, relaxed, calm," and "curious, mischievous, impulsive"—yeah, OK). Sydney's is black ("sad," "dimmed, just like my sense of hope," she says in a text message). They aren't making either of us feel any less afraid.

The scene: I'm writing to you now from inside a coffee shop a few blocks from the National Mall. As I ordered a drip brew, I asked the barista how she was feeling about all this. She replied carefully, "I'm feeling a lot of feelings." Me, too. And they are all bad.

A group of Trump fans is standing around sipping from paper to-go cups and a smaller group of protesters just walked in carrying homemade signs. "You can protest all day," one of the MAGA-ers muttered. "Nothing's going to stop it." One person in line is wearing a tie-dyed hoodie and a poncho and carrying a sign that reads, "GET YOUR TINY LITTLE HANDS OFF MY GAY RIGHTS." Behind them: an aggressive Macklemore Fashy Haircut.

Outside, protests and blockades have already begun.

The plan for today: At 11:30 am EST today outside the Capitol, Donald Trump will be sworn in as the 45th President of the United States. This happens as his approval ratings are at a new low. And also this:

Measuring the country’s mood just before Inauguration Day, 60 percent of Americans said “it’s everyone for themselves,” and 34 percent said “we’re all in this together.”

Here in D.C., the areas up close to the stage will be restricted to ticket access, with some room for sitting and other standing areas. Beyond that, people will stand on the National Mall and watch the proceedings on huge TV screens. Sydney and I will be Tweeting from inside the ticketed area and from the protests outside the restricted area.

After the ceremony, Donald Trump "will have lunch in the Capitol," according to the Washington Post, and the inaugural parade will then head down Pennsylvania Avenue. Three inaugural balls happen tonight. Protests are likely to trail all of these events, and we'll be around to see what happens.

Live-stream the ceremony here. Check back here on Slog and follow us here and here for updates.

Meanwhile in Seattle: Tons of events and protests are planned. Follow Ana Sofia for updates.