
Did Dan review Milo's Real Time appearance?
Oops, I obviously didn't scroll down enough. D'oh.
So who was the first gay evil sidekick to turn on Ann Coulter?
Dan, so are you going to talk about Bill giving this POS a platform? Would you have stayed on the show if he had you on the show that day? Cuz that was just insane, he straight up legitimized the kid as hard as possible.
So the conservative party is full of hypocrites, whodathunk?
@4: For the same reason that the left wing hates the Fox News Channel.

Both "hate" and "free" have become meaningless.
I'm a white man. And I'm perpetually confused about whether people attributing quotes and sentiments to "White Men" are including me or not.
@5 probably someone she a crush on in middle school.

@6 defended Bill or defended Milo?
Milo has some valid points about how overly PC the left become, but it's completely over shadowed by his other rediculous statements such as these on young boys.

Listening to him gave me more insight to why Republicans keep winning despite greater support for Democrat policies. A large group of the electorate is repulsed by the ultra PC, "accept my point of view or you're racist" type behavior they see on the left. They're voting based on cultural issues, not policy.

Hey Dan, look what one of your favorite neoliberal journalists, Kurt Eichenwald, said on Twitter in response to the Joe Rogan video:
I found Milo amusing, provocative, w/ some good points (some were nuts.) But conservs defending what he said on yung teens are frigging evil

Kurt Eichenwald: going after transgendered people, women, and Muslims is amusing, provocative and had some good points.

Combine that with Bill Maher's protective stance towards Milo and it's no wonder the Democratic Party is falling apart.
@7 yikes, i havent read the stranger in forever, I will read up on that.
@13. Obama won two elections pretty handily. It's more complicated than that. The left has a major PR problem with the rest of the electorate. Just dismissing them as racists (yes, some are) means we'll never figure out how to speak to them more effectively.
@15: I believe GermanSausage was referring to a piece by Rich Smith called "RETRACTION: Milo Yiannopoulos Is Not a White Nationalist." [link] where he commented multiple times without realizing that the point of the piece was not to defend him, but to give a laundry list of all the most awful things he'd done to others, under the guise of a retraction regarding how he'd been defined in a weeks-previous post. Apparently he still didn't pick up on the real message there, even after it was pointed out: Milo is a piece of shit and here's all the reasons why.
How about one of you "how could you give him a platform" incredulous children point to a case where a blowhard ideologue was rejected by media outlets and subsequently disappeared?
If you aren't afraid of the efficacy of his arguments, why are you afraid? If you are afraid of the efficacy of his arguments, are you too stupid to pick them apart yourself? He is not writing the new Mein Kampf, he's a hack plagiarist.
Pretending his point about the Outrage Culture isn't real, will probably no pay off in the long run for The Left.

This weekend, Milo appeared on Bill Maher's show. I watched with incredulity as Maher compared Milo to Christopher Htchens, one of my personal heroes and Bill Maher's personal friends.…

What the fuck, Bill? Did you secretly hate Hitchens or something?

During the Overtime segment, an web-only feature, Bill led a roundtable discussion including Milo, Larry Wilmore, and Malcolm Nance. In this segment, Milo claims that transgendered people are mentally ill sexual predators who should not be allowed in women's bathrooms (apparently, FTM TG people don't even merit discussion in this clip). Bill Maher nods his head and says, "That's reasonable". When Milo suggests that Transpeople commit more crimes than cispeople, Bill Maher expresses surprise but doesnt ask Milo to cite his sources or dispute his claim.…

Bill Maher, everyone: transphobic bigot, and apparently never really a friend of Hitchens.

Fuck you, Bill. You never knew Hitchens. Hitch attacked the alt-right his whole life. He never defended racism like Milo.…
GS @ 18: "And the same people who voted for Trump are the same group of racist dipshits that voted for McCain and Romney."

Yes, but McCain and Romney didn't win. So some Obama voters obviously didn't either vote for Hillary or sat out in the key states. So can former Obama voters be "racist dipshits"?

This is a point few neoliberal Centrist Democrats can stomach, so they simply choose to ignore.

It is true, Donald Trump is one of the most (rightly) hated men in America. He has to buy all of his friends. Nobody would endorse him if he wasn't throwing money at them.

In fact, the only person a lot of people hate worse than Trump is (either) Clinton. And you're not going to make Clinton more likable by surrounding her with Hollywood stars, either. That;'s because no matter what will i am says, her policies sucked. Free trade sucks. Goldman Suchs. And if Sarah Silverman thinks that's ridiculous, well, then why did you fucking lose to a circus freak?

See, that's the rational response we should all be having now that the election is over.
@9: "Both "hate" and "free" have become meaningless."

As a Republican, freedom and not swimming in hatred must be very confusing topics.
No one in the government is trying to stop this troll from saying the shit he does. Free speech does not mean anyone has to give you a platform to spew your shit.
@31 Absolutely correct. The 1st does not guarantee a platform for anyone. It does, however prevent all government agents, which includes schools like U.C. Berkeley, from denying a platform, particularly if one is allowed to others.
What amuses me most about Milo is that he seems like the sort who has an enormous ego and although he probably accepts he has some haters he doesn't realize his fans don't give two fucks about him. They love his vitriolic statements but loathe other people like him.
@33 To the Right he is basically the cheap one night stand they don't respect:

on his knees to metaphorically fellate them, agrees with everything they say and certainly never asks that they respect him (see the Breitbart comment section, they still don't view him as an equal). When he's served his use it's out like a dirty rag. I do love that it isn't the Left that engineered this blow, but the right.
@33 To the Right he is basically the cheap one night stand they don't respect:

on his knees to metaphorically fellate them, agrees with everything they say and certainly never asks that they respect him (see the Breitbart comment section, they still don't view him as an equal). When he's served his use it's out like a dirty rag. I do love that it isn't the Left that engineered this blow, but the right.
@30: Non sequitur. Your thoughts are uncoordinated.

Could someone contact the UW College Republicans and ask them their stance on pedophilia?

We should not assume. I would like the Stranger to have a reporter contact them--perhaps contact Ms. Gamble--and get them on record about their position.

After all, isn't this a free speech issue? Do the UW College Republicans seek to censor this voice? Let's find out if they won't invite him back for another talk, so that people can come with an open mind and decide for themselves. After all, he's still likely to be the same price as last time, free.
@37, see @36.
This must all be so confusing for your average bigot
Can we please stop talking about this guy? Close to 100% of his power derives from the fact that every asinine comment that escapes from his flapping mouth gets treated as newsworthy by the media. And I'm convinced that his major pull with the conservatives comes mainly from his ability to rile up liberals. Berkeley and Jeremy Scahill have both done this dipshit some major favors.

Good, fine, this particular idiot may have done himself in, but tomorrow he'll be replaced by another. No well written (or enraged) rejoinder is going to convert a single one of his followers. Can we agree not to take the bait?
You know, the sad thing is, I actually feel sorry for him when it comes to this stuff. I mean, it sounds like someone who was abused as a teen trying to come to terms with it by pretending that it wasn’t wrong - and I can sorta forgive him a bit of that.

The stuff he says on a regular basis, on the other hand, is just him being a vile troll for sport and profit - and yet it’s this that sinks him. Go figure. But really, considering Milo's fanbase, it was always a matter of 'when' not 'if' they turn on him, and he was more than happy to throw every other minority under the bus in exchange for fame and money, so I can't say I feel too sorry for him.
If Yabbadabbalis was indeed abused as he claims, than he is basically doing what many abused children do: blaming themselves for the abuse because this makes it easier to accept.

By intellectualizing his abuse, and by proxy the abuse of others below the age of consent, he can believe it was not actually abuse, and therefore make it easier to accept. It is a very common defense mechanism.
I might actually have some begrudging respect for Simon & Schustser, CPAC, and Republicans if they stood by him now, after screaming "Free speech!" and demanding open-mindedness for their bigoted minstrel.
Milo needs to get himself into therapy..the man is very sick and needs serious help. I recommend watching PhillyD's video on this from Monday and Milo's full interview on the Drunken Peasants (who warned Milo about him going down the shit hole he went down) and the interview with Joe Rogan. The Alt-Right really are just child rapists...they shold join NABLA.
@47 - Milo presents himself as a journalist, who said - unironically - that a 13 year old could consent to sex with a 28-year old. Amy Schumer is a comedian who told a joke that is funny solely because of the inappropriateness she knows the audience will recognize, but which you evidently don't, can't or won't.

I'm going to assume all of the above and that you're both a troll AND a dumbass.

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