
No worries! Trumpie has the back of all of his trumpanzees! Never will he let one twist in the wind!
I love the North Face sign.

Seattle prides itself on its individualism. When it comes to fashion, however, we are frighteningly conformist. Take for example, the Black Bloc. One would think rock wielding anarchists would be so anti-rules that no two would look alike. And yet, there is a definitive Black Bloc uniform. Perhaps this never varying style of dress makes them more difficult to identify from photographs of riot scenes. It does however fail to comport with their pleas to individualism.
@2 We are a tribal species, including the Black Bloc wankers.

In many respects it's more about utility than uniformity. Most outdoors apparel is deliberately manufactured in earth-tones; because who wants to wear bright colors in a natural setting where you're ostensibly out there to see the beauty and not necessarily to BE seen (hunters neon of course being an exception, because, you know, the shooting thing.) And I assume Black Bloc types purposely go for a uniform, anonymous look, which would make it harder to single out one of them when trying to ID a rock-thrower, window-smasher, or dumpster igniter, for example.

Sadly, neither hunter orange nor earth tones are used as a means of hiding from wildlife whilst in nature. Most of the clueless bastards who ear this crap never set one foot in the woods, except maybe a few feet in when they desperately need to pee and simply cannot drive on to the next rest stop. Cammo is typically worn whilst striding down the concrete sidewalks rather than tromping through the rain forest. Nobody is really under the illusion that bright pink cammo would allow anyone to blend in anyway, either in the trees or at the bar. As for protection against getting shot, one can only hope that such insults to good taste would mark them out as acceptable targets.

You are probably correct in your assessment of the Black Bloc's utilitarian abuse of fashion. However, these same clueless kids also purchase their uniforms at Hot Topic rather than make their own. Punk rock was never intended to be trademarked, and yet these ostensibly anti-capitalists are quite loyal to their multinational corporate chain stores. The hulabaloo over that recent Pepsi ad is, if they had made that ad to sell clothing rather than soda, it would have been par for the course rather than outrage.
Wandering Star...those hunters who do wear bright colors are not doing it to "blend in" whether in the woods or in a bar. Most animals they hunt can't see the colors, but other hunters can. Cammo is meant to hide people from other people (and animals who can see color, like birds).

Something tells me she isnt hunting deer in that getup.…

Yeah, this one's concerned about whether animals can see the colors. Sure.…

My point is, these idiots arent hunters. They're wearing this crap to attract Billy Bob and Bocephus Leghorn, not Bambi.

I'm confused by these comments. Do you all think Seattleites should be more fashionable?? Whaaa?
seriously, this is about the most boring-ass tangent this comment thread could've taken
Seattle has always been fashion-challenged. The Urban Outfitters and American Apparel clones have taken over Cap Hill, and their once-ironic and now-pathetic facial hair just goes to show that regurgitating ideas from the past doesnt count as innovative expressions of the future.

Even when everyone outside of Seattle wanted to look like they were from Seattle, it was a sad joke. I remember seeing this MTV Spring Break Special circa 1993 or so- everyone was decked out in flannel sweating their assess off on a 100 degree day in freaking Miami. And now that the hipsters are priced out of Seattle and moving to Tacoma, I guess mile-high mullets will make a comeback the way mutton-chops and handlebar moustaches did.

There are only two deadly fashion sins. Sluttony, and goth. Seattle, I charge you with both crimes. How do you plead?
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