
A scientist vs. a moron. I'll pass: if I want a freak show I'll watch CNN
Can we tag Charles "local celebrity philosopher"? "Local celebrity bar-hopper"?
And that is why I love my portable A/C. I only plug it in when I need it, and it cools my studio apt very well - with the assistance of a couple of fans.
Folding laundry while watching the weather channel seems more fun.
Oh please.

I cut my carbon emissions 90% in one year.

It's not hard. And I SAVE $$$$!

In one corner, we have: a guy who went through years of rigorous scientific training and understands that weather is not climate.

In the other, we have: a guy who thinks science is witchcraft and the resident Stranger troll who rates a 3/10 average on his attempts.

Sounds super well matched. The outcome of this is surely not obvious.

Personally, whenever the ambient temperature in the room where I am gets up above the 75 or so, I want it to be cooler. Quickly. And this happens every summer, for increasingly longer periods it seems (over the last 17 years).

Most of the Seattle addresses I've lived in take hours and hours after I get home to cool off by themselves. They didn't get built with attic fans, ceiling fans or secure methods of cross-ventilation while I'm not at home during the day. They were built to hold heat in during the colder months. All those brick houses from the 30's-50's? Ovens.
If I'm acting immorally when using my super-efficient (30 SEER) ductless air conditioning for a couple of summer months in Seattle, to lower the temperature inside my house from 80 to 70 ( -10 degrees), then all of those people living in Detroit, Chicago and Boston who are burning oil and blowing through BTUs all winter long to increase the temperature inside their houses to 68 from zero (+68 degrees) must be the spawn of Satan.
@6) you think i went into this alone? "In her spare time, she kept building 500 Women Scientists. The group grew quickly, spawning nearly 150 local branches around the globe in just a few months. One branch was founded in Seattle by Sarah Myhre, a 34-year-old climate change scientist at the University of Washingtonā€™s Department of Atmospheric Sciences. The group gave Myhre the courage to stand up to a prominent professor, Cliff Mass, from her own department." Read more from my comrades here:…
whatever, HERE FOR IT. can you find a way to include knute berger and the ghost of ivar? More minor local celebrity match ups, please.

@6: in one corner we have a guy with a scientific education, a huge ego, and no sense of humor whatsoever. In the other corner we have a guy with no scientific education, a huge ego, and no sense of appropriateness whatsoever.
@12 They're both damn well matched in their need to spit out What They Believe towards people with greater knowledge in a particular domain. The egos can dong-fight on stage.
I happen to like both gentlemen and this should be a great debate. Being an engineer I'm in the "Tell don't sell" camp on climate change and side with Mass, but tactically I think Charles has good points about advocacy even if it comes at the risk of hyperbole. I've hear people have even become president that way.
I'm from Detroit.
It can get well below zero in the winter, and above 90 for days in the summer.
We had 21 90Ā° days by August 31 last year.
Below freezing, below zero with 'wind chill'.
I'd be interested if it was Sarah Myhre debating Cliff Mass.

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