
There's something about Nate Gowdy's style that gives his photographs this heavy handed emotion / unwarranted historical weight. Crank up that black and white, ramp up the contrast, and presto! Pulitzer Prize wannabees
While you were doing that. I was in DC for Pride weekend.

Do you remember Pride? You used to go to it. It's this thing we gay folk do to remind the rest of you that its not ok to murder us, whether you do it in the name of Allah, or Yahweh or Bog.

I dont see anything in the Stranger about Pride. You covered the Women's March. But not Capitol Pride. You probably didnt even bother to send anyone there. To you, its not a political thing anymore- its more like St Patrick's Day. Given what Seattle Pride has turned into in recent years, I can see why you'd think that. Or maybe you agree with Aberzombie & Bitch's tweet "Pride is for everybody"- meaning its not about the gays anymore.

Islam is so much more exciting than gays, I guess.

Its funny, I went to the biggest demonstration of LGBT solidarity in the country, and I didnt see you there. You didnt even bother to show up. We marched right in front of the White House and told Trump to sashay away. You couldnt sashay away, though, Because never even bothered to show up.

Dont get me wrong, I'm completely opposed to violence directed at Muslims. There should be counter demonstrations against anti-Muslim violence. You needed to be here in DC, too. Just like you were for the Women's March. If you could show up in the freezing cold in January, you can get your dead ass out here on a sunny day in June.
@3, I'm scared of anyone who makes the first part of their identity their religious ideology. And yeah, not a big fan of a religion who tosses gays like me off the top of buildings (even on the the other side of the world) and then keeps their mouths closed about such violence here at home.

And it was a year ago that the Islamic Terrorist attack happened in Orlando. So yeah, people who self identity as their religion first SCARE THE FUCKING SHIT OUT OF ME
@2 As this is an alternative news paper, one would expect them to pay more attention to a local demonstration than to a pride march in other cities. Speaking of Pride, it is something a lot of us went to before commercial sponsorship and growth turned it into a marketing event targeting the Gay and to a lesser degree the Lesbian elements of the LGBT community, while ignoring the rest. Especially when that has led to a much less political Pride. I do, however, remember that the Grand Stand MC for the last Pride I marched in was the same Dan Savage who is the editorial director of this paper, and the one who most likely prioritized the local protest over DC Pride.

But hey, I'm sure that Milo Yiannopoulos would agree with you completely.

Oh. So I guess that's why they sent Heidi to DC to cover the Women's March. Because DC somehow merged with Seattle for exactly one weekend in a bizarre space-time warp.

You know all that coverage they gave to the Climate March?

Not one column inch for the gays. And as a gay myself, let me tell you, if I dont get at least 6 inches, I'm not reading it.
@8: Hate sells. Fear, paranoia, violence, screaming, fighting... Pride march is just so... LOVE. Sponsors don't want to see that shit.
@8 don't you remember the left's response to the Orlando massacre? Being cis LGBQ has become incredibly passé, almost archaic. Muslims and whatever transgender flavour of the week is all the rage now.
\We're supposed to support your causes. You don't support ours. Solidarity goes BOTH ways. If you want our help, you need to help us too.

if it was worth it to stay at an Air BnB in Baltimore for the Women's March, if it was worth it to fly to BWI for the Climate March, you can get your ass to DC for the fucking Pride March.

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