
So basically you're saying that apart from wanking, there isn't anything effective we can do.
YEAH, protesting in front of the Federal building and writing emails to Cantwell and Murray (who have horrible records of responding), BY GOD, WE'RE GOING TO TURN THE TIDE! Maybe later we can march around in circles on Capitol Hill and then have a candlelight vigil at Cal Anderson and smoke lots of weed! Yeah, we'll show the bastatrds, or at least feel better.
BUT, Rich thanks for being young and idealistic,,,,this too shall pass
Do you have any suggestions for change, 3/4 or are you just a naysayer who thinks you might as well do nothing rather than try
Mid-terms are coming up. Vote them out.
@2 Sargon Bighorn: Which is why I vote every election. The RepubliKKKans have long cornered the market on the woefully ignorant, and easily misled voters, gerrymandering, "redistricting", and strictly enforcing tight polling hours among other dirty tricks to ensure that enough blood red voters DO get a chance to repeatedly vote bassackwards. And these same blind-sided Trumpzilla supporters are the very ones hurt the most by believing by a heartless scam artist with a TV show---especially upon losing their only available affordable source of healthcare. Just ask about 11,460 people between the ages of 18 and 65 in Grays Harbor County, alone.
One comfort I will always have is knowing that possibly one day my great nephew, upon finally reaching the age of voting eligibility, asks me what the fuck about 2016 and beyond and why is the U.S. such a hollowed out, isolated wasteland. I can honestly and proudly tell him I voted for Hillary. We as a nation had the chance to make history by electing the first woman as 45th President of the United States, someone with an impressive resume having served our country as a senator, first lady, and secretary of state. Instead, with help form the Russians, the Koch Brothers ad nauseum, and an outdated electoral college, we're in dire need of impeaching a shit-spewing, mentally deranged, polarizing xenophobic buffoon with a bad combover and an itchy war-button finger with no experience at all and whose criminally insane idea of leading a country along with a poisoned pen is playing a big game of Risk at Mar-a-Lago. ITMFA!
We can stop infighting and virtue signaling ad infinitum and come up with a party rhetoric and solutions to American problems that appeal to a broader base of voters. People can differ in ideology and philosophy but agree on common solutions.

If democrats can be a party of intelligent, innovative, and inclusive solutions, we can regain the upper hand politically. If we maintain a strategy of moral superiority and outrage, however satisfying in the heat of the moment, we will continue to lose and our ideas will become irrelevant. Do we want to be righteously indignant? Or do we want to win?
I like the sound of that, @7
@7: For those who don't believe my statistics about people losing ACA coverage, those living in Grays Harbor County being hit the hardest, you can ask Seattle Times columnist, Danny Westneat.
Ugly consequential bullshit like this is why I vote, write and call legislators, and have canvassed, attended rallies and protests, door-belled, signed petitions, and will never stop. I can't afford to.
@9: I haven't even started yet.
I see five shameless RepubliKKKan pigs in the first photo I'd love to skin and charbecue.
It's good to see Maria again.
@8, yes!
@6 that's really the only action that gets change, VOTING...
@15: If the Republicans were actually trying to fix it, they wouldn't be doing everything in total secrecy.

I would much prefer to pay a small amount in taxes, knowing that it would go into a pool to help those that need it, instead of paying a larger amount every month to line the pockets of insurance companies that are already exceedingly wealthy. Insurance companies who have a vested interest in denying care as often as possible while charging as much as they can get away with, while screwing hospitals and clinics to keep their own costs down (shifting it back to the patient).

I would also happily take the "slow, crappy and mediocre services such as one finds in Canada or England," where everyone is very proud of their system and won't let anyone threaten it. It certainly beats what we have in America, where I have only experienced the joy of paying hundreds (that wasn't counting toward my deductible for some reason) on top of my monthly premiums, because hardly anything was actually covered by my gold-level plan (before I cancelled it in disgust).
Oh, I forgot to provide my good idea to Rich, that he'll hopefully pass along:

Don't hold rallies in the middle of a goddamn work day, if you actually hope to have anyone show up. This may come as a shock, but not all of us can leave work to travel to downtown Seattle for a few hours in the dead center of a work week.

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