
A lot of great elements to this one. Thank you, Callan!
I'm with wheelchair guy, Milky Ways fucking suck.
I don't understand anyone's motivation in this situation.

You don't understand free candy?
I love Milky Ways all ways round. The regular ones, the all-caramel ones, the dark chocolate ones. And Mars Bars (because Milky Ways are Three Musketeers in the civilised world).
Thanks for the inflammatory signage about Belltown. Good to know advertising wise. I forwarded this to management of Shorty's the Belltown Business Association as well.
@6: JeffR lives in a soulless Belltown apartment with air plants.

really? you think anyone (but you) is going to get their panties in a bunch over a cartoon?
I bet if I were 40 years younger I would understand this cartoon. As it is I'm left confused and feeling very sad for everyone in it. Also, Milky Ways are the worst.
@9 -- I bet if you had read the top banner ("Based of a real police report"), you would understand this cartoon better.

Understanding the things real people do in real life? That's a tall order.
I love Belltown, but I guess it's natural for longtime locals to want to take jabs at a neighborhood that's been through so much change.
@9: Out of respect for @5, you should have withheld your commentary on Milky Way bars.
Nice add with the civil forfeiture
Lol, civil asset forfeiture, I love it. That takes care of the candy. And uncivil asshole forfeiture takes care of the stabby guy. Just a guess, but I bet the officers involved would have rather just settled for the candy bars.
There are soooo many comments in this forums that I want to say "Whoooooooooosh!" to.
JeffR, What kind of person tries to threaten a newspaper with loss of advertisers because of a freaking cartoon? Please take a long hard look at yourself in the mirror and give thought to how you became what you are.

Please wait...

and remember to be decent to everyone
all of the time.

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