Some books written by racists.
Some books written by racists. Tasos Katopodis / GETTY

Counter-Currents, a local white nationalist publishing company, will be hosting its fifth annual Northwest Forum this weekend. There's a gathering on Friday and a series of speakers on Saturday. Among them: Jared Taylor, founder of New Century Foundation, which is described by the Southern Poverty Law Center as "a self-styled think tank that promotes pseudo-scientific studies and research that purport to show the inferiority of blacks to whites"; Augustus Invictus, a Holocaust denier who has run for U.S. Senate in Florida; and Counter-Currents founder Greg Johnson.

These men are open racists, and some of them have gone on television to proudly proclaim their white nationalist views. But the forum is also likely to attract locals who spread hateful ideologies online behind anonymous screen names. We believe it would be worthwhile to figure out who these people are, how they organize, and what they say in secret.

But we didn't get invited, and Counter-Currents requires "extreme vetting" before it will disclose the location or time of the event. That's why we're asking Slog readers for tips. Do you know when or where the Northwest Forum will take place? Shoot us an email at

h/t It’s Going Down