
So nice of Microsoft to free up space and acquire yet more of the city. All the easier to screw over permatemps that make up the vast majority of their workforce, or their own FTEs (who they then hire back as permatemps). But why use those billions to invest in people already working for MSFT? That's crazy talk!
Wondering when the show or hammer is going to drop on Chris Matthews
"Jenny Durkan Is Mayor"

So, so sweet seeing that above your byline, Heidi.
@2 Yeah, after that hot mic moment back at the convention I thought "There has to be a lot more where that came from..."
Britain First? Why not just link to Daily Stormer from the White House Web page, and be done with it?
Shame the bus drivers don't have affordable universal health insurance.
@5 Give that vile sack of festering sewage time - Huckabee Sanders is excusing his bigotry as concern for national security right as we speak; his cabal of bigots will follow; there'll be crickets from Congress and the GOP - and soon, DOTUS' twitter account will give us ALL automatic alerts to Daily Stormer's, Breibart's and the Klan's every putrid thought and foul lies!

"Eli , Eli, lema sabachthani?"

*automatic retweets
@5 - Hell, with the Daily Stormer basically shut out of most if not all private hosting services, the White House should host it on their government servers in the name of 'Truly Free Speech' :>D ...Then invite Anglin, Duke, and Bannon over for tea and crumpets while wearing their clean-pressed Third Reich frocks."Pass the white butter & milk, leibchen!"

We've apparently got our own "Man in the High Castle" situation. I hope Olbermann was right about "13 months".
@ 9,

The Book of Revelations states that the Beast shall rule for 42 months, so sorry, we've still got awhile.
@10 - DAMMIT! That means we've got a little more than 2.5 years to go...

Oh wait, you said Revelations.. not The Book of Revolutions.

I believe the latter tome is less predictatory regarding when Beasts get deposed.

But really, I don't hold too much stock in psychedelic-apocalypse visions written nearly 2 millennia ago by a bunch of controlling nutbags attempting to use neurotic fear as a socially manipulative tool. (Why does that sound familiar all of a sudden..?)

Anyway, I already took my eschatonic this morning... can't scare me with no freaky end-times talk! ;>)

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