
I dunno, I read that snorting marijuana can kill you.
@1 Maybe the best way to deal with the heroin epidemic is to go after the heroin industry?

No sensible person argues that there are zero social costs associated with legal weed. The important question is if those costs are preferable to the costs of spending billions of dollars to incarcerate people for selling dime bags.
@2 If it was shown that every idiot straw man comment you made increased the likelihood that a baby was raped wold you stop commenting?

Somehow I think not.
Republicans care about "states rights" - as long as it's something they agree with. Also, there's too much money from pharmaceutical and the private prison lobby for them to pass up.

If Reichert wasn't "retiring" (aka preparing to cash in on the DC revolving door, gravy train) he would have a different position. Legal weed is something we voted for and is popular with his constituents.
There is most certainly a marijuana derangement syndrome which afflicts old males, (oh how former police chief Gil Kerlikowske had it, and kept it with him to the national level). And yet, i'd wager that nearly all those so afflicted enjoy their ethanol, and would utterly lack any ability to understand what the (even rather stodgy) science has to say about this: The Lancet, and a simple chart of health…
Trump is becoming more and more clear about starting a culture war with liberal, urban America.:

* Making Amazon and Boeing the enemy

* Capping mortgage interest deductions to slam the pricey Blue Wall

* Now going after pot.

We are fast approaching a point where 30% of the capital controlling ~47% of the vote and 55% of the electoral college will more aggressively go after the 70% of the capital controlling 53% of the vote and 45% of the electoral college. This has historical antecedents and they are not pretty.
Most harmful to minors was the Green River Killer whom Reichert allowed to kill upwards of 80 young women during his tenure as a police leader. But now he is truly concerned about their welfare.
Reichert: "If those girls were smoking pot, then the Green River Killer did them a favor."
I'm sorry but there is NO fuckin way pot is more dangerous for kids than prison.
@1 Your failure to note that alcohol and tobacco consumption and growing are completely legal even though they are significantly worse than recreational cannabis is the missing elephant in the middle of your silly rant.
Let's assume the man is not cynical and is not therefore attempting to score points with his future employers. Let's assume he is sincere in his beliefs and now that he is freed from the pressure of running for re-election he can give open expression to them. So he is proposing we listen to him talk about how marijuana use is having a harmful effect on America's youth. He seems to have something he wants to get off his chest. What is it, pops? Kids these days, they all just ____-? What? Dress slovenly, don't show respect, don't have long attention spans? What's buggin' ya pops?
Fuck Reichert. He's retiring. Why didn't the Stranger ask Dino Rossi what HE thought about it?
Would what Dino Rossi thinks about it, make the slightest bit of difference to anyone's vote, though? (same for Reichert, his opinion made exactly zero difference to how I didn't vote for him).
Pot is also illegal for 18 to 20 year olds and there is no data on that. Plus the Washington healthy youth survey is a voluntary survey given to teens. There is also no good way to test whether someone is driving under the influence yet, and no data to show whether driving under influence of marijuana has been responsible for some of the increase in car accidents. There is data showing that industries are having a hard time finding employees who can pass a drug test and there is data showing that marijuana is an addictive drug and negatively affects the developing brain. When these state laws went into effect we knew that the Feds could change the law at any time and marijuana industries also knew the risk they were taking. I think it is good to collect more data on the effects of marijuana on all the above and reevaluate.

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