
An insufferable team versus a team with an insufferable fan base, I got flashbacks to November 2016. Oh well, congrats on a win well-deserved.
White people riot for stupid reasons. They also vote stupid. And they can for both because privilege.

(Yes yes, not all white people, but too many fucking white people. If your default response is the former and not the latter, you're part of the problem.)
What was once a shocking and infamous closer that cemented the John waters as the Pope of Bad Taste is now a celebratory act in the name of football. How Divine.
@2: Indeed yes. Especially those anarchists at trade conferences and May Day celebrations.
”I don’t know if I’m happy for them, disgusted by them, or jealous that I will never care about something as much as they care about football. (Hint: I'm disgusted.)”

That’s so interesting and such mature writing.


You really shouldn't be so hard on the Women's March.
Sometimes you've just got top scream into the sky.
"Nearly 50 percent of Seattleites make less than $50k."
That is misleading for several reasons:
• Residents of Pierce, Snohomish and much of King County are not "Seattleites"
• Adjusted gross income is not the same as income
• Tax returns are not the same as people. The average AGI for Married Filing Jointly is going to be higher than for Single filers
The cost of college texts is immoral and criminal.
Technology should make it possible for students to access all the material they need for about a buck per semester.
The Leftist University/"Research" Industrial Complex is only about securing fat paychecks and benefits for tenured faculty; education doesn't even make the top ten lists of their concerns...
#2 "...too many fucking white people." Been hearing this a lot these days, during a lot of incessant rants from leftists. With each passing day I find myself slowly lifting from the fog of Progressivism.
#8 It's convenient for them to use data from the whole of King County to point out disparity of income in Seattle proper.

I suspect they did that because the data will indicate median income in Seattle at much higher. I swear I read somewhere it was around 70k, but I could be wrong. It's been some time since reading about it.
#9 I think the first thing we should do is cut back on soft science majors. Majoring in Queer Studies--I'm Queer--is costly, and is a dead end as far as economic advancement.

We are in the digital age, you must get a degree in hard sciences. If not, you'd be better off getting a job in the trades. I would argue most people aren't equipped for hard science college life. And that's fine...trades are noble work that offer a livable wage.
Many years ago, I happened to be living in Toronto the year the Blue Jays won the World Series. I'm not a huge baseball fan (not really into sports at all, tbh) but I couldn't help but be drawn out onto Yonge Street along with everyone else. It's really the only time that I've ever felt part of a massive crowd that had real potential to become a mob (this being Toronto, it was, I concede, a fairly well-behaved mob). Still, the feeling of being absorbed into something with a mind of its own was quite strange.

I'm not sure how this all translates necessarily into "white privilege" either. My memory of that night was that it seemed one where race seemed completely subordinated to the crowd. Toronto had then, as it has now, residents and citizens from around the world, who were all well represented on the streets that night.

My impression that night was that sports do have a capability of transcending race and other divisions, at least for a moment, when the home team wins.
@9 There are other ways of combating this problem. I was a history major, with a couple of minors in related fields. I took relatively few courses that had textbooks that were required, mostly in areas outside of my major. But I also chose to bypass as many of the 100 and 200 level courses as I could and jumped straight into upper division work wherever possible. It was a bit of a steeper learning curve, but I think I ultimately got more of an education out of it. And the reading materials were a lot more likely to be articles and such, most of which were kept on hand at the library and/or were sent around by PDF rather than books you needed to buy.

If I am ever to find myself in front of a classroom, that would be the course I would follow. Make as much as possible available electronically for free, with an option to pay for your own hard copy if you like reading things the old fashioned way, as I do.

You would think all the different professors could load the reading material for their class into a data base, and the students could stick in a flash drive and download all the articles, texts etc for the classes they have onto the drive.
All textbooks should be electronic.
You would think our most brilliant minds at the various universities would have figured this out ten years ago.
And they would have, if they gave a shit about the students...
@8 Agreed. That was one of the sloppiest paragraphs I've read in a long time. Right down to "The poorest zip codes are Pierce County and South King County". In addition to residents of those counties not being Seattllites, there is a missing preposition.
Trayvon Martin would have turned 21 today
edited to say 23 today
"Leftist University/"Research" Industrial Complex "

If conservative ideology didn't amount to a big pile of self serving, steaming dung, you may actually have a few more learned people in your corner.

Learned enough not to rack up hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt pursuing graduate degrees that will not lead to jobs?
That learned?
@24 Well, learned enough to readily see that you are contradicting yourself from one comment to the next since the learned ones went from "earning fat paychecks" @ 9 to "being $100ks in debt" @24. Go away.
It seems folks who write for the stranger have a case of the GOPs..... Taking data/information and warping it to support your claims. Seattle area/Seattle metro is not the same thing as Seattle. South King County is not Seattle. People in South King County are not 'Seattleites'. People who live within Seattle City limits can be called 'Seattleites'. Regardless, an attempt to tug on our heart strings, inaccuracies be damned: 1) Seattle is so expensive and 2) People in southern suburbs/counties don't have as high of AGI as people living in Seattle city limits.

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