
Just a reminder that before there was only one loose accusation by one woman who was also stalking his family.
Weird how every rightwing “institution” rallies around their rapists and pedophiles and elevates them to martyrs or presidents.

At least the left attempts to purge or at least confront them.
Oh Christ you moron Sockpuppet dipshit. You JUST elected a pedophile rapist. You bring his traitorous head down on a pike. He’s the president, dipshit.
As someone who is currently looking out his living room window at the headquarters of NPR, I can say with certainty that the building pictured is not it. They moved out of Chinatown in 2012.
@11 you’re barking up the wrong tree, partner. I said Franken should resign right off the bat. And I never voted for either Clinton.

The so-called “left” in this country are the only ones attempting to hold these people to account at all. That’s who started #metoo. The right is weaponizing it. So just rolling VER with every accusation is suicide.

The right are STILL paying Pedophile Denis Hasterts legal fees.
The GOP is the party of adultery (Trump, Kim Davis), toilet sex (Craig), diaper fetishists (Vitter), revenge porn (Greittens), pedophilia (Trump), and prostitution (Melania Trump). That sort of thing goes on across the political spectrum, of course, but the GOP is the only party that claims a supposed moral high ground and ties itself to the fake clergy while being seriously kinky on the downlow.

I can hear Our Dear Bub's head explode, and will proactively reply to his forthcoming reply sputtering about Bill Clinton & Monica Lewinsky, which happened before many of today's young adults were alive: That was consensual, by both accounts. I am not one of the people who believe that sex is always about power. If I had been an intern and the that particular President had shown some interest in me, I would have been down on my knees as well, because why not? Clinton was guilty of being stupid, and that's about it. Everything else is between him and his wife.

I've been saying Shermin Alexie is a creep since the 1990s and everybody said I was wrong while they had some deep denial and stupid fucking blinders on. It's about fucking time.
(Also, his writing is terrible!)
I love how our Resident right-wing scolds do not advocate having the free market decide: persons who object to Alexie’s behavior can refuse to read or to purchase his books. Deny him enough paying readers, and he won’t be an author for very long.

(Of course, that would require American right-wingers to know some actual people who voluntarily read and even BUY books...)
@14 are you suggesting the Slog is fake news?
I was underwhelmed by the NPR story, esp. after all the flame fanning by Litsa D. and her fan club. It seems as if the woman was willing--like Litsa was, they had an affair. When the women weren't interested Alexie stepped back. This whole depiction of Alexie's incredible power over the careers of women in the hang nail niche of Native American writing seems exaggerated. I would prefer he had been faithful to his wife of course, and yes the women should complain loud and clear all they want but not sure the book burning and the hanging in the public square is warranted.
@21 to me I don't understand why it stopped being a story after "consensual sexual relations"

if you aren't comfortable with how you got led into having sex but felt like having it anyways, obviously it wasn't that big of a deal in the moment or you would've said no back then or said it wasn't consensual now. This doesn't even sound like Louis CK jacking off with permission, people got fucked and felt gross afterwards - am I missing something?
@23 This comment is a cool drink of water in a desert of bad logic and whataboutism.
If some of the stories are correct, then he committed misdemeanor assault (or maybe worse) against some of the women who resisted. I hope local law enforcement threatens him with prosecution if ever he should return — that’ll put a crimp in any of his future book-tour plans.

For those women who, like Dremousis, who simply got mad because he abruptly ended their consensual affairs — here’s some amazing advice: don’t expect a lasting, fulfilling relationship with someone who is already married. (Shocker, I know...)

@1: “Just a reminder how many people defended Alexie in the comments here...”

Wow, you wrote that exactly as if you’d provided actual links and quotes. But, um, see — you didn’t. So, are you merely ignorant, or ineffectually lying?

@26 If you haven’t printed out each hyperlink in large type and accosted Slog commenters on the street one-by-one with that physical evidence — well, um, you’re ignorant or lying.


I've avoided commenting until the stories went beyond the wink, wink, nod, nod stage. The NPR story filled in some of the missing details.

I support the Native women in the story who found the strength to come forward. None of them deserved to be treated that way by Alexie. Now that their story is out, may they find the strength and courage to heal.

Mr. Alexie is a piece of shit. How dare he treat women the way he did. He needs to step away and face himself and his actions in an honest way.

Lista Dremousis comes across as passive-agresive. What did she hope to get out her affair with Alexie? Why did she have an affair with a married man? When she contact Alexis' wife out of concern for her and her children, did she mention, "Oh, by the way, I f**ked your husband? Now that NPR has reported, she has been getting high fives on her Facebook page. One of her comments caught my eye. She said she brought Alexie food because he was in free fall. WTF? "Oh dear, Sherman! I'm bringing you food in your time of crisis! (Giggle) Pay no attention that I helped in your fall." (Giggle) Ms Dremouis is a piece of work.
Interesting how the libtards have sexual inappropriate behavoir too!!!!1! As a conservative, this validates my shitty, backward views on everything else.

Have you heard there’s gun violence by black people in Chicago? Well, I’m going to tell you about it on every possible medium.
@26: Reading all those comments too much work for your poor, widdle dainty self? Then don’t try to pretend you actually read them, foolio.

(How come your smug put-downs so easily get tossed right back in your face? You just don’t understand.)
@31 You probably missed it while you were furiously beating your micropenis with a very small pair of tweezers. Set down the barrel of lube and pay more attention.
@31 thanks for proving my point Bob! I’m sure you’re not racist, just a concerned citizen

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