
Hearing "plethora" only ever makes me think of this:…
Ah, so that's how Bud Tutmarc came to take guitar lessons from Sol Hoopii. The circle is complete.

The more you know...
No, please don't send in breakfast pics of your runny eggs or anything else.
@3 Nothing is grosser than the raw liver I prepped this morning for my dog. Put me right off my own breakfast, it did.
OK, I'm a hardline news junkie and even I've never heard of this beady-eyed, balding, inbred dingus Sam Nunberg, but you'd think that he'd be savvy enough to realize that the Ru$$iapublicans fit you for concrete pajamas and toss your carcass in the Atlantic after you go blabbing their evil schemes all over cable news.
Ha ha, this is great:

"You've reached the Robert Mueller plea deal office. Press 1 for Russian. Press 2 for English. Your guilty plea is very important to us. Your call will be answered in the order in which your felonies were committed. Please continue to hold."
(Staticky recording of Swan Lake plays in the background).
For the Cheese Story, you should have referenced the classic Monty Python sketch:
Well, now you've heard of him. That's all he ever wanted.

[book deal goes up by $200K]
What should I be taking from the way that Christopher and now Nathalie are scare-quoting “several dozen” accusers? Are we supposed to be relieved that the initial claim was 24+ but now the NPR-documented women total only 10? Are you concluding that Sherman Alexie’s behavior is 58% more acceptable?
Love that sketch!

"Oh, the cat's eaten it!"
@ 8,

By thoroughly discrediting... himself? Via an on-air allegedly booze 'n coke-fueled meltdown?

I confess I can't comprehend the madness by which Republinazis' lizard brains work--no sane, decent person can--however that wouldn't seem to be an effective marketing strategy to sell books.
Funny how it's all the liberals who are getting #metoo'd! The reality is that shit-libs are the ultimate hypocrites; they constantly project their sin's on others because they are ugly, hateful, and spiteful people.
@15 Ah, I see that you're suffering from the bigots' disease of only being able to see bad behavior from people you hate. Your eyes must be occluded by a layer of dripping puss everytime you read about Herr GropenfĂźhrer's and his RepubliKKKans' rapey behavior. You need to run to a doctor stat, before you're completely blind outside and dead inside! Late stage syphilis isn't something you should ignore
Bummer, try again in the interest of public service

@14 george_windsor

Ah, I see that you're suffering from the bigots' disease of only being able to see bad behavior from people you hate. Your eyes must be occluded by a layer of dripping puss everytime you read about Herr GropenfĂźhrer's and his RepubliKKKans' rapey behavior. You need to run to a doctor stat, before you're completely blind outside and dead inside! Late stage syphilis isn't something you should ignore!

Ugh, enough with all the cheese-y puns - I Camembert any more of them!
@14: on the contrary, it's only "shit-libs" that are holding their own to account. and alexie is not an elected official; he's a writer.

as Jesus of Nazareth said, first remove the beam out of your own eye, and then you can see clearly to remove the speck out of your brother's eye.

and then go fuck yourself with it.
@18 Even Rush Limberger doesn't like them.
@9: What should I be taking from the way that Christopher and now Nathalie are scare-quoting “several dozen” accusers?

Um, that Dremousis’ original claim to knowing “dozens of women,” each of whom was ready to accuse Alexie, was totally overblown — if not completely fabricated?

Or, maybe, just maybe, don’t believe every accusation you’re told to believe?

The Bub Boswells of this world will never, ever forgive Bill Clinton’s being propositioned for sex by a conventionally-attractive woman who was half his age. Of all their many, many bitter hatreds, the knowledge that he was sexually attractive in middle age, when they never, ever were — that hatred will burn in them forever and ever and ever.

And all that we can do is point. And laugh. ;-)
'... they constantly project their sin's on others
because they are ugly, hateful, and spiteful people."
A better example of Projection, you'll likely never find.
Thanks, Gee Dubya!

Why is it that rightwingers have a problem with the placement of apostrophes? It's getting so when I see that unnecessary apostrophe, I know what the poster's going to say.

I don’t believe anyone yet, not firmly, for what little that matters. I’m suggesting that this stupid numbers-game is trivializing the ten accusers who are very real.


Also, tensor, you make me extremely tired, and not in some gnawing “oh, how can someone be so competent & convincing” sense. You show a disingenuousness and smugness which mirror the darkest trends in our culture. I’m sure you’ll convince yourself there’s some type of victory in my exhaustion. Enjoy it.

@27: It almost leads one to believe that right-wing ideology is a product of being poorly educated (or not particularly smart), doesn't it? I'm sure that's not it though. It must be an extremely common coincidence.
I’m suggesting that this stupid numbers-game is trivializing the ten accusers who are very real.

You can take that complaint to Dremousis, who did make the as-yet unsupported claim she knew “dozens” of women who’d privately accused Alexie of, um, something other than consensually having sex with a woman who was not his wife.

For my own part, I don’t think Dremousis’ posturing, or the Stranger’s recounting of it, in any way diminishes Alexie’s actual accusers. I’ve already commented he should be threatened with prosecution for the cases where he touched a woman without her consent, so I believe his accusers and hope they see justice.
@27 & 30 If you two feel that education and intelligence are related to political ideology you might want to take a look at Marxism. Mr. Mudede's use of the word write for right is in another section of the blog.
@31 Fair enough - thank you for the response.

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