
I'm not sure I'm worried about this. There's no one that can be reasonably death penalized that La DEA wouldn't just executor directly in firefight. When was the last person who wore a suit Monday through Friday was executed by the state in this country?
Any death penalty case would take long enough to prosecute that this raging little elf will no longer be attorney general by the time it gets to trial.
I'm sure Rush Limbaugh is quaking in his socks.
Prosecutors in the Southern States, might, but of course they'll be executing trump voters.
Is this supposed to be a deterrent? The right loves to point out how drug dealers in Chicago regularly shoot each other. So if you are street level you already know you could be killed. Seems like if you are in the drug business you aren't a long term planner so not sure this will make anyone rethink their career choice.
Until they start executing pharmaceutical executives (especially those who pushed Oxycontin on the population as a non-addictive pain killer that should be given to every patient by every doctor), this is nothing but another way for white supremacists to murder black people and get away with it under the guise of "the law." Sessions should have long ago been disbarred and removed from his position in this white supremacist, criminal enterprise shit show in D.C.
As with so many decisions made by Trump and Republicans at large, there are only two things to say about it: 1) Either it's an incredibly stupid idea and the people who came up with it shouldn't be allowed to run a petting zoo, much less the government, or 2) they know it's a stupid idea that will waste time and money, with potentially disastrous consequences up to and including human lives, but they do it anyway for some craven political reason, in which case the people involved should immediately be thrown into the nearest shit-stained prison cell.
@8 yep. Politicizing and corrupting criminal justice enforcement will harm the country for a long, long time. You remember when the FBI was Hoover's mob?
The infuriating thing about just about all discourse regarding the 'opioid crisis' is that just about everyone participating in it seems completely oblivious to what it actually is: an overdose crisis, not one of over-availability of opioids, over-prescription, abuse, what have you, although all of those things may or may not figure into it as causes. And very likely the single greatest cause of the overdose crisis is addicts getting cut off from pharmaceutical grade opioids and turning to street drugs, so really the single greatest cause is a direct result of the reactionary, authoritarian response to the crisis. The drug war created the opioid crisis and ratcheting it up by increasingly persecuting addicts, people with legitimate pain issues and the doctors that treat them will surely do nothing but make it worse. Massively increasing access to drug replacement therapy, safe consumption sites and ending the practice of cutting off those who have become dependent on pain meds would pretty much end the opioid crisis.
Sessions looks like the demented grandson of Irene Ryan.
Sessions is just being a modern-day Republican here. Their response has always been to apply what looks like an immediate solution and damn the consequences, never to find the underlying cause of a problem and work to correct it -- that takes too much time and effort. Republicans are essentially lazy, which is why they constantly accuse other people of laziness -- pure projection.
In theory, I like the idea. Seems to be doing wonders in the Philippines. How many people would be alive today if they hadnt had access to illicit drugs. Where liberals like to make excuses like...”, boredom, unemployment, fragile family and community bonds, and a lack of options in life”, their reality says “I’m bored and Facebook is boring today, I think I’ll go to a local restaurant and shoot up in the bathroom”. As is always the case with liberals, they are great at making excuses but not creating actual tangible solutions. If they did, then it wouldnt have gotten to this point. They are worse than Republicans, if you ask me because this article enables the excuse-making. Its ok to let overdoses and deaths contiue, just dont go after those who supply them to our friends and relatives who die from the crap. Our friends and realtives were just bored or unemployed (because they were addicted). All this says is that liberals are cowards in the face of an epidemic all because they are afraid they might lose that precious weed - like Gollum and “the ring”. Bet they would want quick action if the epidemic were ebola.
Republicans are not only horrible people, they're really stupid as well. Their cynical leaders, who are only out for themselves, come up with ideas that appeal to morons - like the death penalty for drug cases - so that the morons will have something to be angry about when the normal people shoot down their ideas. It's the politics of resentment.

What the hell is a death penalty "theory"?
That it reduces crime? That's not a theory, that's a hypothesis, and it's been proven wrong, wrong, wrong.
"... liberals are cowards in the face of an epidemic all because they are afraid they might lose that precious weed... "

Your War on Drug (Users) sure as fuck didn't stop the weed from getting consumed right here in mass quantities, El Thorny. (Not the weed that kills hundreds of thousands. Oh, no.) You must have US confused with .. I dunno, who is it that beheads drug users? That what you crave? Public beheadings of suspected 'drug dealers'?

Evidence, schmevidence. We got us some Executin' to do! And the reptilian brain becomes, once again, dominate.

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