
OMG, that was enraging to watch. I had to practice deep breathing exercises to get through it. What a fucking weasel!!! And that doesn't even get into how straight up evil he is. Glad whatever his name was kept asking the question, but even so, I think he could have been much harder on Pence. What a fucking evil weasel... our vice president.... ugh.
Hopefully 2016 will be a turning point in LGBTQ etc. acceptance despite cons winning the white house, much like 2004 increased awareness and sympathy for same sex marriage
It's a simple matter of human nature: as LGBTQ+ rights have been established and codified into law and your "Average 'Murkin" has not seen the sky literally fall on their heads as a result, many have simply become, well, not exactly supportive (although that may be the case to some small degree), but at the very least inured to the reality that their completely irrational fear was totally misplaced. So now there appears to be far less grass-roots support for these bills, even from the far-Right, who surely must recognize (if only begrudgingly) that, as each day goes by with no negative consequences, their ability to frame their homophobia in terms of "slippery-slope" societal breakdown has become less and less persuasive, and so they've moved on to other issues where their innate bias and hatred can be focused to better effect (read: POC & immigrants).
Mx Wanna/M le Comte - It was a turning point, but in the other direction. Antagonism is on the rise, and it is definitely "cool" to be at least anti-gay again. My guess is that there's been very little real attitude change, and that "support" was just artificially high when it looked as if there were no chance of reversing the positive trend. But most people really just wanted the issues to go away, especially after marriage. Floating a lot of bills keeps the issues only too front and centre, and the people who really just want it all to go away and not make them have to think about it are still blaming us.

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